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Posts: 2,094
14:27 Wed 19 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He won't miss a tournament, you should know that!!

When one of his players and there opponent are both on tho he expects them to play straight away, make sure you remember this for next time dgen!!
Deleted User
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14:58 Wed 19 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jgo v zante

8ball 2-1 a lovely runout for zante in this one
9ball 2-1 I got the rub of the green in this one!
8ball uk 2-1 zante was ul not to get another runout in this but the balls just were not running his way!

Overall 6-4 to me, good games mate and a pleasure playing you!
Posts: 7,974
15:20 Wed 19 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He won't miss a tournament, you should know that!!

When one of his players and there opponent are both on tho he expects them to play straight away, make sure you remember this for next time dgen!!

yap yap yap ..... think id better post the truth here
fuunky when do you ever just simply shuuuuuuuush
when things dont concern you
Posts: 2,094
15:36 Wed 19 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Yeah it's always best posting the truth just like I do, hence the reason you always struggle to come up with a proper reply, so instead you just post a load of bs!!
Posts: 7,974
15:44 Wed 19 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
my first message
the__priest Online
i have you in the FSL
players championship
let me no when ur available to play please
Sent 6 days ago

no response
the__priest Online
when ca we play our fsl games
will you let me no please
Sent 4 days ago

i will play you when i have the time, you are always online anyway so i am sure i will not miss you
Sent 4 days ago

the__priest Online
but i will be away for xmas
hence the messages
i hope you have time
Sent 4 days ago

i should be online tonight as i have a match with marksmith so maybe then
Sent 4 days ago

was online waited around ms subbed out

Jay has let me on the computer as he seen you online, would you like to play this Players Championship game just now?
Sent about 5 hours ago

the__priest Online
just finished a torno sorry for taking so long to answer
sorry id much prefer evenings if thats ok, i do work in between games. i get mega lag during the day when running my cad packages
losing a few points is one thing losing a game like this is important
so tonight maybe ??
Sent about 4 hours ago

I can't do evenings due to the baby, i can do most mornings and late nights just depends on the baby. I could try to be online tonight after 10PM.
Sent about 4 hours ago

sorry chris for cluttering your thread im sure the above explains events
Posts: 7,974
15:45 Wed 19 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
im sure this game will be played chris, im on enough
Posts: 38,097
16:28 Wed 19 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He won't miss a tournament, you should know that!!

When one of his players and there opponent are both on tho he expects them to play straight away, make sure you remember this for next time dgen!!

oh i will

Posted Image
Deleted User
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07:34 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
@ the__priest

It is common knowledge that I have a half year old baby, you should well know that I cannot set an exact date/time as they are unpredictable, especially at the moment when he is ill, hence why I am up at this hour.

Having said that, I was online yesterday morning (8:47) while Riley was asleep and asked you to play, you said no, but...

09:05 Wed 19/12/12 Received 36 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the 8 Ball Speed Tournament

09:33 Wed 19/12/12 Won the 9 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 252 TournaPoints!

10:33 Wed 19/12/12 Won the Micro 8 Ball Tournament, winning 84 TournaPoints!

10:59 Wed 19/12/12 Received 32 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the Micro 8 Ball UK Tournament

11:14 Wed 19/12/12 Received 4 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the Micro 9 Ball Arcade Speed Tournament

11:26 Wed 19/12/12 Received 24 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the Micro 8 Ball Arcade Tournament

12:47 Wed 19/12/12 Won the 9 Ball Marathon Tournament, winning 294 TournaPoints!

That is pretty much 7 tournaments, one after the other.

I have also played you in the morning tournaments and you never seem to have an issue with lag then so I do not see why you could not have played me yesterday but had time for 7 tournaments, 3 of which you won and 3 you made the final, lag? LOL

I was also on the night of the marksmith game but I just missed him when I came on
Posts: 7,974
12:49 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i havnt a clue what relavence your posting above is about, but thanks for taking interest in my results, will your post above assist in getting the game played ? i think not, i seem to have seen you wernt even online for a considerable amount of the above time so why you need to even post it surprises me.

i have got to be one of the easiest players to find online, i said yesterday i was working most days.

and i said i suffered mega lag when running my cad packages, not that i feel the need to explain myself to you, but i dont run them all day by any stretch, i dont see anywhere where youve said you will be on at a particular time, im here alot.

if however you set a time i would gladly make myself avaialable rather than just come on and say..... can you play the now, not that i understand what that means.

instead of using this forum to air your unwarranted attacks on me, how about just sorting a time to play the now

thats got to be easy maybe even use offline message instead of insinuating im a liar, which may i add isnt relevant to anything.

ive been on a while unfortunately i cant see you ......
maybe catch you later. i have offlined messaged you which im sure is what we are supposed to do, rather than tie up a perfectly good thread with nonsense
Posts: 38,097
12:52 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
she has a fair point though
Posts: 7,974
12:59 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no show without punch
i couldnt play one morning james hmmmmmmmm

you dont get laaaaag v strange comment from you james

and does your post help to get the game played ???
i call this constructive.
Posts: 2,094
13:58 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Everyone is entitled to an opinion whether you like it or not, pixie is clearly in the right, nothing at all wrong with posting all the evidence on this thread, if you can sit there for hours playing that many tournaments and win some and get to finals as well, then lag is the worst excuse you could of come up with for refusing to play!!

Can you remember you're input on the its_me vs sarny lad game, lol you don't half make a fool out of yourself and the funny thing is you fail to see it everytime!!
Posts: 22,512
14:15 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He's not even worth my time actually as he seems to not listen to anything anyone says...

Edited at 12:18 Thu 20/12/12 (GMT)
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14:38 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
OK... "play the now" is something that is said where we are from, basically means play right now.

i dont see anywhere where youve said you will be on at a particular time, im here alot.

if however you set a time i would gladly make myself avaialable rather than just come on and say

Clearly you cannot read - I HAVE A BABY! I cannot possibly commit to a time, babies have no schedule, they are unpredictable, all be the fact he has a routine he is ill at the moment therefore all rules go out the window with him.

ive been on a while unfortunately i cant see you ......

Not that I need to justify myself to you but I was at the doctors with my baby. My priorities as a mother far out weight a game with you, I am not willing to sit here all day waiting for you when I have Riley to look after.

Rough times I can play - Mornings and sometimes mid afternoon IF Riley goes down for a nap. I cannot do evenings as I am tired from looking after Riley during the day that I just go to bed.

I was not online last night as I have had minimal sleep this week and went to bed at half 8. If you want to get a game played in the evening and Jay is online, message him and ask him to ask me to come online.

Since you admit you are not hard to find and are online a lot surely you can accommodate my request as I clearly cannot submit to yours.

I am going offline again now, if that is OK with you? My Son needs me.
Posts: 38,097
14:49 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no show without punch
i couldnt play one morning james hmmmmmmmm

you dont get laaaaag v strange comment from you james

and does your post help to get the game played ???
i call this constructive.

i was joking hence the , just wanted to see how long it took you to bite, hey little fishy
Posts: 7,974
17:06 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry chris about the all the above should be no more now the game is played dont no what all the fuss was about anyway

thought i was playing pixie_dust
wasny aware i was playing bluenose, or funky or even james
good to see they take such an intrest in FSL now

back on topic one only hopes
Posts: 8,780
17:47 Thu 20 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phew that's a relief
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17:55 Fri 21 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Two unplayed Round 5 games remaining before Sunday night's deadline...

dvz v poolbiird
king8ball1 v pirate_steve
Deleted User
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21:06 Sat 22 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Full Round 6 Draw is here...

the__priest v beenjammin (9)
lethal_lures v pirate_steve
dvz v greyhound
jgo3000 v slatty

3 games of 8 Ball, 9 Ball & 8UK with bonus points for RunOuts/GB's.

Deadline is Midnight UK on 31st December 2012 although hopefully it will move even quicker than that.

Deleted User
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02:43 Sat 29 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

An early finish to Round 6 brings us swiftly to the Semi-Final draw...

the__priest v slatty
lethal_lures v dvz

3 games of 8 Ball, 9 Ball & 8UK with bonus points for RunOuts/GB's.

Deadline is Midnight UK on 5th January 2013 although it may move quicker than that should both games be completed.

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