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Shooters FCL and FBL Champions (II)

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03:46 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shooters vs TPA

9 ball blueberry v _dntbmad_
is now :
huts24 (sub in ) vs dntbmad

8uk jame2010s vs pennyarcade9
is now :
blueberry vs pennyarcade9

Edited at 01:53 Fri 23/03/12 (GMT)
Posts: 4,557
04:12 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
have messaged dntbmad , awaiting reply
Posts: 22,512
04:20 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't know what you meant by your post saying depends on who the rule suits but regardless of that anyway, Shooters have never allowed players just to sub in, i have not seen Craig post it anywhere before (could be mistaken).

Its_me - Yes you were told you could help out but league was not informed of this and thats why i wanted to wait to see if blueberry wanted your help and so on. Turns out he did and as far as i know the sub was made and confirmed by one of you.
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08:03 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lee do me a fav and keep this to pm, you sound like a broken record. I have no issue running Shooters while my pals take a well deserved holiday.

I know you don't care about my opinion, you've slated me for no reason enough times in many threads to tell the world that..

I am not being ignorant just trying to keep everyone happy, you just seem to see whats not happening.. not the efforts and subs I have made. Now do have a relaxing bath and a coca..

No colin you sound like a broken record, the only useful sub you have made in all the many games that can't be completed with you lot is huts into the slimeball game in FBL.
The reason I have only asked about FBL is because colin isn't even named as a vice in FCL and craig's last post was

11 days ago
colin im away from 1 today ,,,, please keep on top of superleague please
pete teams are sorted for both FCL and FBL
feel free to sub away m8 and do what you need to m8

So don't know how we have got to subs being made in FCL as the captain and vice have been away for 10 days and nobody has been given permission in them.
Just think it's ridiculous in the FBL cup that you have playa87, david5 and yourself on every night colin yet you leave in _armsrace_ mrflibble and eggfriedrice....yet you are vice captain for FBL.
Posts: 4,971
09:46 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so far.. FCL CUP: shooters vs vipers

w_hoolahan vs _miserable_

8us: 4-1
9us: 3-2

as it stands overall: w_hoolahan 7 - 3 _miserable_

8uk to play.
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09:55 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Shooters subs eligible for FBL Games :
Shooters v Team Angry League :-
doubted2 , playa87 , david5 , deejay , huts24 , n_e_r_d , jame2010s

Shooters v TPA League :
doubted2 , huts24 , david5 , deejay , huts24 , n_e_r_d , jame2010s

Shooters v Angry Cup :
doubted2 ,blueberry , david5 , deejay , huts24 , n_e_r_d , jame2010s
Posts: 7,164
10:59 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
colin thanks m8 for stepping into the breach

i have just recieved a message from pete on my return from holiday, saying that he has a few problems and wouldnt be on much

however lee is right colin regard his comments
i wouldve thought with an absent captain and vice common sense would prevail (as per maybe me taking it personal)

however colin nothing surprises me anymore

i will add you as vice today in all aspects

sorry for the grief it has caused you col it was an oversight
Posts: 7,164
11:01 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
im back ppl i will do a catch up and get things upto date asap

hope your all well
i had a mega hol before anyone asks will post some pics sometime soon
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12:03 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rick told me he had told his players to not play all shooters games as they will win by default

yes the team would support me the way you acted over subs am not the only team that have suffered through this
with your pointless comments on the thread all teams was doing is asking you nicely for subs
but same old colin still loves to make a big issue over a small thing like making subs like everybody ask you
when you have players out even before the fixture came out and i see that we had no form of apology from your captain as of yet as he just come of holidays
after all the hassle that you caused trough these subs
as everyone can see it took 2 minutes to do

jame2010s 18days of line

lethal_lures 10 days of line
Posts: 6,262
12:09 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lee before Pete left I told him to add me as vice temp in all leagues so I could make valid subs, if he didn't thats not my fault but will still apologize for any confusion caused.

Glad you had a good holiday Craig, I'm unsure which comment of Lee's you referred to but as I said it will be sorted.

Gonna go walk the dog catch ya later beefy

Pete I hope things sort themselves out pal .. take care
Posts: 4,557
12:15 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so far.. FCL CUP: shooters vs vipers

w_hoolahan vs _miserable_

8us: 4-1
9us: 3-2

as it stands overall: w_hoolahan 7 - 3 _miserable_

8uk to play.

looking good harry well done , 8uk to play so gl
Posts: 4,557
13:14 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
11:13 Fri 23/03/12
Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 266 TournaPoints!

winner huts24 :
Posts: 4,971
17:47 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done huts24.. thanks too.. 8uk should be something like 4-1 to me i reckon.. overall i think will be about 11-4 or 12-3 to me.
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17:53 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well let's finish and get you that 12-3
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17:53 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shooters vs TPA

9 ball blueberry v _dntbmad_
is now :
huts24 (sub in ) vs dntbmad

8uk jame2010s vs pennyarcade9
is now :
blueberry vs pennyarcade9

Edited at 01:53 Fri 23/03/12 (GMT)

This sub has not been made
Posts: 4,971
18:29 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
full result:

FCL CUP: shooters vs vipers

w_hoolahan vs _miserable_

8 ball us: 4 - 1
9 ball us: 3 - 2
8 ball uk: 4 - 1

overall: w_hoolahan 11 - 4 _miserable_
Posts: 4,557
18:38 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shooters vs TPA

9 ball blueberry v _dntbmad_
is now :
huts24 (sub in ) vs dntbmad

8uk jame2010s vs pennyarcade9
is now :
blueberry vs pennyarcade9

Edited at 01:53 Fri 23/03/12 (GMT)

This sub has not been made

how u mean not been made , blueberry has given permission , he also posted it . wd harry top result there m8 another good win
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18:58 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The sub is invalid , blueberry cannot be subbed out of one game type and subbed back into a different type, a swap would have to be made .
Posts: 4,557
19:02 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i see well i will leave this swap thing to either blueberry or doubted2 to do as im not the capt
Posts: 7,164
19:03 Fri 23 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i will be completly up to speed this evening ppl

jeeeeeez looks like weve all had fun
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Shooters FCL and FBL Champions (II)

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