Mouseketeers ~ The Rodents Return
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23:42 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL fixtue set one
Mouseketeers 33 vs 15 Vipers
8US tartanrox vs blakccabman
8US fastboysam (4) vs (2) fry06
9US mastroianni 3 vs 3 matthew95_8
9US ryanbelfast 3 vs 3 thegreatone7
8UK fleetwood (3) vs (3) mfc_ss
8UKmarksmith 4 vs 2 rhinofool
Straight samwisemac 6 vs 0 pixie_dust
Straight punkpoet 6 vs 0hotdave
Killer marksmith, punkpoet, samwisemac 4 vs 2 pixie_dust rhinofool and hotdave
Killer 3 vs 3 match 2
Uprising 27 vs 27 Mouseketeers
8US unstopp4bl3 (5) vs (1) playa87
8US spin_doctor (4) vs (2) mastroianni
9US irish_ninja (2) vs (4) punkpoet
9US scallo (5) vs (1) firepower
8UK run_outt (2) vs (4) samwisemac
8UK cool_dude (3) vs (3) fleetwood
Straight psychosis (0) vs (6) eggfriedrice
Straight powerfool (0) vs (6) marksmith
spin_doctor powerfool rocketweaz 6 vs 0 punkpoet mastrioanni playa87
Killer 3 vs 3 match 2
You now the format lads, deadline is 8th of july i will be arranging when best to do killer. but expect killer pms :)
Edited at 21:24 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Edited at 21:51 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 33 vs 15 Vipers
8US tartanrox vs blakccabman
8US fastboysam (4) vs (2) fry06
9US mastroianni 3 vs 3 matthew95_8
9US ryanbelfast 3 vs 3 thegreatone7
8UK fleetwood (3) vs (3) mfc_ss
8UKmarksmith 4 vs 2 rhinofool
Straight samwisemac 6 vs 0 pixie_dust
Straight punkpoet 6 vs 0hotdave
Killer marksmith, punkpoet, samwisemac 4 vs 2 pixie_dust rhinofool and hotdave
Killer 3 vs 3 match 2
Uprising 27 vs 27 Mouseketeers
8US unstopp4bl3 (5) vs (1) playa87
8US spin_doctor (4) vs (2) mastroianni
9US irish_ninja (2) vs (4) punkpoet
9US scallo (5) vs (1) firepower
8UK run_outt (2) vs (4) samwisemac
8UK cool_dude (3) vs (3) fleetwood
Straight psychosis (0) vs (6) eggfriedrice
Straight powerfool (0) vs (6) marksmith
spin_doctor powerfool rocketweaz 6 vs 0 punkpoet mastrioanni playa87
Killer 3 vs 3 match 2
You now the format lads, deadline is 8th of july i will be arranging when best to do killer. but expect killer pms :)
Edited at 21:24 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Edited at 21:51 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
23:42 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL fixture set 2
Mouseketeers 18 Vs 28 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs polar_bear
ryanbelfast Vs mattywellie
marksmith Vs dark_chocco
fleetwood Vs dbno
fastboysam Vs madmiketyson
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 27 Vs 33 Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac TBC
relisys Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
haste Vs fleetwood
ads19 Vs mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
FCL Cup Game
Mouseketeers 16 vs 14 Team Angry
marksmith 7 vs 8 mooksterman
fleetwood vs ipotalot
eggfriedrice vs greyhound
samwisemac vs poobiird
playa87 9 vs 6 therev
Deadline 15/7/12
Edited at 22:15 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 18 Vs 28 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs polar_bear
ryanbelfast Vs mattywellie
marksmith Vs dark_chocco
fleetwood Vs dbno
fastboysam Vs madmiketyson
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 27 Vs 33 Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac TBC
relisys Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
haste Vs fleetwood
ads19 Vs mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
FCL Cup Game
Mouseketeers 16 vs 14 Team Angry
marksmith 7 vs 8 mooksterman
fleetwood vs ipotalot
eggfriedrice vs greyhound
samwisemac vs poobiird
playa87 9 vs 6 therev
Deadline 15/7/12
Edited at 22:15 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
23:43 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)
super league fixture 4
Mouseketeers 7 v 11Uprising
tartanrox v run_outt
mastroianni 1 v 5 scallo
ryanbelfast 4 v 2 spin_doctor
marksmith v rocketweaz8
nick79theman (2) v (4)cool_dude
deadline 18/7/12
Edited at 22:08 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Edited at 22:45 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 7 v 11Uprising
tartanrox v run_outt
mastroianni 1 v 5 scallo
ryanbelfast 4 v 2 spin_doctor
marksmith v rocketweaz8
nick79theman (2) v (4)cool_dude
deadline 18/7/12
Edited at 22:08 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Edited at 22:45 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
23:43 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)
The Players Championship
Round 2 can now be found here...
Deadline for these games is 6pm UK Thursday 11th July.
Deadline for requesting any default in any unplayed game is the same as above.
I think these are the outstanding games involving the clan members...
(MOU) _armsrace_ v (FE) pintofshandy
(VIP) master8ball v (MOU) punkpoet
(MOU) yetti v (MVP) andyw1 (12)
(MOU) playa87 v (SS) i_am_blessed
Round 2 can now be found here...
Deadline for these games is 6pm UK Thursday 11th July.
Deadline for requesting any default in any unplayed game is the same as above.
I think these are the outstanding games involving the clan members...
(MOU) _armsrace_ v (FE) pintofshandy
(VIP) master8ball v (MOU) punkpoet
(MOU) yetti v (MVP) andyw1 (12)
(MOU) playa87 v (SS) i_am_blessed
23:52 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)
23:53 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)
comon guys only 3 hours left for fbl can we try getting them done please!!
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00:13 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
rocketweaz8 0 vs 3 eggfriedrice
rocketweaz8 0 vs 3 eggfriedrice
00:28 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
Permission for any eligible player to sub into FBL Games..
this includes...
_hot_potter_ (all game types)
master8ball( all game types vs Mouseketeers)
pusher (any game type vs Mouseketeers only)
ripped_rank (any game type)
this includes...
_hot_potter_ (all game types)
master8ball( all game types vs Mouseketeers)
pusher (any game type vs Mouseketeers only)
ripped_rank (any game type)
00:41 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
cheers mate would do a similar list but tartans online and you know that so its done essentialy
00:59 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL Announcement
Fixture set two has now been released and so has the clan cup for teams who did not get a BYE. Due to recent events the division one may look a little weird, some teams may only have one game instead of the two.
You can find your fixtures on the FBL Website, link provided below:
Deadline for these games & Cup: 22/7/12
Fixture set two has now been released and so has the clan cup for teams who did not get a BYE. Due to recent events the division one may look a little weird, some teams may only have one game instead of the two.
You can find your fixtures on the FBL Website, link provided below:
Deadline for these games & Cup: 22/7/12
01:27 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
mouses vs uprising
nick79theman 2 vs 4 cool_dude (sub)
mouses vs uprising
nick79theman 2 vs 4 cool_dude (sub)
01:36 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
22:33 Sun 08/07/12 Won the 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 546 TournaPoints!
won my 7th uk tournie to u all
won my 7th uk tournie to u all
02:01 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL fixture set 2
The Legend Killers Vs Mouseketeers
8US be_happy vs marksmith
8US wade_ vs samwisemac
9US mighty_zeus vs fastboysam
9US relisys vs thegreatone7
8UK fuunky vs mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n vs nick79theman
Straight davey_1985 vs eggfriedrice
Straight haste vs punkpoet
Killer Legend Killers vs Mouseketeers
Mouseketeers Vs Untouchables
8US samwisemac vspolar_bear
8US stephenballthe_unknown
9US ryanbelfastvs vendetta
9US firepower vsmr_pink_eyes
8UK fleetwood vs its_me
8UK playa87 vs apples_back
Straight eggfriedrice vsmattyweliie
Straight marksmith vsdark_chocco
Killer Mouseketeers vs Untouchables
Deadline 22/7/12
The Legend Killers Vs Mouseketeers
8US be_happy vs marksmith
8US wade_ vs samwisemac
9US mighty_zeus vs fastboysam
9US relisys vs thegreatone7
8UK fuunky vs mastroianni
8UK r1p0m4n vs nick79theman
Straight davey_1985 vs eggfriedrice
Straight haste vs punkpoet
Killer Legend Killers vs Mouseketeers
Mouseketeers Vs Untouchables
8US samwisemac vspolar_bear
8US stephenballthe_unknown
9US ryanbelfastvs vendetta
9US firepower vsmr_pink_eyes
8UK fleetwood vs its_me
8UK playa87 vs apples_back
Straight eggfriedrice vsmattyweliie
Straight marksmith vsdark_chocco
Killer Mouseketeers vs Untouchables
Deadline 22/7/12
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
03:28 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL fixture set 2 result
Mastroianni( 9) ads19 ( 6)
all close games
ads19 had some bad luck with in offs on the black ball
and computer lagging
good games well played ads19!!
Mastroianni( 9) ads19 ( 6)
all close games
ads19 had some bad luck with in offs on the black ball
and computer lagging
good games well played ads19!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
03:46 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL fixture set 2
Mouseketeers 18 Vs 28 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs polar_bear
ryanbelfast Vs mattywellie
marksmith Vs dark_chocco
fleetwood Vs dbno
fastboysam Vs madmiketyson
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 33 Vs 42Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac TBC
relisys Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
haste Vs fleetwood
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
FCL Cup Game
Mouseketeers 16 vs 14 Team Angry
marksmith 7 vs 8 mooksterman
fleetwood vs ipotalot
eggfriedrice vs greyhound
samwisemac vs poobiird
playa87 9 vs 6 therev
Deadline 15/7/12
Edited at 22:15 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 18 Vs 28 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs polar_bear
ryanbelfast Vs mattywellie
marksmith Vs dark_chocco
fleetwood Vs dbno
fastboysam Vs madmiketyson
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 33 Vs 42Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac TBC
relisys Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
haste Vs fleetwood
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
FCL Cup Game
Mouseketeers 16 vs 14 Team Angry
marksmith 7 vs 8 mooksterman
fleetwood vs ipotalot
eggfriedrice vs greyhound
samwisemac vs poobiird
playa87 9 vs 6 therev
Deadline 15/7/12
Edited at 22:15 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
03:47 Mon 9 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL fixture set 2
Mouseketeers 18 Vs 28 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs polar_bear
ryanbelfast Vs mattywellie
marksmith Vs dark_chocco
fleetwood Vs dbno
fastboysam Vs madmiketyson
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 33 Vs 42 Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac TBC
relisys Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
haste Vs fleetwood
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
FCL Cup Game
Mouseketeers 16 vs 14 Team Angry
marksmith 7 vs 8 mooksterman
fleetwood vs ipotalot
eggfriedrice vs greyhound
samwisemac vs poobiird
playa87 9 vs 6 therev
Deadline 15/7/12
Mouseketeers 18 Vs 28 Untouchables
eggfriedrice Vs polar_bear
ryanbelfast Vs mattywellie
marksmith Vs dark_chocco
fleetwood Vs dbno
fastboysam Vs madmiketyson
tartanrox 3 Vs 12 apples_back
samwisemac 7 Vs 8 jimmy__1878
punkpoet 8 Vs 7 im_crap_adam
Legend Killers 33 Vs 42 Mouseketeers
r1p0m4n Vs ryanbelfast
sniper 5 Vs 10 samwisemac TBC
relisys Vs nick79theman
be_happy 13 vs 2 eggfriedrice
haste Vs fleetwood
ads19 (6) Vs (9) mastroianni
davey_1985 (5) Vs (10) punkpoet
familyguy 4 Vs 11 marksmith
FCL Cup Game
Mouseketeers 16 vs 14 Team Angry
marksmith 7 vs 8 mooksterman
fleetwood vs ipotalot
eggfriedrice vs greyhound
samwisemac vs poobiird
playa87 9 vs 6 therev
Deadline 15/7/12
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