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Posts: 4,971
12:19 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i think weve got to the time where i need a sub for aaron1973.

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14:04 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Superleague v Top Pool Aces

pintofshandy 3-3 jpenny3

Played crap but rescued a draw from 3-1 down.
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17:53 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay team, I would like to apologize for all the rubbish that had been posted on our thread. The fact of the matter is the captain of the shooters team was banned. He was a very good friend of mine ,since then there seem to be two or three of their players who all want to be The Captain of the shooters.

If Craig was still the Captain I could assure you this would not be happening. That And wannabes have tried every underhanded trick available. But we will see this through thank you your Captain.
Deleted User
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17:56 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixture Sets 9 & 10

Team Angry (9) v (15) Fighting Eagles

badger2 v fired_up_cue
chalkie35 (2) v (4) gordo
crazzymadman(2) v(4) __anaconda__
poolbiird (1) v (5) flash_is_bac
slimeball(4) v(2) vegas
Dead Line is 4/8/12 for both Fixtures
Top Pool Aces (6) v (12) Fighting Eagles

_dntbmad_(2) v(4) vegas
greyhound v aaron1973
cannibals (1) v (5) __anaconda__
dementedmind v flash_is_bac
jpenny3(3) v(3) pintofshady
Dead Line 4/8/12
Edited at 17:15 Sat 31/03/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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17:58 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

Shooters Revenge(17) v(7) Fighting Eagles

8 ball mrflibble v colpepper
8 ball huts24(2) v(4) pintofshandy

9 ball eggfriedrice v gordo
9 ball blueberry(5) v(1) cam07

8 uk w_hoolahan v aaron1973
8 uk its_me(6) v(0) __anaconda__

straight lethal_lures v flash_is_bac
straight silencer2k12(4) v(2) soothsayer
Fighting Eagles(6) v(6) TPA

8 ball colpepper v fleetwood
8 ball pintofshandy v dementedmind

9 balldavidmiklo (3)v(3) _dntbmad_
9 ball upforit v canniballs

8 uk gordo (3) v (3) ads19
8 uk kingywhu v jpenny3

straight aaron1973 v big_mouse
straight __anaconda__ v greyhound

Deadline ~ Sunday 8/4/12 @ Midnight(gmt)

Edited at 15:20 Tue 03/04/12 (BST)

Edited at 17:23 Tue 03/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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17:58 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Teamsheet

1) fattmikee Captain
2) soothsayer -James
3) gordo Vice Captain
4) pintofshady -Stevie
5) cam07-Mick
6) vegas-Dave
7) upforit -martin
8) eaglestrike
9) breksis
10) colpepper
11)fired_up_cue -Chad
12) aaron1973 -Aron
13) kingywhu -Ian
14) flash_is_bac -Dillion
15) davidmiklo -David
Posts: 6,262
18:18 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay team, I would like to apologize for all the rubbish that had been posted on our thread. The fact of the matter is the captain of the shooters team was banned. He was a very good friend of mine ,since then there seem to be two or three of their players who all want to be The Captain of the shooters.

If Craig was still the Captain I could assure you this would not be happening. That And wannabes have tried every underhanded trick available. But we will see this through thank you your Captain.

Mike the fact is you have breached forum rules for even talking about a banned user in above post.

Pete is Captain of Shooters and I'm vice no other people wanting to be captain as you're post says.

I also thought you and I had been mates for long time Mike, not a wannabee. I have several full seasons captaining experience as you know. Please don't name, shame and slate Shooters on the forum..

Other Shooters can post here about players that have been offline in an effort to get games played.

I have tried no underhanded tricks you asked for a sub for the cam07 game and I posted sub on your thread. You only complained when result was 5-1 lose.

Only league runners can make decision. I apologize to Eagles for this on your thread but your captain has ignored me in pm when he was happy to chat when subs were being discussed and made.

Best of Luck in the rest of the season from Shooters Revenge !
Posts: 703
19:04 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It has been pointed out to me that discussions keep appearing on the forums about a banned user. This is contrary to forum rules and will result in forum rights being revoked if it is not stopped.

This warning applies to everyone on this thread. Any more posts that are against the rules will get that particular user removed.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:22 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
was fbl

9 ball upforit v rustybmf

now is

9 ball upforit v cannibals

hi mate when are you usually online? i can be on most nights between 7-10 pm just let me know ok.
Posts: 1,594
22:15 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
can we have a sub for aaron1973 as he was offline for 10 days logged on n off without messaging harry bk about his game and has been offline for the past 2/3 days so basically the whole fixture, thanks.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:51 Tue 3 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

FBL League
Please can captains/vice send teamlists for fixture set 3 to anoneeemouse , the schedule with your opponents can be found on the website :

Deadline for submitting teamlists : Friday 6 / 4 / 12 @ 8pm

Head League Runner

Edited at 20:33 Tue 03/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:04 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello, fired_up_cue offline for 4 days now. Just so you know.

I think this was missed in amongst your discussions with Shooters last night. I'm not sure why pintofshandy was subbed out because he's been online lots.

Any chance of you acknowledging these requests for subs?! Please could you give pintofshandy permission to sub himself back in because everytime I log in he's online. No idea why he was subbed out in the first place...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:16 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
can we have a sub for aaron1973 been of for 3 days

as it Easter weekend we need these games sorted in quick time as people might be going away
so please team arrange these games a good luck all

Edited at 13:36 Wed 04/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:12 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
was fbl

9 ball upforit v rustybmf

now is

9 ball upforit v cannibals

hi mate when are you usually online? i can be on most nights between 7-10 pm just let me know ok.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:54 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixture Sets 11 & 12 now released...

Where no team list was received, players were drawn at random.

Last league fixtures of the season - and last chance to qualify for the top 4 or the top 8.

Deadline for these games is Midnight BST 18/4/12
Deleted User
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20:20 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok guys we have alot a games to get played before Sun.midnight and then new fixtures will be released.
Posts: 4,775
21:53 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello, fired_up_cue offline for 4 days now. Just so you know.

I think this was missed in amongst your discussions with Shooters last night. I'm not sure why pintofshandy was subbed out because he's been online lots.

Any chance of you acknowledging these requests for subs?! Please could you give pintofshandy permission to sub himself back in because everytime I log in he's online. No idea why he was subbed out in the first place...

fattmikee.... Thats 3 posts which has been ignored, if youve sorted this with Badger through offline messages then i apologise but if not then can you sort this please?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:02 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

Shooters Revenge(20) v(10) Fighting Eagles

8 ball mrflibble v colpepper
8 ball huts24(2) v(4) pintofshandy

9 ball eggfriedrice v gordo
9 ball blueberry(5) v(1) cam07

8 uk w_hoolahan(3) v(3) kingywhu
8 uk its_me(6) v(0) __anaconda__

straight lethal_lures v flash_is_bac
straight silencer2k12(4) v(2) soothsayer
Fighting Eagles(6) v(6) TPA

8 ball colpepper v fleetwood
8 ball pintofshandy v dementedmind

9 balldavidmiklo (3)v(3) _dntbmad_
9 ball upforit v canniballs

8 uk gordo (3) v (3) ads19
8 uk kingywhu v jpenny3

straight aaron1973 v big_mouse
straight __anaconda__ v greyhound
Deadline Sun 4/8/12
Edited at 17:23 Tue 03/04/12 (BST)

Edited at 19:46 Wed 04/04/12 (BST)
Posts: 157
22:35 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
uk 8
w_hoolahan 3 - 3 kingywhu
ggs and a joy to play wp
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:46 Wed 4 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok guys we have alot a games to get played before Sun.midnight and then new fixtures will be released.

Make a sub then and they may get played.
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