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Shooters FCL and FBL Champions (II)

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Posts: 7,164
10:56 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shooters (16) v (8) TPA

8 ball its_me v big_mouse
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played

9 ball blueberry / mrflibble v _dntbmad_
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played

8 uk doubted2 v pennyarcade9

straight n_e_r_d / or huts24 or lethal_lures v greyhound

these games need playing urgently people lets get them done will sort team angry fix later

Edited at 12:43 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,164
11:04 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to doubted2 who won their 78th ever 8 Ball Pool UK Tournament,
Posts: 6,262
11:32 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
8 ball its_me v chanel
this is ok don't no why it hasn't been played

chanel posted that hes left tpa and needs subbed out.

Now he has joined The Mighty Rebels

Nice one on tourny win Craig
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12:03 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
however yyou will not complete games and are happy for them to go to default is a childish remark and ive got to say
certainly not what id expect from a captain

you have some cheek coming on here with your big words calling me childish i think you need to look closer to home before pointing the finger who childish here
when your co captain if that what you call him refused point blank to make subs
or to help other teams out with subs but all he was doing was giving us a bad attitude
when all the teams was asking him nicely for subs
if he would said i have no subs at the moment or players to sub in then people would took that on the chin left at that
no reason for his bad mouth comments when teams are just trying get games played
as for you with your comment you come back on over 24 hours still ignore what went on and ignore making subs
and the ones they made was illegal subs

none of this would been said if your co captain done his job by making subs like he should of done or told us he had no players to make subs it that simple
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12:17 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am online for the next 40 mins if you lot got a sub so that we can play if not someone else will have to play as im unavailable from 11ish this afternoon
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12:22 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
let forget about this now and make your subs and if i have players on i will tell them to play you guys
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12:28 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shooters (16) v (8) TPA

8 ball its_me v chanel
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played

9 ball blueberry / mrflibble v _dntbmad_
this is ok dont no why it hasnt been played

8 uk doubted2 v pennyarcade9

straight n_e_r_d / or huts24 or lethal_lures v greyhound

these games need playing urgently people lets get them done will sort team angry fix later

Edited at 09:03 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)

update you in the games i have craig

8 ball mdj 4 v 2 fleetwood

8 ball its_me v big_mouse

9 ball playa87 2 v 4 cheetsheet

9 ball blueberry v_dntbmad_

8 uk w_hoolahan 4 v 2 cannibals

8 uk jame2010s v pennyarcade9

straight lethal_lures v greyhound

straight eggfriedrice 6 v 0 dementedmind
Posts: 4,557
12:41 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
its_me , big mouse has asked me to ask u to take him off ignore to get your clan match played
Posts: 3,610
13:01 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Craig chanel says he has left tpa so not sure what will happen there

Lets all just play pool

Posts: 3,610
13:10 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
its_me , big mouse has asked me to ask u to take him off ignore to get your clan match played

done pal.... playing him tonight at 8ish
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13:28 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can slimball be subbed ? was told he just came online to play killer no reply from my offline message deadline approching , if it goes default then i will win due to me trying to get it played , hoping either capt ang or vice reply's to this message or even better slimeball himself

2 fixs left in that so would be good to get it completed

Edited at 10:10 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)

Message me the times you are available and I will play it

Still need a sub or subs list for the last game, my players have permission to sub in but they can't do it against no opponent. Liam would have played it if sub was made, you could have subbed in and played it craig but didn't...deadline day tomorrow a sub would be appreciated.
Posts: 7,164
15:14 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lee as for subbing mdj he has been online m8

slimeballs game looks to be sorted..

i will worry other fixtures after these are done
Posts: 6,262
16:49 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rick you quoted - i think you need to look closer to home before pointing the finger who childish here
when your co captain if that what you call him refused point blank to make subs
or to help other teams out with subs but all he was doing was giving us a bad attitude

If you're referring to me in the bad attitude way you mention above. I didn't refuse point blank to make subs. You may believe this in your head but its far from the truth. I made subs, was going to play pennyarcade then he logged out..

Then I got huts to do a sub but he didn't know subbing rules were different in FBL and it was actually a fixture swap so Sarah rightly disallowed. So to say I haven't tried is rubbish.

Please stop posting long quotes on Shooters thread as it looks a mess and is unreadable most of the time.

Craig is more than capable of making things work if you will work with him and stop childish games telling your players not to play games.

Lets just enjoy the season and stop the pantomime

Craig I am available to be subbed into any fixture I can play in and you feel the need pal
Posts: 4,971
17:23 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
15:13 Sat 24/03/12 Won the 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 378 TournaPoints!

round 1: BYE
round 2: w_hoolahan 2 - 1 dave1983
quarter finals: w_hoolahan 2 - 0 sxs000
semi finals: w_hoolahan 2 - 1 its_me
final: w_hoolahan 3 - 2 toluca321

came back from 1-0 down vs its_me and from 2-0 down vs toluca321 .. as i won! .
Posts: 1,196
17:30 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
15:26 Sat 24/03/12 Won the 9 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 210 TournaPoints!

round 1: Bye
quarter final silencer2k12 2-1 sunk_seven
semi final silencer2k12 2-1 its_me
final silencer2k12 3-0 chakey_84

Posts: 3,610
17:40 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
tratter cant win owt at the moment

table must be wonkyyyyy
Posts: 1,196
17:46 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol if only there was a like feature for posts on the forums

Like they have with facebook, id like your post tratter
Posts: 4,971
19:55 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
17:39 Sat 24/03/12 Won the Random Multi-Discipline, winning 336 TournaPoints!

round 1: BYE
round 2: me 1 - 0 damian08 (8us)
quarter finals: me 1 - 0 jimfaebod (8us)
semi finals: me 1 - 0 alf777 (8uk)
final: me 1 - 0 davybaumers (8uk)

despite a fluke when snookered on the black in the final it was all good..
Posts: 1,196
19:58 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
17:46 Sat 24/03/12 Won the 9 Ball Marathon Tournament, winning 462 TournaPoints!

Dedi to everyone at shooters

3 more tournament wins from my half century in the first month being back on pool

Good achievement for me!

So far in these last few weeks...
I get a job
Im in a pool clan with you fine players
My birthday in 12 days yep i feel everythin is going well for me
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20:10 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chat in this window is private between you and its_me
And should stay that way.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 18:57 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
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Shooters FCL and FBL Champions (II)

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