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Shot taken for me

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Posts: 5,223
03:26 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
This thread isn't for me, its for __7baller__ as he asked me to make it for him

__7baller__ said:

I was playing a clan match just now and was winning 6-4 on the last one 8uk he missed on black and left it over pocket.

I'd just watched it and before i had chance to take my shot it was taken for me
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03:29 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Before the silly questions come in ,

The timer was on 17seconds & the white moved forward the smallest amount and then it was his shot again
Posts: 38,097
03:38 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
never seen this but what does annoy me is when my machine freezes and when its responded i get 1 or 2 randoms (depending on time limit) which makes this statement from help center false.

The shot timer is independent on each persons computer. It is only a guide on the opponents shot. If the opponent is lagging or disconnected, then it allows the opponent to reconnect and take the shot. An automatic random shot is taken when the time runs out on their machine.

would be easier when it happens if the shot clock stops until you are reconnected then lets you continue.
Posts: 22,512
07:05 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
By any chance do you play on a touchpad?

Depending on what sensitivity you have it set to it is very easy to take a shot without actually taking it if you know what i mean. Even if you moved your finger across it to get ready to aim or what could make it register as a shot.

I had the above problem when i was using a touchpad, thank god i have a mouse now though. Saying that if you use a mouse then sometimes when you click down it actually clicks twice there by taking a shot.
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09:04 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah i have a touchpad , but seriously my hands werent even on the touchpad nor was they any were near the touchpad ...I Was smoking a cig at the time was watching him play ' he missed on the black and left it over the pocket then before i got chance to even put my cig in the ashtray the white moved and it was his shot.

Ive never seen it before & As far as my machine goes i use my laptop most times and its got 6gig ram .... i5 processor...and a graphics card that cost me £220 so dont even get the lag on this ....where as my desktop computer i get major lag on which isnt so modified! Then again as everyone been noticing the servors messing up lately?

Last few days ive been booted out of tournaments or ive come into chat room and every single person is 'Not responding'

So somethings going on
Posts: 1,170
19:14 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
you sure he didn't have a carry?
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21:18 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
you sure he didn't have a carry?

Posts: 5,223
21:53 Mon 2 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
you sure he didn't have a carry?

I asked him the same thing, but apparently not
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03:10 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No he didnt , Ask funky_fluke yourself :)

It wasnt a carry
Posts: 19,262
03:12 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i just hit a ball that i wasnt aiming at, without the cue ball deflecting off anything.... i know its not what the threads about but thought id say it
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03:14 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You know what ...What the heck is happening to funkypool? :/ Ive never heard so many problems in my life
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20:03 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just happened again against toluca :/ wtf sort the problems out
Posts: 38,097
18:44 Mon 9 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah i have a touchpad , but seriously my hands werent even on the touchpad nor was they any were near the touchpad

try a plug in mouse mate see if that helps, i had these problems during my 2 weeks on touchpad but not had these problems with a mouse (if it taps its more likely my fault for not pushing mouse through).

Deleted User
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02:36 Tue 10 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah i have a touchpad , but seriously my hands werent even on the touchpad nor was they any were near the touchpad

try a plug in mouse mate see if that helps, i had these problems during my 2 weeks on touchpad but not had these problems with a mouse (if it taps its more likely my fault for not pushing mouse through).

Ive got my i7 back up and running now & have got my 42'' tv back so im hoping it doesnt happen again

if in 2 months it hasnt happened i will appolagise for the wrong accusations :D

Cheers for tips tho dgen
Posts: 182
09:38 Tue 10 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just to say i probably played this game more than any1,

maybe not matt though, but stuff like that doesnt happen, your obviously not good enough to notice what balls your about to hit and what will hapopen when you hit a certain ball,

balls moving i didnt hit has never happened, nore has my shot been taken for me, my guess is you just randomed it, stop complaining about it coz we wont miss you, you either like the game or you dont,
Posts: 1,038
15:50 Tue 10 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I get exactly the same problem as this and I use a mouse!
Posts: 22,512
19:48 Tue 10 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
How can you turn around and just openly say he is not good enough, your not exactly the best player on this site Blaze, the only thing you seemingly have these days is a massive ego.

He already stated he never had a carry either in the game as his opponent missed the black then it was his shot. Many things go wrong on this game sometimes, just because it has not happened to you doesnt man it doesnt happen.
Posts: 2,800
10:54 Wed 11 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you sure you didn't have carry on both occasions???
Posts: 182
13:03 Wed 11 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
How can you turn around and just openly say he is not good enough, your not exactly the best player on this site Blaze, the only thing you seemingly have these days is a massive ego.

He already stated he never had a carry either in the game as his opponent missed the black then it was his shot. Many things go wrong on this game sometimes, just because it has not happened to you doesnt man it doesnt happen.

ITS EASY, you just have to look at his stats and play against him too see that he plays 1 ball at a time, no positon planed for the black when he has atleast 5 left, no munipulating your opponent to play at nothing, it doesnt take a genius to work that out.
Posts: 2,530
20:53 Wed 11 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Another idiot back playing on the site^
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Shot taken for me

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