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Posts: 1,556
18:32 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I find it pointless me entering tournys, all I get in the main tourny room is everyone abusing me about how sad I am etc then when a mod comes in they all seem to shutup. Then when I'm in games fliam, wycombe_fc, bakke, harts, chuckie_doll and co. watch my games and try and put me off and I just get constant abuse all the time. I do tell the mods but they're usually too busy playing their own games to see this abuse and by the time they've finished my game is over. I do set them on ignore but they're even sad enough to come on as guests and distract me while I'm playing. Then when I'm knocked out they all PM me saying "LMFAO!!!! HAHAHAHAHA" or something, followed by "YER CRAP!!!". soz and hairy did sort it but they just continued when they left. Also everyone seems to have the erge of 'busting' me swearing.. like I say "damn" or "crap" and they take screenshots and report to a mod, they won't do it to anyone else tho.. I just wanna play tournys in peace, is it too much to ask..
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18:48 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
LMFAO seriously m8 i fink there jelouse coz ya better than em... i get it when iv won a torney and i enter 1 l8r on in the day and i lose i get like the regular 1st round losers pm'ing me sayin im a joke and im crap but just clearly i cant b that bad coz iv won 10 torneys and am always in top 50 ranks just as u are raiden so just dont put em on ignore and when they pm you just leave the convo window open and laf at em every now and again n they get bored lmao
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18:57 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i joined ur game once raiden and gave abuse for 1 frame. the only reason y i did that is cos u started givin me abuse first. u cnt deny that ur nearly always the 1 who starts it wit me first!
Deleted User
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19:01 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
not just you, raiden often does start a lot and then cries to the admins... but he does have some points about the admins ignoring users sometimes. i get it alot, and i know others who do too
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19:06 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
neva had a mod or admin ignore me :) lol just h8 it wen ppl say im crap when with 10 torney wins and 2.000+ wins i cant b can i? and i aint saayin im gr8 n if sum1 like revenge or raiden sed i was crap then i cud take it but i get regular 1st round losers callin me crap lmao
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19:30 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Well raiden u r 1 of da best players on dis game so they all must b seriously jelous of ya it dey giv u abuse its cos dey ant no gd n cnt play pool 4 sh1t lol i ant assed i no i ant ne gd not won a tourny yet bt keep on tryin like evri1 else i get to semis n lose lol like gettin 7 balled by chuckie_doll lmfao well ur defo in mi top 5 raiden m8 n der is point in u joinin tournies cos u av to catch up 2 revenge lol 8-)
Posts: 1,556
19:34 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i joined ur game once raiden and gave abuse for 1 frame. the only reason y i did that is cos u started givin me abuse first. u cnt deny that ur nearly always the 1 who starts it wit me first!

Why the hell would I start it, I just wanna play a tourny. If I lose I'll go bed or go watch some TV, I don't get a thrill over abusing people on a pool site.

not just you, raiden often does start a lot and then cries to the admins...

Seriously, shut up and actually play the game. For all the times I've been abused like hell you've never been there.
Posts: 1,556
19:35 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Well raiden u r 1 of da best players on dis game so they all must b seriously jelous of ya it dey giv u abuse its cos dey ant no gd n cnt play pool 4 sh1t lol i ant assed i no i ant ne gd not won a tourny yet bt keep on tryin like evri1 else i get to semis n lose lol like gettin 7 balled by chuckie_doll lmfao well ur defo in mi top 5 raiden m8 n der is point in u joinin tournies cos u av to catch up 2 revenge lol 8-)

Deleted User
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20:02 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
lol challenge i hope im in there 8-) lolol am only jkin m8
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20:04 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Unfortunately, I have entered raiden's games to see many people abusing him, and have consistently heard people doing it in chat rooms.

Although raiden has in fact earned himself a bed rep from previously, I think that people just need to stop.

He is an outstanding player, one of the best. If I catch people swearing/harrassing, so on I will boot. No matter who it is, even if it were raiden.

Just please, people, let him be. Put him on ignore if you don't like him, and then you both won't be bothered.

Thanks - oh ya, raiden, btw, hey toots.
Deleted User
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20:14 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
wot u on about raiden, the only reason i watched ur game was because i got knocked out , and u gave me a load of abuse 4 it.
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01:18 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
alright people calm down
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08:36 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Chuckie_doll, in all honesty man. If you lost you'd sign out or go play a ranked game on here or something, or join another game...Just a bit of a coincidence that you joined raidens game isnt it? Please explain to me why Chuckie_doll
Posts: 1,556
08:45 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by an admin
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08:49 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
janemba u prik, he joined my game and started givin me sh1t, i aint really boverd bout it. The problem is raiden is a little faggott who can give it out but wen sum1 gives it bk , he moans and lies on the forum like a little girl!
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08:51 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
raiden - User
(923 posts) 13:45 Tue 21/06/05 (BST)


chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t
chuckie_doll: i luv twa.t

What's his problem?

LMAO....stopped janemba givin me abuse , didnt it!!!
Deleted User
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08:56 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
It didnt actually, I was still giving you abuse even though you had me on ignore. Its just the fact that you're sad, it amuses me a great deal, thanks. Oh and im sorry about your dog...
Posts: 3,468
09:09 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
: )
Deleted User
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09:47 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok jenemba, u were still giving me abuse whilst i had my ignore on. I'm still tryin to work that 1 out!

Edited at 14:48 Tue 21/06/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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10:01 Tue 21 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
You're a common idiot man i swear...Think about it, in that brain of yours your mother keeps trying to tell you, you have. I was still giving you abuse, but you weren't seeing it cos you had me on ignore. Jesus i'm among a forum full of retards.

Edited at 15:11 Tue 21/06/05 (BST)
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