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04:49 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
fair enough
I'm available to lose at all game types for both fbl and fcl, even fsl if u like!!
fair enough
04:59 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
sam your the best looser we got
Make that joke to an admin good move
I'm available to lose at all game types for both fbl and fcl, even fsl if u like!!
sam your the best looser we got
Make that joke to an admin good move
05:00 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
we all knew you were weird Beth
soo i must be weird as i like fsl lol
we all knew you were weird Beth
05:02 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl fixture 3
Mouseketeers 12 vs 3 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam vs hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
Underdogs 8 vs 7 Mouseketeers
hardy202vs be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69vs firepower
tombstone74 vs samewisemac
0utlawvs fleetwood
lilmisscragg vs nick79theman
9balljayvs playa87
jooodlesvs stephenball
Fcl Cup
Mouseketeers 0 vs 0 Legend Killers
marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy vs r1p0m4n
playa87 vs kingywhu
stevenball vs i_am_beast
Deadline 29th of june, 5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Edited at 23:04 Mon 16/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 12 vs 3 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam vs hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
Underdogs 8 vs 7 Mouseketeers
hardy202vs be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69vs firepower
tombstone74 vs samewisemac
0utlawvs fleetwood
lilmisscragg vs nick79theman
9balljayvs playa87
jooodlesvs stephenball
Fcl Cup
Mouseketeers 0 vs 0 Legend Killers
marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy vs r1p0m4n
playa87 vs kingywhu
stevenball vs i_am_beast
Deadline 29th of june, 5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Edited at 23:04 Mon 16/07/12 (BST)
09:18 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL fixture set 2
The Legend Killers (13) Vs (17) Mouseketeers
8US be_happy 4 vs 2 marksmith
8US wade_ 0 vs 6 samwisemac
9US mighty_zeus vs fastboysam
9US relisys (5) vs (1) thegreatone7
8UK davey_1985 vs mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n 4 vs 2 nick79theman
Straight khukuri 0 vs 1 stephenball TBC
Straight haste 0 vs 6 punkpoet
Killer Legend Killers vs Mouseketeers
Mouseketeers (10) Vs (26) Untouchables
8US samwisemac vsmattywellie
8US stephenball (3) vs (3) the_unknown
9US ryanbelfast 3 vs 3 madmiketyson
9US firepower vsmr_pink_eyes
8UK fleetwood 1 vs 5 its_me
8UK playa87 3 vs 3 the_only_ego
Straight punkpoet 0 vs 6 banana
Straight marksmith vsdark_chocco
Killer Mouseketeers 0 vs 6 Untouchables
Deadline 22/7/12
The Legend Killers (13) Vs (17) Mouseketeers
8US be_happy 4 vs 2 marksmith
8US wade_ 0 vs 6 samwisemac
9US mighty_zeus vs fastboysam
9US relisys (5) vs (1) thegreatone7
8UK davey_1985 vs mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n 4 vs 2 nick79theman
Straight khukuri 0 vs 1 stephenball TBC
Straight haste 0 vs 6 punkpoet
Killer Legend Killers vs Mouseketeers
Mouseketeers (10) Vs (26) Untouchables
8US samwisemac vsmattywellie
8US stephenball (3) vs (3) the_unknown
9US ryanbelfast 3 vs 3 madmiketyson
9US firepower vsmr_pink_eyes
8UK fleetwood 1 vs 5 its_me
8UK playa87 3 vs 3 the_only_ego
Straight punkpoet 0 vs 6 banana
Straight marksmith vsdark_chocco
Killer Mouseketeers 0 vs 6 Untouchables
Deadline 22/7/12
09:19 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
super league fixture 5
Mouseketeers 5 v 13 Latin Legends
marksmith 2 v 4 w_hoolahan
be_happy 2 v 4 scooby
stephenball 1 v 5 i_am_rubbish
fleetwood v 2h0t2p0t
no1hustl3r v magicman_no1
Mouseketeers 4 v 2 The Legend Killers
samwisemac v i_am_beast
mastroianni v _straight_
thegreatone7 v kingywhu
nick79theman v blueberry
fastboysam 4 v 2 davey_1985
2 games of 9b 8b and 8buk. Bonus point for run out or GB.
Deadline 29/7/12
Mouseketeers 5 v 13 Latin Legends
marksmith 2 v 4 w_hoolahan
be_happy 2 v 4 scooby
stephenball 1 v 5 i_am_rubbish
fleetwood v 2h0t2p0t
no1hustl3r v magicman_no1
Mouseketeers 4 v 2 The Legend Killers
samwisemac v i_am_beast
mastroianni v _straight_
thegreatone7 v kingywhu
nick79theman v blueberry
fastboysam 4 v 2 davey_1985
2 games of 9b 8b and 8buk. Bonus point for run out or GB.
Deadline 29/7/12
09:20 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl fixture 3
Mouseketeers 12 vs 3 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam vs hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
Underdogs 8 vs 7 Mouseketeers
hardy202vs be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69vs firepower
tombstone74 vs samewisemac
0utlawvs fleetwood
lilmisscragg vs nick79theman
9balljayvs playa87
jooodlesvs stephenball
Fcl Cup
Mouseketeers 0 vs 0 Legend Killers
marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy vs r1p0m4n
playa87 vs kingywhu
stevenball vs i_am_beast
Deadline 29th of june, 5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Edited at 23:04 Mon 16/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 12 vs 3 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam vs hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
Underdogs 8 vs 7 Mouseketeers
hardy202vs be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69vs firepower
tombstone74 vs samewisemac
0utlawvs fleetwood
lilmisscragg vs nick79theman
9balljayvs playa87
jooodlesvs stephenball
Fcl Cup
Mouseketeers 0 vs 0 Legend Killers
marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy vs r1p0m4n
playa87 vs kingywhu
stevenball vs i_am_beast
Deadline 29th of june, 5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Edited at 23:04 Mon 16/07/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:31 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
Hi do you have a sub for mastroianni vs davey_1985? davey is online most time today..not sure when mastro is getting online.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:21 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
mastroianni is active enough and theres still a few days left zac has told us he wont sub a active player out until theres 3 days left on the fixture mate
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
18:57 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
lilmisscragg has been off for 14 days lol might need a sub
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
19:06 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl fixture 3
Underdogs vs Mouseketeers
jooodles vs stephenball
8ball us
jooodles (2) vs (3) stephenball
9ball us
jooodles (1) vs (4) stephenball
8ball uk
jooodles (1) vs (4) stephenball
some very scrappy games, lasted longer than it should of but we got through in the end, couple of unlucky misses by joodles that left me on.....
good games!!.....
Joodles (4) - (11) stephenball overall!
Underdogs vs Mouseketeers
jooodles vs stephenball
8ball us
jooodles (2) vs (3) stephenball
9ball us
jooodles (1) vs (4) stephenball
8ball uk
jooodles (1) vs (4) stephenball
some very scrappy games, lasted longer than it should of but we got through in the end, couple of unlucky misses by joodles that left me on.....
good games!!.....
Joodles (4) - (11) stephenball overall!
20:44 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl fixture 3
Mouseketeers 12 vs 3 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam vs hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
fastboysam 13 - 2 hotdave
us 8ball
i played intentional foul which he took offense to and i felt he played the rest with a cloud over him which is a shame. he deserved much more than 2.
us 9 ball
uk 8 ball
ggs vul mate good luck for rest of season.
Mouseketeers 12 vs 3 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam vs hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
fastboysam 13 - 2 hotdave
us 8ball
i played intentional foul which he took offense to and i felt he played the rest with a cloud over him which is a shame. he deserved much more than 2.
us 9 ball
uk 8 ball
ggs vul mate good luck for rest of season.
21:04 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
Gold star :D
And very correct I am open to make exceptions but moustro is probably one of our 3 most active players.
mastroianni is active enough and theres still a few days left zac has told us he wont sub a active player out until theres 3 days left on the fixture mate
Gold star :D
And very correct I am open to make exceptions but moustro is probably one of our 3 most active players.
21:05 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
stephen and sam great results :D
nick I will try and ask for a sub :)
nick I will try and ask for a sub :)
21:18 Tue 17 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl fixture 3
Mouseketeers 25 vs 5 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam 13 vs 2 hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
Underdogs 12 vs 18 Mouseketeers
hardy202vs be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69vs firepower
tombstone74 vs samewisemac
0utlawvs fleetwood
lilmisscragg vs nick79theman
9balljayvs playa87
jooodles 4 vs 11 stephenball
Fcl Cup
Mouseketeers 0 vs 0 Legend Killers
marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy vs r1p0m4n
playa87 vs kingywhu
stevenball vs i_am_beast
Deadline 29th of june, 5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Edited at 23:04 Mon 16/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 25 vs 5 Vipers
punkpoet vs _hot_potter_
tartanrox vs x_connor
thegreatone7 vs pixie_dust
fastboysam 13 vs 2 hotdave
ryanbelfast vs mfc_ss
no1hustl3r vs blackcabman7
be_happy 12 vs 3 howhigh
mastroianni vs fry06
Underdogs 12 vs 18 Mouseketeers
hardy202vs be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69vs firepower
tombstone74 vs samewisemac
0utlawvs fleetwood
lilmisscragg vs nick79theman
9balljayvs playa87
jooodles 4 vs 11 stephenball
Fcl Cup
Mouseketeers 0 vs 0 Legend Killers
marksmith vs _straight_
samwisemac vs davey_1985
be_happy vs r1p0m4n
playa87 vs kingywhu
stevenball vs i_am_beast
Deadline 29th of june, 5 racks of 9b 8b 8buk
do your best, send your messages :D
Edited at 23:04 Mon 16/07/12 (BST)
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