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Posts: 8,885
18:00 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
can we please take it off here and through pms please for 1 its making the clan look very untidy and 2 its ment to be for fun but nower days people would rather annoy other people its beyond a joke now!!

any way i best find the fixtures lol
Posts: 8,885
18:01 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Underdogs 32 vs 43 Mouseketeers

hardy202 0 vs 15 be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69 vs thegreatone7
lfc07 vs samewisemac
redalert124vs fleetwood
chris 12 vs 3 nick79theman
9balljay 8 vs 7 playa87
jooodles 4 vs 11 stephenball

Fcl Cup

Mouseketeers 27 vs 33 Legend Killers

marksmith vs mighty_zeus
samwisemac 9 vs 6 davey_1985
be_happy 7 vs 8 r1p0m4n
playa87 6 vs 9 kingywhu
stevenball 5 vs 10 blueberry

Deadline 29/07/12
5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Posts: 8,885
18:02 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
super league fixture 5

Mouseketeers 5 v 19 Latin Legends

marksmith 2 v 4 w_hoolahan
be_happy 2 v 4 scooby
stephenball 1 v 5 i_am_rubbish
fleetwood 0 v 6 2h0t2p0t
punkpoet v tolouca321
Or whoever wants to play it lol

Mouseketeers 9 v 9 The Legend Killers

samwisemac v relisys
mastroianni 1 v 5 _straight_
thegreatone7 (4) v (2) kingywhu
nick79theman v blueberry
fastboysam 4 v 2 davey_1985

2 games of 9b 8b and 8buk. Bonus point for run out or GB.
Deadline 29/7/12
Posts: 8,885
18:02 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL fixture set 3

Mouseketeers 10 Vs 2 Underdogs

8US be_happy 6 vs 0 hardy202
8US samwisemac vs lfc07

9US fastboysam vs 9balljay
9US thegreatone7 vs welshie

8UK ryanbelfast vs redalert124
8UK mastroianni vs 0utlaw

Straight punkpoet vs woowoo69
Straight marksmith (4) vs (2) chris

Killer Mouseketeers vs Underdogs

Vipers (6) vs (18) Mouseketeers

8US family_man vs samwisemac
8US rhinofool (1) vs (5) stephenball

9US blackcabman7 (3) vs (3) tartanrox
9US pixie_dust (2) vs (4) playa87

8UK fry06 vs no1hustl3r
8UK hotdave vs fleetwood

Straight davey_1985 vs be_happy
Straight bluenose1872 (0) vs (6) marksmith

Killer Vipers vs Mouseketeers

Deadline 5/8/12
Posts: 2,182
18:03 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry Zak for filling up your thread with this stuff. We mean no harm to your fellow Mice, but you gotta see it's not right that shadows was competing in 2 clans at the same time? You know I'm no liar, and he admitted it to me and at least 2 others that aren't in Uprising whilst playing killer. Unlike cool_dude, I don't actually mind the guy - but all these daft games he plays is infuriating! If he just stuck to one account and didn't deactivate he'd be a great player for any clan!
Anyways, if you're short for a player I may know someone! :)
Posts: 19,819
18:07 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
For starters its zac ;)
And yes I understand why its posted on here just don't feel my players should have to search for it to look for messages. On a personal note if you read earlier I mentioned im unwell. I don't want sympathy just saying annoying have to read through the stuff that doesn't really concern me.
I have been told all accounts conneced to shadows have a 2 season ban thats all I need to know :)
And skunky send me a message lol. Could do with a new player for next fixture.
Posts: 8,885
18:19 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
u have me thats all u need lol
Posts: 19,819
18:23 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Whey lol ;) all im really focused on our theese 3 fcl games with underdogs. want to get the sl games dione but fcls more important.
But as you and me are both eligable and sam should play tonight shouldnt be a problem.
Posts: 8,885
18:24 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yup will get them done
Posts: 19,819
18:35 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Straight davey_1985 vs be_happy

is now

Straight davey_1985 vs punkpoet
Posts: 38,097
23:41 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

UT vs Mouse

dark_chocco 1-3 marksmith

If you have any questions or comments about these defaults, please message me and I'll be happy to discuss/argue the decisions with you. Please keep it off the threads.
Posts: 22,512
23:44 Thu 26 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League Tables

Division One & Two league tables have been fully updated to the end of fixture set two. If you have any questions about the overall scores then please message either bluenose1872 or pixie_dust.

Div One:
Div Two:

Posts: 19,819
00:07 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
mouses vs underdogs
punkpoet 2 vs 4 woowoo69
ggs matey look orward to more matches :)
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00:25 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
mouses vs underdogs
punkpoet 2 vs 4 woowoo69
ggs matey look orward to more matches :)

You were very unlucky and should have beat me, Credit to your clan for not complaining and hope your clan mates follow your example
Pleasure to have played you
Posts: 19,819
00:27 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
mouses vs underdogs
punkpoet 2 vs 4 woowoo69
ggs matey look orward to more matches :)

You were very unlucky and should have beat me, Credit to your clan for not complaining and hope your clan mates follow your example
Pleasure to have played you

Thanks matey, don't like moaners at the end of the day, though yeah in the last one I did have alot of bad luck lol but there you go :) Knowing my form I will probs hit a 30 in abit lol.
Posts: 8,885
01:26 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
hello team
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(IP Logged)
03:02 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
samwisemac 11 - 4 lfc07

3-2 8us
3-2 9us
5-0 8uk

Thank you for the games kind of got lucky afew times but ggs.
Posts: 8,885
03:54 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Underdogs 36 vs 54 Mouseketeers

hardy202 0 vs 15 be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69 vs thegreatone7
lfc07 (4) vs (11) samewisemac
redalert124vs fleetwood
chris 12 vs 3 nick79theman
9balljay 8 vs 7 playa87
jooodles 4 vs 11 stephenball

Fcl Cup

Mouseketeers 27 vs 33 Legend Killers

marksmith vs mighty_zeus
samwisemac 9 vs 6 davey_1985
be_happy 7 vs 8 r1p0m4n
playa87 6 vs 9 kingywhu
stevenball 5 vs 10 blueberry

Deadline 29/07/12
5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Posts: 8,885
04:57 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
any news on cup game bein played??
Posts: 22,512
06:23 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all clans please send in their team list for fixture set four to bluenose1872 by Saturday the 28th @ Midnight please. If you are unsure on who you are playing then i have provided the links to each division schedule.

Div One:
Div Two:

Semi Final Clan Cup

Can the following clans please send your team list of 7 players for the clan cup to bluenose1872 by Saturday the 28th @ Midnight please.

Snooker Squad
Legend Killer/Mouseketeers
Latin Legends/Underdogs

Teams with another team next to their name need to send in a list incase their team is successful in making it to the next round.

Thank you.
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