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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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23:59 Thu 19 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all clans please take a few minutes to look at the FCL website and see if your games are up to date. If you are missing any games then please post the game(s) on the result thread, if their is any missing then please remind your players to post their results on that page otherwise the website can not be fully up to date like we want it to be.


Thank you kindly,
Posts: 19,819
00:51 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
9US mighty_zeus 4 vs 2 fastboysam

guys this match has all ready been played so unsure why theres a sub lol
in fact all fbl games with us have been played :)
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00:53 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i didnt see it sorry. Thanks
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01:09 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Still no word from pusher.need a sub.
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01:41 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL fixture set 2

The Legend Killers (23) Vs (31) Mouseketeers

8US be_happy 4 vs 2 marksmith
8US wade_ 0 vs 6 samwisemac

9US mighty_zeus 4 vs 2 fastboysam
9US relisys (5) vs (1) thegreatone7

8UK davey_1985 (3) vs (3) mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n 4 vs 2 nick79theman

Straight khukuri 2 vs 4 stephenball
Straight haste 0 vs 6 punkpoet

Killer Legend Killers 1 vs 5 Mouseketeers

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01:42 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League II

2 games each of 8 US 8 UK and 9Ball

The Untouchables (13) v (12) The Legend Killers

aaron1973 v r1p0m4n
banana (5) v (2) _straight_
the_unknown (3) v (3) kingywhu
mattywellie (3) v (3) blueberry
dbno (2) v (4) davey_1985

Mouseketeers (5) v (7) The Legend Killers

samwisemac v relisys
mastroianni (1) v (5) _straight_
thegreatone7 v kingywhu
nick79theman v blueberry
fastboysam (4) v (2) davey_1985

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on 29/7/12

Good luck everybody! This is last set, before the playoffs!
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01:42 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 3

Uprising (12) v (18) The Legend Killers

skunkyfool (5) v (10) sniper
run_outt v kingywhu
spin_doctor v haste
unstopp4bl3 v mighty_zeus
walktall (7) v (8) relisys
irish_ninja v blueberry
scallo v r1p0m4n
cool_dude v davey_1985

The Legend Killers (30) vs (44) Untouchables

sniper (3) vs (12) the_only_ego
kingywhu (6) vs (9) polar_bear
haste (0) vs (0) mattywellie
mighty_zeus (0) vs (0) banana
relisys (4) vs (11) dbno
blueberry (7) vs (8) apples_back
r1p0m4n (0) vs (0) kingy
davey_1985 (10) vs (5) its_me

Deadline is midnight 29th July 2012
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01:43 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl Cup

Mouseketeers 13 vs 17 Legend Killers

marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy (7) vs (8) r1p0m4n
playa87 (6) vs (9) kingywhu
stephenball vs blueberry

Deadline is July 29th
Posts: 6,262
03:43 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice

uk 8ball 5-0
us 9ball 3-2
us 8ball 5-0

very well played hun :-)

just noticed this result well played hun

eggfriedrice aka 'Mike' is a top player and also a very good friend of mine, happy you're either a top player too, or got mike on a bad day, hes a machine to be careful with
Posts: 409
04:20 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just about to play aaron.. deciding game! hope i can pull it off for the Legend Killers..
Here goes..
aaron1973 (3) vs (3) r1p0m4n
8us - (0) vs (2)
9us - (2) vs (0)
8uk - (1) vs (1)
ggs m8!! vwp
i messed up the chance in 9 ball!! shoulda finished it easy.. ended up rattling the7 ball.. stupid me!!!
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06:39 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl Cup

Mouseketeers 18 vs 27 Legend Killers

marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy (7) vs (8) r1p0m4n
playa87 (6) vs (9) kingywhu
stephenball (5) vs (10) blueberry

Deadline is July 29th

Edited at 05:06 Fri 20/07/12 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
06:44 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Blueberry won that match 10 - 5 i believe mate.
Posts: 22,512
06:48 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

pusher v wade_

is now

blackcabman7 v wade_
Posts: 22,512
06:53 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

I can not do your team change in the FBL (smasher) as you actually have a full team on the FBL side, the FCL team change has been done as there was a space available. If you want smasher to be eligible for the next set of games in the FBL then you need to remove someone and add him again before Sunday.
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08:07 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Blueberry won that match 10 - 5 i believe mate.
I did put that he won.. just 4got to take off TBC ;)
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08:07 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

I can not do your team change in the FBL (smasher) as you actually have a full team on the FBL side, the FCL team change has been done as there was a space available. If you want smasher to be eligible for the next set of games in the FBL then you need to remove someone and add him again before Sunday.
You have got to be joking! I thought we cleared this up, can't i do it now, and have smasher play?!
Posts: 22,512
08:35 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No i am not joking, you posted that smasher was in but you had a full FBL team when you did so, for me to add him to your team you need to remove someone from your FBL team, if you do this before Sunday then smasher will be allowed to play in the fixtures that are due to be released on Sunday. You clearly never understood my above post at all as it says the same as this one.

For some reason you had removed players from the FCL team but not the FBL, i can't remove a player with out it being posted.
Posts: 19,819
09:00 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

marksmith vs _straight_ is now

marksmith vs mighty_zeus

you made the sub 3 days ago but you guys dont even have it on your thread lol and didn't post it on ours.
When you make subs you need to let us know.

Edited at 06:03 Fri 20/07/12 (BST)
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17:55 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixtures

Vipers (8) vs (16) The Legend Killers
8US hotdave (2) vs (4) relisys
8US mfc_ss vs mighty_zeus

9US fry06 (3) vs (3) sniper
9US blackcabman7 vs wade_

8UK howhigh vs haste
8UK x_connor (1) vs (5) fuunky

Straight ripped_rank vs khukuri(s)
Straight pixie_dust (2) vs (4) r1p0m4n

Killer Vipers vs Legend Killers

Deadline is 22nd July 2012

Edited at 16:05 Fri 20/07/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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19:06 Fri 20 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl Cup

Mouseketeers 18 vs 27 Legend Killers

marksmith vs mighty_zeus
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy (7) vs (8) r1p0m4n
playa87 (6) vs (9) kingywhu
stephenball (5) vs (10) blueberry

Deadline is July 29th
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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option)

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