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Rattling on Funkypool.

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Deleted User
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19:27 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The way the balls rattle in the US tables is ridiculous, never would the rate of rattling i get happen in real life, it would either bounce of the 2 corners and come out or just go in.. or am i the only one who finds this?
Posts: 22,512
19:43 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rattling is just part of the game, this is funkypool so real life does not really matter. Either deal with it from time to time or work on your aiming to be honest.

Yes it can be frustrating but at the end of the day it is an online game and stuff like this happens.
Deleted User
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19:48 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
what so if you aim it right into the pocket and it bounces of the inside of the cush (Not the corner) it should bounce out?

I understand its all a game blah blah blah but i think thats a bit harsh personally
Posts: 22,512
19:57 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your aim has to be near dead on in the US games as the pockets are lethal otherwise. It all depends on where you aim the ball to go really, that is why i aim right into the heart of the pocket to try and evade the rattle.
Deleted User
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20:04 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your aim has to be near dead on in the US games as the pockets are lethal otherwise. It all depends on where you aim the ball to go really, that is why i aim right into the heart of the pocket to try and evade the rattle.

I smell a hint of sarcasm
Posts: 22,512
20:09 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
No sarcasm at all there?
Deleted User
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20:39 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I thought this was chalkie's thread saying he needed a drink
Posts: 38,097
20:41 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
should depend how hard you hit it really, whack it and it should wobble and possibly head towards the opposite corner pocket, hit it soft and 9 times out of 10 it should stay in the jaws
Posts: 4,751
21:53 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's not obvious which US table is being discussed, arcade or regular?

The physics on the pockets are quite accurate (practice slowly hitting the cue ball against them on the practice table), but maybe the style of the pockets are slightly inaccurate or different (just as tables differ in real life). It can be altered so that the pockets converge slightly so they bounce out quicker, but I'm not so sure it is so different.
Deleted User
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22:21 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know what he means on a real table when a ball rattles in the jaws the jaws are slightly curved so you will get the ball either working into the pocket or working its way out.
Real tables also have imperfections though and it's going to be impossible to perfectly replicate movement like you get.
It's like when you get people missing a middle pocket on here and saying they hit it too hard, makes absolutely no difference on here but on a real table if you hit it slowly it will curve into the pocket slightly and the actual lip will cause some deviation.
Posts: 4,751
00:57 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Real tables also have imperfections though and it's going to be impossible to perfectly replicate movement like you get.
It's like when you get people missing a middle pocket on here and saying they hit it too hard, makes absolutely no difference on here but on a real table if you hit it slowly it will curve into the pocket slightly and the actual lip will cause some deviation.

That is an interesting point. Small inaccuracies can be added on the cushion, different rolls according to spin. Should flaws be replicated? As a pool player and a games programmer I'd say no. However there are a couple of physics laws that it may make sense to add.
Deleted User
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02:03 Mon 5 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
what about just slightly rounding the edges of the jaws? im not sying like the snooker tablles but instead of a completely sharp edge?
Posts: 231
22:05 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know what he means on a real table when a ball rattles in the jaws the jaws are slightly curved so you will get the ball either working into the pocket or working its way out.
Real tables also have imperfections though and it's going to be impossible to perfectly replicate movement like you get.
It's like when you get people missing a middle pocket on here and saying they hit it too hard, makes absolutely no difference on here but on a real table if you hit it slowly it will curve into the pocket slightly and the actual lip will cause some deviation.

A good point you've touched upon there, about the speed of the ball having an effect on the way it reacts in such situation. I think it would be a great idea for Nick to implement a feature in which the ball would simply drop into the pocket if it is hit slowly enough, and on the contrary, make the ball rattle to a minimal before being deflected away from the pocket, as you would see on real life tables.
Posts: 974
20:11 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Actually, I've played on a couple of pool tables which when the balls rattles, it actually stays in the jaws. So it's realistic enough for me
Posts: 2,742
20:55 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think when a ball is on the side cushion and you attempt to pot it in a corner pocket and it clips the middle jaw needs looking at more, i just had a ball touching the side cushion but somehow clipped the middle jaw when i tried to pot it up the cushion.
Posts: 974
20:59 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can explain this.

When it's "on" the side cushion, it actually isn't. Even if looks dead on it. It's the same reason why touching ball can never be added as there is a 0.00000001% of chance of it touching, or being dead on the cushion in this case.

So when hitting it up it, it can catch the middle jaw as it's not dead on the cushion.
Posts: 2,742
21:03 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fair enough i better get my magnifying glass out next time a ball is on the cushion then
Posts: 38,097
22:25 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
for cushion shots (dunno if anyone else tries it, i have done in Original Snooker), you know the crosshair on the cursor? the black line i try and make it as in middle of object ball (without overlapping) as possible and they normally drop
Deleted User
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22:30 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i just line it up as a normal shot lol, works for me :P
Deleted User
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13:02 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Actually, I've played on a couple of pool tables which when the balls rattles, it actually stays in the jaws. So it's realistic enough for me

Depends what angle the ball hits the jaws at though, if the ball is hit into the jaws at a steep angle it should rattle into the pocket, a narrow angle and it should rattle out.

Power does have a big effect though if you hit it dead weight there should be much less chance of it rattling than if you blast it.
You're never going to get it all in there, would have to be albert einstein to work out the variables involved in a lot of this...pockets put side spin on balls as they go in too.
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