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Snooker Squad (V) - Treble Champions: FBL, Super League, FCL Cup

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Posts: 38,097
20:43 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
well don't forget last week we practically begged you to sub but you didn't until the league was over, as i said on your thread i don't see the need to sub an active player out
Posts: 11,062
20:45 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No need to get involved in a discussion with them dgen.

If they were both online last night, no contact was made by either side. That's on both players.

We will not sub an active player to suit Shooters.

no, jose_enrique has been on every day, so no need to sub him.
He'll be on later most likely.
Deleted User
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20:51 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
well don't forget last week we practically begged you to sub but you didn't until the league was over, as i said on your thread i don't see the need to sub an active player out

show me the practically begged quote please...
we have players on line yeterday and to day ,, as in all day today, and have 2 online now as we speak

im not interested in the ys or therefores, its a ? of getting a game played

i answered your silly post earlier, you didnt reply
in your world players dont play in the last 3 days of a fixture...
ok please urself

ive asked again, you simply refused not once but many times,,
Posts: 11,062
20:52 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
jose_enrique is active and has been online every day. There is no reason in the world to sub him out.

He is our most active player, so it would not make sense to replace him.

He'll be online later and we won't comment any further on this.
Deleted User
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21:01 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
seb great post,,,

you got involved with fighting eagles against shooters
you got involved with latin legends against shooters

you seem to be a stickler for subs,, the latin legend rubbish may not have gone as far as it did without your interference
you seem to be behind most anti shooter posts and let everyone else push the buttons, then walk away,

not very nice that seb, a bit of a pattern is emerging , funkypool is supposed to be enjoyed, all i seem to read is your anti shooter rants and posts, then i get offline messages of your comments,, all make for very interesting reading

if youd like a few please tell me id kindly post them for you
they are your quotes afterall
Posts: 11,062
21:02 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I've had you on ignore for the last 6 months. That got thwarted when you got banned, so I had to stick you on ignore again...

I'm not sure why you're still here. I've answered your question about subs.

jose_enrique is active and has been online every day. There is no reason in the world to sub him out.

He is our most active player, so it would not make sense to replace him.

He'll be online later and we won't comment any further on this.
Posts: 6,262
21:02 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Me and ritcho just played 15 games together hoping jose or a sub may come on, what times will jose be so active between now and deadline so we can get this game played...

I have asked this question to him time and time again over the last week and never received a reply once, just silly comments..

Seb not comment, that made me smile
Posts: 11,062
21:06 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
jose_enrique is usually online at nights- very roughly between 8 and 2. At least that's been the case for the last 2 weeks. I don't know when he'll log in tonight.
Deleted User
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22:03 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
HAHAHA im not getting subbed out, ive no need to be, im online most nights, why should i get subbed out exactly? use waited till your player was 11 days offline, tools
Posts: 11,062
22:04 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lol shut up jose!!! Otherwise arguments will start again.
Deleted User
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22:10 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sick of folk saying i ignored them, when i didnt, arguments always seem to be with shooters, actually sick of it
Posts: 11,062
22:11 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lol i know, that's why I'm only communicating with them to ask or answer questions about subs.
Posts: 6,262
22:12 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You did ignore me, time and time again...

I can post the links if you have that bad a memory, and I'm not arguing just stating facts

So you can only ever play after 8pm is that your reply ?

And Snooker Squad refuse to sub you out if 'your' time windows doesn't suit , finally we are getting somewhere....
Posts: 11,062
22:14 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
We refuse to sub him out because he's our most active player. Why are you still trying to get a sub lol? He's online right now.
Posts: 38,097
22:14 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
what he said
Deleted User
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22:16 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You did ignore me, time and time again...

I can post the links if you have that bad a memory, and I'm not arguing just stating facts

So you can only ever play after 8pm is that your reply ?

And Snooker Squad refuse to sub you out if 'your' time windows doesn't suit , finally we are getting somewhere....

No i never sayed i can play after 8, i come on after work usuallly actually, ive worked 6 nights this week, hence the reason ive been on late, dont give me your garbage blueberry
Posts: 11,062
22:16 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyway, I'm off until tonight. See you!
Posts: 6,262
22:20 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
My garbage ? , I've asked for a week when suits you to play, posted links to remind you what I've asked and thats garbage..

Ok I'll leave it there as we're clearly getting nowhere
Posts: 38,097
22:20 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
cya seb, hopefully they will get it played soon
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:25 Sat 19 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
My garbage ? , I've asked for a week when suits you to play, posted links to remind you what I've asked and thats garbage..

Ok I'll leave it there as we're clearly getting nowhere

LOL ok, have fun babe, *kisses*
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Snooker Squad (V) - Treble Champions: FBL, Super League, FCL Cup

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