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Shooters FCL and FBL Champions (II)

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23:16 Sun 22 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks james too!
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23:20 Sun 22 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I won't lower myself here as I guess you're having a bad day

well, if you think petes behaviour is normal, and huts24

its up to you
Posts: 6,262
23:52 Sun 22 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Mike you told me to leave you alone, not Pete or Huts, thats up to you if you think that behaviour is normal..

its up to you..

If you didn't want to play you simply had to reply to my offline messages sent three days back pal, noone twisted your arm to play and I accused you of nothing.. remember that.

machs gut !
Posts: 536
00:22 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Alright lads
Posts: 4,557
00:30 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Alright mate , wd james on your win
Posts: 6,262
00:34 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Deadline games is 29/4/12 @ Midnight!

Clan Cup Semi

Snooker Squad (52) vs (38) Shooters Revenge

dgeneratio (6) v (9) lethal_lures
pirate_steve (12) v (3) eggfriedrice
tinie (10) v (5) silencer2k12
whocares8x8 v its_me
cymmerboy (5) v (10) w_hoolahan
rubber_duck (10) v (5)) jame2010s
sarny_lad (9) v (6) huts24

MVP (53) vs (37) Shooters Revenge - League

potlimit v blueberry
rapid_pot (5) v (10) lethal_lures
davybaumers (10) v (5) silencer2k12
andyw1 v huts24
beenjammin (10) v (5) its_me
cphaynes (10) v (5) playa87
polar_bear (9) v (6) mrflibble
dvz (9) v (6) w_hoolahan

Shooters Revenge (49) vs (56) Team Angry - League

lethal_lures (10) v (5) chalkie_35
james2010s v crazzymadman
silencer2k12 (6) v (9) ipotalot
huts24 v (6) mattywellie (9)
its_me (6) v (9) poolbiird
ritcho (8) v (7) pool_king
mrflibble (4) v (11) scott7a
w_hoolahan (9) v (6) slimeball

As always add your opponents to friends and message to arrange your games.
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00:41 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Its allways the same in this team, u just dont get the point...

farewell auf wiedersehn goodbye :-))
Posts: 536
00:59 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thought fbl fixtures would be out by now?
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01:22 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Fixture set 4 has now been released

Good luck everyone

Head League Runner
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01:28 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
super league

jame2010s v kilimanjaro

8us 0-2
9us 2-0
8uk 1-1

overall 3-3

ggs m8 wp

very good player and a very nice player
Posts: 6,262
01:47 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 4 ~ DEADLINE 6/5/12 @ Midnight(gmt)

6 Games of either 8us/9ball/8uk or 3 games of straight

Shooters v Team Angry

8us huts24 v ipotalot
8us mrflibble v chalkie35
9ball blueberry v wales_lad
9ball mdj v slimeball
8uk its_me v bradonfest
8uk jame2010s v poolbiird
str8 w_hoolahan v scott7a
str8 lethal_lures v mattywellie

Fighting Eagles v Shooters

8us vegas v huts24
8us colpepper v mrflibble
9ball eaglestrike v ritcho
9ball pintofshandy v mdj
8uk breksis v jame2010s
8uk cam07 v its_me
str8 flash_is_bac v lethal_lures
str8 soothsayer v w_hoolahan

As always add to friends, message opponents and arrange to play. If theres any problems please let us know asap

Posts: 536
02:26 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Gl in your games lads
Posts: 6,262
02:59 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3
Deadline 22/4/12 @ Midnight

Latin Legends (17) v (31) Shooters - Complete

8 ball king8ball1 (4) v (2) mrflibble
8 ball baybaycue (3) v (3) huts24
9 ball therev (1) v (5) playa87
9 ball champof9ball (2) v (4) blueberry
8 uk springer9 (3) v (3) w_hoolahan
8 uk red4ever (2) v (4) its_me
straight joker86 (0) v (6) lethal_lures
straight toluca321 (2) v (4) silencer2k12

Shooters (29) vs (21) TPA - Complete

8 ball mrflibble (5) v (1) fleetwood
8 ball huts24 (4) v (2) jpenny3
9 ball silencer2k12 (4) v (2)sporting
9 ball blueberry (2) v (4) cleensheet
8 uk jame2010s (4) v (2) big_mouse
8 uk its_me (2) v (4) cannibals
straight lethal_lures (4) v (2) greyhound
straight w_hoolahan (4) v (2) run_outt

Edited at 02:14 Mon 23/04/12 (BST)
Posts: 4,557
03:03 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 00:30 Mon 23/04/12 (BST)
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04:14 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
big_mouse offline 5 hours at 12am said he would play tonight but didn't come on, jame2010s was here ready to play him or any sub.

I hate defaults but it was outa my control..

i think you mate blueberry lost the plot lol when he telling everyone me james did not play our game when the the result on your thread help the guy lol
Posts: 6,262
05:08 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the help Rick and sorry for confusion
Posts: 1,196
09:15 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks Col for taking me out of FBL games but if ever a sub is required i'll play
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12:49 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Thanks to all TPA for getting these games played.

Ignore Ricks post 2 hours ago saying to arrange them as they are all played, and deadlines past anyway

Seems we have both been fools in the last 24 hours pal

blueberry what are you on mate your the one that come on both thread saying the game was not played as your player put on your thread straight away if you choose to ignore it that up to you
so would you kindly stop posting the same thing over and over again please just get on with your team that you keep missing the result that down to you not me maybe if you check in the future before posting pointless comments this would not happen so please leave at that have a good day good luck to you all
Posts: 6,262
12:55 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I think Ricks lost the plot now too, as he's still asking today for his team to arrange the games he so kindly reminded me have already been played, even though deadlines past

Hey who's Perfect... Well played all on winning both FBL Set 3 games..

Also I'd like to say that even though we are all annoyed that eggfriedrice 12 - 3 lose has 'probably' put us out of the FCL CUP, that he was playing a very good opponent. I have no evidence to prove or suggest he lost the match on purpose so with that I'd ask we leave it there.

Good Luck Mike with Mice

Einen schonen Tag noch !
Posts: 6,262
13:07 Mon 23 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Dear Rick

Rick I'm on nothing, just pointing out that you're still posting asking your team to arrange to play games you reminded me were already played. I'd already apologized for my error.. I'm not posting same thing over and over again, just reminding you there is an edit button Please stop spamming Shooter's thread also, it's a nice day here fancy a game golf Rick. Maybe in the fresh air we'd get on like a house on fire

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Shooters FCL and FBL Champions (II)

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