Vipers (the clan with spam)
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20:04 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
wooooo gooo team must be me bein mascot workin a treat
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20:35 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
praying for fabrice muamba fingers crossed
21:22 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
absolutely shocked, hope he pulls through
praying for fabrice muamba fingers crossed
absolutely shocked, hope he pulls through
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21:31 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
me too it so somber mood around the world of football.
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22:15 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
FBL Cup Notice
FBL Cup Round 1 fixtures have now been released and can be found on
Deadline ~ 3/4/12 @ Midnight (GMT)
Please make sure all players are aware of format :
4 Games of either 8us /9 ball / 8uk or 2 games of straight
Good Luck Everyone
Head League Runner
FBL Cup Round 1 fixtures have now been released and can be found on
Deadline ~ 3/4/12 @ Midnight (GMT)
Please make sure all players are aware of format :
4 Games of either 8us /9 ball / 8uk or 2 games of straight
Good Luck Everyone
Head League Runner
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22:55 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
Underdogs (2) v (2) Vipers
8us : wade_ v ryanbelfast
8us : hardy202 v fry06
9ball : jooodles v _miserable_
9ball : chris v i_am_classic_
8uk : tombstone74 (2) v (2) staffie_man
8uk : redalert124 v funky_fluke
str8 : p00lw1zard v punkpoet
str8 : woowoo69 v _pro_frog_
Deadline ~ 3/4/12 @ Midnight (GMT)
Please make sure all players are aware of format :
4 Games of either 8us /9 ball / 8uk or 2 games of straight
Good Luck VIPERS
Edited at 22:08 Sat 17/03/12 (GMT)
Underdogs (2) v (2) Vipers
8us : wade_ v ryanbelfast
8us : hardy202 v fry06
9ball : jooodles v _miserable_
9ball : chris v i_am_classic_
8uk : tombstone74 (2) v (2) staffie_man
8uk : redalert124 v funky_fluke
str8 : p00lw1zard v punkpoet
str8 : woowoo69 v _pro_frog_
Deadline ~ 3/4/12 @ Midnight (GMT)
Please make sure all players are aware of format :
4 Games of either 8us /9 ball / 8uk or 2 games of straight
Good Luck VIPERS
Edited at 22:08 Sat 17/03/12 (GMT)
23:06 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
Was happeneing with froggy and man_up???
and I will be online sunday deffiantly I am happy to sub in. Though if marksmith is around get him to play lol.
Divine Forces (63) v (57) Vipers
compleated thank you
Crazy Eights (57) v (33) Vipers
sly_fox (6) v (9) funky_fluke
huts24 (13) v (2) blackcabman7
hughsy89 (8) v (7) hotdave
bri1974 (12) v (3) coldsteel12
diamond_jem (10) v (5) staffie_man
try (8) v (7) fry06
dee v mk_lad
man_up v __pro__frog_ TBC
DEADLINE 18/03/12
Good Luck Vipers
Divine Forces (63) v (57) Vipers
compleated thank you
Crazy Eights (57) v (33) Vipers
sly_fox (6) v (9) funky_fluke
huts24 (13) v (2) blackcabman7
hughsy89 (8) v (7) hotdave
bri1974 (12) v (3) coldsteel12
diamond_jem (10) v (5) staffie_man
try (8) v (7) fry06
dee v mk_lad
man_up v __pro__frog_ TBC
DEADLINE 18/03/12
Good Luck Vipers
Was happeneing with froggy and man_up???
and I will be online sunday deffiantly I am happy to sub in. Though if marksmith is around get him to play lol.
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23:08 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
mk_lad be on tonight just hoping to get a sub
23:22 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
Any chance of a game swap Kenny at all or something mate? I can play just now but not sure how long im on for.
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23:26 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
FBL Fixture Set 1
Vipers (5) v (13) Divine Forces
8 ball
funky_fluke v angel
mk_lad v theukspoon
9 ball
master_p00l v hightops
blackcabman7 (2) v (4) bulldog_oc
8 uk
staffie_man (1) v (5) cool_dude
hotdave (2) v (4) i_was_awesum
punkpoet v _niall_
marksmith v tokko
MVP (19) v (5) Vipers
8 ball
cphaynes(5) v (1)fry06
beenjammin v mfc_ss
9 ball
rapid_pot v coldsteel12
bluenose1872 (4) v (2) staffie_man
8 uk
andyw1 v ryanbelfast
polar_bear v _pro__frog_
dvz (4) v (2) punkpoet
eemad (6) v (0) fastboysam
Deadline: 25 / 3 /12 @ MIDNIGHT (GMT)
Good Luck
Edited at 22:07 Sat 17/03/12 (GMT)
Vipers (5) v (13) Divine Forces
8 ball
funky_fluke v angel
mk_lad v theukspoon
9 ball
master_p00l v hightops
blackcabman7 (2) v (4) bulldog_oc
8 uk
staffie_man (1) v (5) cool_dude
hotdave (2) v (4) i_was_awesum
punkpoet v _niall_
marksmith v tokko
MVP (19) v (5) Vipers
8 ball
cphaynes(5) v (1)fry06
beenjammin v mfc_ss
9 ball
rapid_pot v coldsteel12
bluenose1872 (4) v (2) staffie_man
8 uk
andyw1 v ryanbelfast
polar_bear v _pro__frog_
dvz (4) v (2) punkpoet
eemad (6) v (0) fastboysam
Deadline: 25 / 3 /12 @ MIDNIGHT (GMT)
Good Luck
Edited at 22:07 Sat 17/03/12 (GMT)
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23:27 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
i sub in u owe me one lol
bluenose1872 vs i_am_classic
is now
bluenose1872 vs staffie_man
bluenose1872 vs i_am_classic
is now
bluenose1872 vs staffie_man
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23:30 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
dee v mk_lad
_7baller_ vs mk_lad
permission from jema
_7baller_ vs mk_lad
permission from jema
23:43 Sat 17 Mar 12 (GMT)
Sometimes I love a good argument with someone who thinks they are all that.
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00:10 Sun 18 Mar 12 (GMT)
me 2 vs 4 bluenose
great games pleasure as allways.
me 2 vs 2 tombstone
terrible games we both v poor draw fair result.
me 2 vs 4 bluenose
great games pleasure as allways.
me 2 vs 2 tombstone
terrible games we both v poor draw fair result.
00:26 Sun 18 Mar 12 (GMT)
wp kenny you did pretty well agaist good opponents :)
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09:18 Sun 18 Mar 12 (GMT)
Funky if you read this... When you come on if I ain't on zac can msg me on fb and I'll come on :)
Edit: master_p00l offline for 2day, not major issue but making you aware
Edited at 07:22 Sun 18/03/12 (GMT)
Edit: master_p00l offline for 2day, not major issue but making you aware
Edited at 07:22 Sun 18/03/12 (GMT)
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Vipers (the clan with spam)
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