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22:50 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
stephenball vs rubber_duck
is now
stephenball vs whocares8x8

reverse back to ducky as playing now

Wasn't informed before game was started game is void


Rubber duck 11 - 4 Stephenball
Posts: 19,819
23:02 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL fixture set 4

Untouchables (78) Vs (27) Mouseketeers

scott7a 9 vs 6 marksmith
fuunky 13 vs 2 samwisemac
the_unknown 13 vs 2 fleetwood
jimmy__1878 (9) vs (6) playa87
banana (10) vs (5) stephenball
its_me 11vs 4 punkpoet
madmiketyson vs beth
mr_pink_eyes 13 vs 2 firepower

Mouseketeers 46 Vs 29 The Legend Killers

nick79theman 9 vs 6 blueberry
fleetwood 12 vs 3 familyguy0
mastroianni vs mighty_zeus
samwisemac 7 vs 8 relsyies
punkpoet (13) vs (2) sniper
thegreatone7 (6) vs (9) kingywhu
marksmith vs ads19
stephenball vs khukuri

FCL CUP semi final

Mouseketeers 29 Vs 78 Snooker Squad

marksmith 7 vs 8 meadow
samwisemac 7 vs 8 tokko
punkpoet 0 vs 15 lethal_lures
fleetwood 2 vs 13 slatty
stephenball 4 vs 11 rubber_duck
nick79theman 4 vs 11 dgeneratio
playa87 (3) vs (12) jose_enrique

Deadline 12/8/12

Edited at 22:49 Thu 09/08/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:02 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fleetwood vs familyguy0

12.3 to fleetwood ggs m8
Posts: 19,819
23:04 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL fixture set 4

Mouseketeers 8 Vs 22 The Legend Killers

8US fleetwood vs blueberry
8US samwisemac vs khukuri

9US playa87 vs wade_
9US thegreatone7 3 vs 3 sniper

8UK nick79theman 2 vs 4 relisys
8UK mastroianni vs familyguy0

Straight punkpoet 0 vs 6 lars_4
Straight marksmith 2 vs 4 se7en

Killer 1 vs 5

Untouchables (10) Vs (2) Mouseketeers

8US banana vs samwisemac
8US vendetta vs stephenball

9US polar_bear vs tartanrox
9US mr_pink_eyes 3 vs 3 playa87

8UK its_me vs ryanbelfast
8UK fuunky (4) vs (2) thegreatone7

Straight dbno 6 vs 0 punkpoet
Straight r1p0m4n vs marksmith

Killer vs

19th August 2012

Edited at 21:57 Thu 09/08/12 (BST)

Edited at 20:39 Sat 11/08/12 (BST)
Posts: 6,262
23:08 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
When ya wanna play fleetwood ?
Posts: 19,819
23:25 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
When ya wanna play fleetwood ?

Hes gone to eat mate, could of asked him in game
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:27 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
relisys vs nick79theman

4-2 to relisys

sorry they played like 9 days ago, and result wasnt posted.
Posts: 6,262
23:27 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks for that permission Zac
Posts: 19,819
23:40 Sat 11 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks for that permission Zac

Just seems like your doing it for the default info matey, maybe for folk that do have driven me paranoid.
Posts: 38,097
00:02 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Defaults

Mouseketeers vs Underdogs

fleetwood 0-0 9balljay
playa87 5-1 lfc07

Untouchables vs Underdogs

mr_pink_eyes 4-1 chris (average)

Untouchables vs Legend Killers

its_me 1-3 sniper (average)
mattywellie 6-0 haste
dark_chocco 0-0 lars_4
banana 2-2 khukuri (average)
madmiketyson 0-0 ads19

If you have any questions or comments about these defaults, please message me and I'll be happy to discuss/argue the decisions with you . Please keep it off the threads.
Posts: 38,097
00:06 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks for that permission Zac

Just seems like your doing it for the default info matey, maybe for folk that do have driven me paranoid.

even though we can see the effort the info still needs to be sent to us just like if you message offline, its not our job to trial through threads and nor will it ever be
Posts: 6,262
00:18 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks for that permission Zac

Just seems like your doing it for the default info matey, maybe for folk that do have driven me paranoid.

how many of my fixtures go to default and who have I ever avoided playing, noone

was just posting pal ... everythings cool

I'm asking noone to search anywhere either
Posts: 19,819
00:23 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks for that permission Zac

Just seems like your doing it for the default info matey, maybe for folk that do have driven me paranoid.

how many of my fixtures go to default and who have I ever avoided playing, noone

was just posting pal ... everythings cool

I'm asking noone to search anywhere either

Col I was having a laugh.
Posts: 6,262
00:25 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm smiling
Posts: 19,819
00:26 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Defaults

Mouseketeers vs Underdogs

fleetwood 0-0 9balljay
playa87 5-1 lfc07

Untouchables vs Underdogs

mr_pink_eyes 4-1 chris (average)

Untouchables vs Legend Killers

its_me 1-3 sniper (average)
mattywellie 6-0 haste
dark_chocco 0-0 lars_4
banana 2-2 khukuri (average)
madmiketyson 0-0 ads19

If you have any questions or comments about these defaults, please message me and I'll be happy to discuss/argue the decisions with you . Please keep it off the threads.

Disagree with the above as we had subs ready willing and able.
Think the ammount of subs should be taken into effect.
For example lks have no subs to be used but we have loads lol but if thats not taken to effect it handicaps us.

edit - only just saw the not on threads bit. Buts whats written is written lol.
Posts: 19,819
00:27 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im not after a 0-0 default when we had 2 or 3 subs online waiting for an underdog player to show.
Posts: 38,097
00:29 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thing is if players send no info they get a 0, its like i said though we don't trial through threads so its up to the players to spoon feed us the information

if you still disagree then message me
Posts: 19,819
00:31 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thing is if players send no info they get a 0, its like i said though we don't trial through threads so its up to the players to spoon feed us the information

if you still disagree then message me

i sent you that info. no point chatting about it. Think its a bad call thats my opinion, end of it as for as I see it.
Posts: 38,097
00:33 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
that was for the playa default, i didn't hear anything about fleetwood but your right whats done is done.
Posts: 6,262
00:35 Sun 12 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Is it trail ?

I always though of trial as like a murder inquiry ?

But if you see the info by chance on thread is it taken into account I ask?
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