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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:18 Fri 2 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
This thread is for FBL news and notices only
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:18 Sun 4 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will all captains please make sure that their players are aware of the FBL format :

Each game consists of 6 frames of game type the clan member has been allocated except straight which is 3 frames:
6 frames of 8 Ball US
6 frames of 9 Ball US
6 frames of 8 Ball UK
3 frames of straight
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed

- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 Seconds

Both captains and players should read FBL rules

League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:20 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

Please will captains/vice captains send their FBL teamlists for fixture set 1 to anoneeemouse Deadline :
Friday 9/3/12 @9pm.
Fixtures will be released Sun 11/3/12 @ midnight for those who are successful in joining the league.
FBL league schedule can be found on the website.


League Runner
Posts: 11,061
13:23 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
How do you know the schedule and matchups already if you don't know what clans will make it in?
Posts: 38,097
14:27 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
agreed seb, don't you usually take a few days off to discuss whos in and whos not? any clans who don't make it you would have to redo the schedule therefore possibly asking for lists again.

not getting at you sarah but seems rushed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:34 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^^ Moved to discussion thread
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:57 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Entry

Shooters (qualified)
Vipers (15/16)
Fighting Eagles (14/16)
MVP (14/16)
Latin Legends (13/16)
Team Angry (13/16)
Underdogs (13/16)
Divine Forces (11/16)
Snooker Squad (11/16)
Assassins (8/16)
Crazy Eights (6/16)
Top Pool Aces (5/16)

Some teams with a lot of games still to complete and only 4 days until the deadline, all fixtures must be completed to guarantee entry into the league.
Let's get these games done we want to see all teams qualify.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:57 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture set 1

Teamlists received from :
Team Angry
Latin Legends
Crazy Eights
Fighting Eagles
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:40 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Entry

Shooters (qualified)
Vipers (qualified)
Assassins (14/16)
Fighting Eagles (14/16)
MVP (14/16)
Underdogs (14/16)
Latin Legends (13/16)
Team Angry (13/16)
Divine Forces (12/16)
Snooker Squad (12/16)
Top Pool Aces (10/16)
Crazy Eights (8/16)

Some teams with a lot of games still to complete and only 3 days until the deadline, all fixtures must be completed to guarantee entry into the league.
Let's get these games done we want to see all teams qualify.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:40 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture set 1

Teamlists received from :
Team Angry
Latin Legends
Crazy Eights
Fighting Eagles
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:45 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Entry

Shooters (qualified)
Vipers (qualified)
Assassins (16/16 Qualified)
Fighting Eagles (14/16)
MVP (14/16)
Underdogs (14/16)
Snooker Squad (14/16)
Team Angry (13/16)
Latin Legends (13/16)
Divine Forces (13/16)
Top Pool Aces (10/16)
Crazy Eights (8/16)

Some teams with a lot of games still to complete and only 3 days until the deadline, all fixtures must be completed to guarantee entry into the league.
Let's get these games done we want to see all teams qualify.

Edited at 13:49 Fri 09/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:51 Sat 10 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Entry

Shooters (qualified)
Vipers (qualified)
Assassins (16/16 Qualified)
Fighting Eagles (15/16)
Snooker Squad (15/16)
Underdogs (15/16)
Divine Forces (14/16)
MVP (14/16)
Team Angry (14/16)
Latin Legends (13/16)
Top Pool Aces (12/16)
Crazy Eights (11/16)

Looking much better now 2 days until the deadline, all fixtures must be completed to guarantee entry into the league.
Let's get these games finished off we want to see all teams qualify.

Edited at 09:44 Sat 10/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:47 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Entry

Shooters (qualified)
Vipers (qualified)
Assassins (Qualified)
Fighting Eagles (Qualified)
Team Angry (Qualified)

Snooker Squad (15/16)
Underdogs (15/16)
Divine Forces (15/16)
MVP (15/16)
Latin Legends (14/16)
Top Pool Aces (14/16)
Crazy Eights (14/16)

Looking much better now 1 day until the deadline, all fixtures must be completed to guarantee entry into the league.
Let's get these games finished off we want to see all teams qualify.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:14 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Entry

Shooters (Qualified)
Vipers (Qualified)
Assassins (Qualified)
Fighting Eagles (Qualified)
Team Angry (Qualified)
Divine Forces (Qualified)
MVP (Qualified)
Latin Legends (Qualified)
Snooker Squad (15/16)
Underdogs (15/16)
Top Pool Aces (14/16)
Crazy Eights (14/16)

Tonight is the deadline for these games, all fixtures must be completed to guarantee entry into the league.
Let's get these games finished off we want to see all teams qualify.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:45 Mon 12 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done to all teams in the preseason qualifiers. Only one game unplayed out of 11 matches.

Please will all captains/vices and players read the rules on the FBL site as there have been some changes

Good luck and enjoy the new season everyone

Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:14 Mon 12 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done to everyone for making it into the league. Please will all captains, vice capt/s and players read through the FBL rules,

We are looking at having minimal defaults this season,but sometimes unplayed games are unavoidable. In previous seasons teams have lost defaults purely by not sending the correct information for the default panel. Guidelines are below for all captains :

13.0 How to prepare default information for the default panel ( capts/ vice capt guidelines)
1) The fixture
2) Players concerned
3) Messages that were sent/received(supply copies of messages sent throughout the fixture trying to get game arranged ,3+ messages= max effort)
4) Player activity
5) Thread posts regarding default game (please supply page no. and thread or the message link)
6) When subs were offered and made

Teams will be penalised for numerous defaults against them

Any questions regarding rules, or any other FBL matter please offline message me
Best of luck for season 4

Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:20 Tue 13 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

FBL Cup Round 1

Teams have been randomly drawn , the fixtures for the first round of cup games are as below :

Fighting Eagles v MVP
Underdogs v Vipers
Divine forces v Crazy Eights
Shooters v Team Angry

Latin Legends/Assassins/TPA/Snooker Squad = BYE

Please can all captains of teams in the first round send their teamlists to anoneeemouse by Friday 16/3/12 @8pm
Fixtures will be released Sunday 18/3/12


Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:26 Thu 15 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.9 Replacing players that leave the clan
At any time, a clan captain may remove a player, (or a vice captain with permission from from the captain) from their clan

Without permission from the captain, no player will be removed from a team. If a captain wishes to give permission to their vice to make changes to their team, please will they post this on the team changes thread.

Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:14 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Cup Notice

FBL Cup Round 1 fixtures have now been released and can be found on

Deadline ~ 3/4/12 @ Midnight (GMT)
Please make sure all players are aware of format :
4 Games of either 8us /9 ball / 8uk or 2 games of straight
Good Luck Everyone

Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:35 Sun 18 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Deadline for cup games is 1 / 4 / 12 @ midnight (gmt)

Sorry my typing error

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FBL Notices and News

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