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Latin Legends Numero Four

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17:11 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
great stuff team B, go on and win it for Team A and yourselves
Deleted User
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18:27 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dan you missed barbs 5-1 in FSL btw
Deleted User
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18:30 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
got it now ryan, cheers bud
Deleted User
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18:34 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Dan you fancy playing our FSL game man ?
Posts: 156
18:53 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Deleted User
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22:41 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
champof9ball v gordo

2-1 to him, to be finished at 9pm
Deleted User
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22:55 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
finish him off later on champs buddy
Posts: 126
23:28 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Springer 3-3 kingywhu

Lottery of 9 ball again, ggs kingy all the best for the rest of the season.
Deleted User
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23:28 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
nice 3 points there lee mate
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23:30 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Latin Legends (78) vs (42) Crazy Eights COMPLETED

springer9 (5) v (10) man_up
chalkey_84 (12) v (3) daveg
bonkerss17 (8) v (7) try
joker86 (13) v (2) diamond_jem
barbaycue (11) v (4) hughsy89
therev (9) v (6) spin_doctor
zantetsukenz (9) v (6) skunkyfool
toluca321 (11) v (4) __7baller__

Divine Forces (44) vs (46) Latin Legends

_niall_ (7) v (8) joker86
angel (8) v (7) barbaycue
antione08 v king8ball1
dbno (10) v (5) springer9
__anaconda__ v toluca321
i_was_awesum (5) v (10) zantetsukenz
cool_dude (7) v (8) vladimir
tokko (7) v (8) red4ever

The Assassins (23) vs (37) Latin Legends

cree (10) v (5) bonkerss17
rocketweaz8 (6) v (9) therev
pricer73 (5) v (10) chalkey_84
swagga_back (2) v (13) red4ever
cue_control v champof9ball


Edited at 20:52 Thu 12/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:30 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Latin Legends A Games
Team Angry (10) v (14) Latin Legends A
chalkie35 (4) v (2) red4ever
crazzymadman (2) v (4) bonkerss17
poolbiird (3) v (3) joker86
scott7a v therev
mrmtp (1) v (5) barbaycue

Snooker Squad (25) v (7) Latin Legends A
whocares8x8 (6) v (1) barbaycue
cymmerboy (5)v (1)joker86
dgeneratio (5) v (1) therev
jose_enrique (5) v (2) red4ever
sarny_lad (4) v (2) springer9

Latin Legends B Games
Latin Legends B (12) v (12) Crazy Eights
zantetsukenz (4) v (2) too_good
champof9ball (2) v (4) recs_a
vladimir (4) v (2) skunkypool
mighty_zeus (2) v (4) prometheus
toluca321 (4) v (0) sly_fox TBC

Latin Legends B (20) v (10) The Vipers
zantetsukenz (3) v (3) marksmith
champof9ball (3) v (3) jacko
vladimir (5) v (1) blackcabman7
mighty_zeus (5) v (1) punkpoet
toluca321 (4) v (2) coldsteel12

Deadline Midnight(GMT) 18th April
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:31 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3

Fighting Eagles (5) v (7) Latin Legends

6 games
8 ball _redherring_ v bonkerss17
8 ball breksis v king8ball1

6 games
9 ball gordo (2) v (1) champof9ball TBC
9 ball kingywhu (3) v (3) springer9

6 games
8 uk fired_up_cue v chalkey84
8 uk __anaconda__ v therev

3 games
straight soothsayer (2) v (4) joker86
straight flash_is_bac v shortstop

Latin Legends (11) v (25) Shooters

6 games
8 ball king8ball1 v mrflibble
8 ball barbaycue (3) v (3) huts24

6 games
9 bal therev (1) v (5) playa87
9 ball champof9ball (2) v (4) blueberry

6 games
8 uk springer9 (3) v (3) w_hoolahan
8 uk red4ever (2) v (4) its_me

3 games
straight joker86 (0) v (6) lethal_lures
straight toluca321 v silencer2k12

Deadline Midnight(gmt) 22nd April

Edited at 20:45 Thu 12/04/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:31 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Divine Forces (6) v (6) Latin Legends

4 games
8 ball angel v toluca321
8 ball antione08 v king8ball1

4 games
9 ball dbno (3) v (1) champof9ball
9 ball _pro__frog_ (3) v (1) springer9

4 games
8 uk cool_dude v chalkey_84
8 uk i_was_awesum (0) v (4) barbaycue

2 games
straight _niall_ v joker86
straight tokko v skiller10

Deadline Midnight(gmt) 22nd April
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:35 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Clan Cup - Quarters

The Assassins (23) vs (37) Latin Legends
najork () v () champof9ball
cue_control v chumpof9ball
Posts: 19,967
23:43 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Clan Cup - Quarters

The Assassins (23) vs (37) Latin Legends
najork () v () champof9ball
cue_control v chumpof9ball

Haha, finally. Only took 4 players making 6 posts for you to finally stop ignoring them and decide you want to get the game played

You think asking for a sub after being ignored is bullying xD sheesh, wouldn't have had to post again if you'd have acknowledged the first post
Deleted User
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23:44 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
blinky v playa87 (FBL)

Us9 1 - 5

i got out fluked in at least 4 of his wins
Deleted User
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23:46 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
blinky v playa87 (FBL)

Us9 1 - 5

i got out fluked in at least 4 of his wins

LOL really? you r only win was a easy 3-9 combo
you messed up in 2 frames i won them no need to be like that dude
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:49 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
when you smash the white AS HARD AS possible and pot a ball off a few cushions that is a LUCKY pot and you also got position on the next colour LMFAO
Deleted User
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23:52 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
when you smash the white AS HARD AS possible and pot a ball off a few cushions that is a LUCKY pot and you also got position on the next colour LMFAO

ok mate if you wanna lie to your clan cos you lost 5-1 ill leave you to it enjoy rest of season thanks for playing
Posts: 4,700
23:59 Thu 12 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
unlucky blinky man but yeah thats nine ball need to have luck on that format some times i cleared up the table and miss the black and thats the game rite there chin up mate is not the end of the world coz of this lose :)
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Latin Legends Numero Four

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