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03:12 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL fixture set 2
Mouseketeers 27Vs 64 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs the_only_ego
fleetwood 2 Vs 13mattywellie
marksmith 5 Vs 7 dark_chocco unfinished
playa87 3 Vs 12 banana
fastboysam 4 Vs 11 polar_bear
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 41 Vs 49 Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac
haste Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
relisys 8 Vs 7 firepower
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
Mouseketeers 27Vs 64 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs the_only_ego
fleetwood 2 Vs 13mattywellie
marksmith 5 Vs 7 dark_chocco unfinished
playa87 3 Vs 12 banana
fastboysam 4 Vs 11 polar_bear
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 41 Vs 49 Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac
haste Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
relisys 8 Vs 7 firepower
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
03:12 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL fixture set 2
The Legend Killers (9) Vs (3) Mouseketeers
8US be_happy 4 vs 2 marksmith
8US wade_ vs samwisemac
9US mighty_zeus vs fastboysam
9US relisys (5) vs (1) thegreatone7
8UK khukuri vs mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n vs nick79theman
Straight davey_1985 vs eggfriedrice
Straight haste vs punkpoet
Killer Legend Killers vs Mouseketeers
Mouseketeers (3) Vs (3) Untouchables
8US samwisemac vspolar_bear
8US stephenball (3) vs (3) the_unknown
9US ryanbelfastvs vendetta
9US firepower vsmr_pink_eyes
8UK fleetwood vs its_me
8UK playa87 vs apples_back
Straight eggfriedrice vsbanana
Straight marksmith vsdark_chocco
Killer Mouseketeers vs Untouchables
Deadline 22/7/12
The Legend Killers (9) Vs (3) Mouseketeers
8US be_happy 4 vs 2 marksmith
8US wade_ vs samwisemac
9US mighty_zeus vs fastboysam
9US relisys (5) vs (1) thegreatone7
8UK khukuri vs mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n vs nick79theman
Straight davey_1985 vs eggfriedrice
Straight haste vs punkpoet
Killer Legend Killers vs Mouseketeers
Mouseketeers (3) Vs (3) Untouchables
8US samwisemac vspolar_bear
8US stephenball (3) vs (3) the_unknown
9US ryanbelfastvs vendetta
9US firepower vsmr_pink_eyes
8UK fleetwood vs its_me
8UK playa87 vs apples_back
Straight eggfriedrice vsbanana
Straight marksmith vsdark_chocco
Killer Mouseketeers vs Untouchables
Deadline 22/7/12
03:13 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
oops cut the deadline off fcl you know its this sunday though :)
03:17 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
Thats the second game to go to a 38 - 37 scoreline in the first round of the cup . Nice win there Mouse's!
03:19 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
Cheers was close as it was 37-37 at one point
Then Lee fouled black which tbh we didnt want to win like that but thats how it goes.
Thats the second game to go to a 38 - 37 scoreline in the first round of the cup . Nice win there Mouse's!
Cheers was close as it was 37-37 at one point
Then Lee fouled black which tbh we didnt want to win like that but thats how it goes.
03:20 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
Eh Snooker Squad v Uprising (Snooker Squad won)
04:01 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
superleague players championship
marksmit vs redalert124
8us 2-0
8uk 1-1
9us 2-0
overall 5-1
marksmit vs redalert124
8us 2-0
8uk 1-1
9us 2-0
overall 5-1
04:17 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
If that is the actual players championship then it has been played wrong mate. Meant to play 3 racks in the 3 game types.
04:22 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
Yes, well I asked poolbiird about that, and she said it was 2 of eat. Or was it poobiird? I can't remember
04:24 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
old age gettin to u mark surpised jay picked up on it as hes the oldest hahah
04:25 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
Hey people give me credit I jumped in marks pm and told him lol
04:26 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
If you'd asked me i would have said 5!!!
Yes, well I asked poolbiird about that, and she said it was 2 of eat. Or was it poobiird? I can't remember
If you'd asked me i would have said 5!!!
04:28 Sat 14 Jul 12 (BST)
Seriously it was Angela, she said, and I quote, "It's 2 of each for TPC". You all believe me don't you?
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