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00:17 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
Arranged to play redalert124 at 9pm but he hasn't showed up yet. will message him again if he doesn't show up before i log out!
01:10 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
FBL Announcement
Can all clans please send in their FBL lists for the first fixture set to bluenose1872 please. Please make sure your offline message is titled "FBL".
If you wish to give three names for killer then you can do so, remember you can't play in both killer matches against the same clan in a fixture.
Deadline to hand in your team list is Friday the 22nd @ Midnight
Thank you.
Can all clans please send in their FBL lists for the first fixture set to bluenose1872 please. Please make sure your offline message is titled "FBL".
If you wish to give three names for killer then you can do so, remember you can't play in both killer matches against the same clan in a fixture.
Deadline to hand in your team list is Friday the 22nd @ Midnight
Thank you.
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02:07 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
Mouseketeers Vs The Underdogs
playa87 Vs redalert124
us8 2-3
9ball 3-2
8uk 2-3
overall 8-7 to redaleert124
sorry guys i was awful diffrent day could have easily been 15-0 lol!
playa87 Vs redalert124
us8 2-3
9ball 3-2
8uk 2-3
overall 8-7 to redaleert124
sorry guys i was awful diffrent day could have easily been 15-0 lol!
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04:57 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
i lost 7-2 in the players championship to redherring
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13:32 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
ul lads sorry all lost 5-1 to dgen to be honest wasnt as one sided as the gam seems could of been uch closer
21:35 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 9 v 3 The Underdogs
_armsrace_ v tombstone74
playa87 5v 1 jooodles
marksmith v welshie
firepower v chris
samwisemac 4 v 2 robl94
Mouseketeers 3 v 4 Snooker Squad
nick79theman v jose_enrique
ryanbelfast v meadow
yetti 3 v 4 tokko
red4ever v dgeneratio
punkpoet v kilimanjaro
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Wednesday 27th June. Gl to all involved
_armsrace_ v tombstone74
playa87 5v 1 jooodles
marksmith v welshie
firepower v chris
samwisemac 4 v 2 robl94
Mouseketeers 3 v 4 Snooker Squad
nick79theman v jose_enrique
ryanbelfast v meadow
yetti 3 v 4 tokko
red4ever v dgeneratio
punkpoet v kilimanjaro
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Wednesday 27th June. Gl to all involved
21:36 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
FCL Division 2 Fixture 1
Mouseketeers 18 vs 12 Underdogs
yetti vs woowoo69
red4ever vs foulonblack
nick79theman vs welshie
punkpoet 11 vs 4 hardy202
tartanrox vs robl94
ryanbelfast vs tombstone74
no1hustl3r vs lfc07
playa87 7 vs 8 redalert124
red4ever's game incomplete 11-2
Uprising 19 vs 11 Mouseketeers
spin_doctorvs _armsrace_
skunkyfoolvs eggfriedrice
irish_ninja 14 vs 1 mastroianni
walktall 5 vs 10 samwisemac
run_outtvs marksmith
scallo vs firepower
strikelucky8vs fastboysam
sensibleshowvs fleetwood
Right first set a little early :D
GAME TYPES 5 racks of 9ball, 8ball us and 8ball uk
DEADLINE 1st of July.
Right get theese done nice and quickly guys :D and most of all HAVE FUN.
Edited at 22:04 Sat 16/06/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 18 vs 12 Underdogs
yetti vs woowoo69
red4ever vs foulonblack
nick79theman vs welshie
punkpoet 11 vs 4 hardy202
tartanrox vs robl94
ryanbelfast vs tombstone74
no1hustl3r vs lfc07
playa87 7 vs 8 redalert124
red4ever's game incomplete 11-2
Uprising 19 vs 11 Mouseketeers
spin_doctorvs _armsrace_
skunkyfoolvs eggfriedrice
irish_ninja 14 vs 1 mastroianni
walktall 5 vs 10 samwisemac
run_outtvs marksmith
scallo vs firepower
strikelucky8vs fastboysam
sensibleshowvs fleetwood
Right first set a little early :D
GAME TYPES 5 racks of 9ball, 8ball us and 8ball uk
DEADLINE 1st of July.
Right get theese done nice and quickly guys :D and most of all HAVE FUN.
Edited at 22:04 Sat 16/06/12 (BST)
21:37 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
Would feel happier if some more games were played though its only wednesday :D
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21:40 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
some one get ryan on here scores might be a bit diffrent lol
15 points diffrent
( bring it ryan ull need it)
15 points diffrent
( bring it ryan ull need it)
22:47 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
some one get ryan on here scores might be a bit diffrent lol
15 points diffrent
( bring it ryan ull need it)
15 points diffrent
( bring it ryan ull need it)
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22:50 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
lol poet u dont know me by now ye 15 points lol in any direction
22:54 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
credit to the clan you are anyways, we have 10 days+ in this fixture ok.
clan games are for fun ok.
clan games are for fun ok.
22:59 Wed 20 Jun 12 (BST)
Anyways we are a happy clan so lets forget it
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02:38 Thu 21 Jun 12 (BST)
Mark asked me to post this.
run_outt v marksmith
8us: 2-3
9us: 2-3
8uk: 4-1
Overall: 8-7
Some really close games here, although in both us games i was so bad at times it was getting embarrasin, managed to pick it up a bit in 8uk though to bring it to a decider where he was so unlucky in fouling the black to give me the win.
Nice bloke and didnt moan about any bad luck, Ggs mate and good luck with the rest of your season
run_outt v marksmith
8us: 2-3
9us: 2-3
8uk: 4-1
Overall: 8-7
Some really close games here, although in both us games i was so bad at times it was getting embarrasin, managed to pick it up a bit in 8uk though to bring it to a decider where he was so unlucky in fouling the black to give me the win.
Nice bloke and didnt moan about any bad luck, Ggs mate and good luck with the rest of your season
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07:10 Thu 21 Jun 12 (BST)
hiya all messaged no1hustl3r about our match he cant be online the times im online due to the time difference i will be online 22-00---23-30 the 22nd and 23rd if you can arrange a sub for him otherwise let me know and see if we can arrange a sub to play him cheers guys
11:16 Thu 21 Jun 12 (BST)
messaged strikelucky8 but he hasnt been online for 5 days - never going to get a game....
14:14 Thu 21 Jun 12 (BST)
thanks for letting us know, i have added you to friends list so if i see you on at those times i will try and sub someone in, but we do still have time in this fixture :)
hiya all messaged no1hustl3r about our match he cant be online the times im online due to the time difference i will be online 22-00---23-30 the 22nd and 23rd if you can arrange a sub for him otherwise let me know and see if we can arrange a sub to play him cheers guys
thanks for letting us know, i have added you to friends list so if i see you on at those times i will try and sub someone in, but we do still have time in this fixture :)
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