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Uprising - Revolution calls

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Posts: 2,800
22:54 Mon 23 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Think the main points for you to look at is why is mr_pink_eyes receiving as many as 7 points and why are the full 15 points are not being given out.
Posts: 22,512
22:58 Mon 23 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Before reopening the default i just had a look at it. The default panel are just going to come to the same conclusion as they did as no information was submitted by anyone at Uprising about that game at all, would be a pointless reopening of the default as nothing you have mentioned here was sent in and i have always said only information sent in by the deadline would be used.

Default panel are not permitted to reward the full 15 points if they don't think a player or players have deserved it.

For that reason the default will not to be reopened, if you wish to continue this further you can offline message me but my decision will remain the same Uprising.
Posts: 2,800
23:03 Mon 23 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes we would like this to be continued further as this just shows how much of a mockery this system is.

I suggest our clan doesn't play anymore FCL fixtures until this is resolved properly.
Posts: 22,512
23:06 Mon 23 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You handed no information in so in return you never got a result that you think you deserve, many other clans have done this in the past and they accept the decisions.

If Uprising captains message me and tell me that they will not participate in the rest of the games until the default at looked at (even though i explained above the outcome will be the same due to no information) then so be it Uprising will have their results removed from the website and the schedules will be re done to suite that. Making threats of boycotting games is not going to work, Sorry.
Posts: 2,800
23:15 Mon 23 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Your not really sorry though, not sure what I am expecting really this happens every season which just makes the league such a joke.
Posts: 22,512
23:19 Mon 23 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sorry that your little plan of threatening to leave the league or not play your games has no affect on me at all. I have messaged the captain of Uprising with all the details and will wait for his response on the matter in hand.

You don't seem to get the fact that no information was submitted by the deadline given, results in a loss in the default, you then argue it and try to make me reopen it and have it done again. What did you want me to do? accept information that is over four days late and allow it to be used? I don't think so it has never been done and never will.
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23:48 Mon 23 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with run outt here score should of be the other way around, just wonder did you guys handle any default info to jay?

Can I just interject that no default information passed through Jay, it all went through me and I can confirm no information was received from Uprising. Not that it going through Jay would have made any difference
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00:13 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There was no information submitted by any player for the defaults, walktall did send a message but it was a day after the deadline for information had passed. While other teams sent as much information as they could.

There was information giving on the Underdog default though and that is what resulted in run_outt winning that default.

Does this mean mr_pink_eyes didn't send anything in either? or did you just mean our players? Just really dont understand why i got 0 points after being on for pretty much everyday of the fixture and my opponent is offline for half of it, i dont understand how the default panel can get this score even with no info, would love to know what they sent in, if they sent in anything at all that is. As you said your not going to reopen it, just find the score against me is a bit of a joke, what was the point in me sending my opponent messages coming on pretty much everyday and unfortunatly it goes to default as i couldnt get on for the last couple days and i manage to get 0 points. And i know your going to say i should of sent in messages and other info etc, but tbh this was my first default and wasn't sure what i was suppose to do and didnt see anything on the thread about handing in default info.
Posts: 22,512
00:20 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I meant just your players.

Default panel are told to go by information handed in, they are not to take it upon them self to read a thread and use information that was not submitted. It will not be reopened for that reason alone as no more information is allowed to be handed in on the game as the deadline passed. Also pixie_dust send message to your captain about the information and when it was to be handed in.
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01:01 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Also woowoo69 6-1 against walktall, i mean there clan are virtually impossible to get a hold of at times and there captain does very little in way of subs.

Not sure why the Team Angry default were posted on their thread to let them know and ours just left us to stumble upon.

Would love to know how these scores are decided, do you just randomly think of a score?

Eenie meenie minie mo
Posts: 7,974
01:38 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
default panel scores

if no informaqtion is posted zero points (easy) captains problem

however i dont see any help to assist new captsins or vices in the setting up etc or any formal help

so unless you know how to do it, it aint easy

when i did defaults of which ive never been told i was rubbish
most people told me i was v good thats is a fact

i did the job and read threw threads, unlike the lazzy default panel people today, however rules are rules
very easy cop out

whilst i was doing defaults, crazzy eights never put default info in, i ask did they ever know what to do or where they just to lazzy to do so
Posts: 7,974
01:42 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i would add it is the players themselves and the vice and captains responsibility to do default info

if you have any infuture ppl ask me and i will gladly assist you

remember to post uve messaged opponents
do it on this thread and you opponents

also post if youve had no response after 2 to 3 days

then post all the events surrounding the game not being played, remember ppl play to win by following the above format

captains and vice capts ask for subs, post everything

if default staff are not looking at anything other than info sent you need to play the game. or looooooose
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01:45 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig your input is not necessary! Our defaults panel is fine, they are asked to go on the information sent to us, if there is no information we are not going to ask them to spend hours trawling this website for information a clan was too lazy to send in.

And stop having a dig at Crazy Eights all the frigging time! You never asked me for default info it was Sarah and the reason was I was having a baby, not that I didn't know what I was doing or I was lazy. Get over yourself, jeez!

Do not bother replying, I am not interested!
Deleted User
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01:50 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It was posted on this thread plus UT's thread about him being offline 7days, but obviously they don't take this into account, or how active i was during the fixture set, its all down to default info which i said before i wasn't really too sure about what to do and didn't receive any messages or see on the thread about when to hand this in and who too. Although i think from what they said, skunkyfool was messaged. Still dont get how i get 0 points though, i would of thought the default panel would be aloud to use a bit of common sense aswell and not just use what was put in front of them. But they are just going to argue the fact we should of sent in the info and this will just go back and forth so im just going to leave it there.
Deleted User
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02:23 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I have no issue justifying my decisions on the default panel. I judge it purely on the information sent in as requested. The common sense you seem to think i and others don't have is not a flaw of mine but simply of your captain. All teams are requested their default information on their threads, captain or player sent none. Therefor no points. This is not a new idea! This has always been the case. Perhaps you should tell your captain off instead of having a go at us.
Posts: 7,974
02:33 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig your input is not necessary! Our defaults panel is fine, they are asked to go on the information sent to us, if there is no information we are not going to ask them to spend hours trawling this website for information a clan was too lazy to send in.

And stop having a dig at Crazy Eights all the frigging time! You never asked me for default info it was Sarah and the reason was I was having a baby, not that I didn't know what I was doing or I was lazy. Get over yourself, jeez!

Do not bother replying, I am not interested!

grow up

crazzy 8s a total joke when comming to defaults
harp on all you like its a fact
Posts: 38,097
02:36 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
either way Craig it is not needed or relevant to the current discussion.
Posts: 7,974
02:36 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I have no issue justifying my decisions on the default panel. I judge it purely on the information sent in as requested. The common sense you seem to think i and others don't have is not a flaw of mine but simply of your captain. All teams are requested their default information on their threads, captain or player sent none. Therefor no points. This is not a new idea! This has always been the case. Perhaps you should tell your captain off instead of having a go at us.

aint having ago at anyone

show me anywhere please where skunky has been told or shown how to do a default correctly

even simple tasks like doing links,

easy way out ,, no information sent, am i wrong there are teams who play for deafults and play the game all the way

or am i a cuckooo
you know it tokko,
Posts: 38,097
02:39 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
about the default, i am not apart of the panel but people do forget to submit information to defaults team then you won't get the default you are looking for. If you submitted all your efforts to the runners then they would have a lot more to go on than one side of the coin and would be done more accurate.
Posts: 7,974
02:40 Tue 24 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Uprising v The Legend Killers

8US: the__priest 5 v 1 blueberry

well done col good games as always m8
best of luck in your new clan m8
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