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Posts: 2,800
23:13 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Not seen him online when I have been on....
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23:48 Wed 25 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
im glad i drew you
Posts: 11,061
02:47 Thu 26 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
pro frog is browsing again- last chance to play it!
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23:21 Thu 26 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Semi-Final draw

jose_enrique beat dgeneratio
scott7a v whocares8x8

I am pretty sure no deadline will be required however I will revise this if needs be.
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23:40 Fri 27 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Grand Slam - The Players Championship

The Final

jose_enrique v whocares8x8

Again no deadline at this time.

Should I be online when you two arrange to play this I wouldnt mind watching to see the outcome of our endeavours!!
Posts: 11,061
23:43 Fri 27 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No problem chris. Odds are it will be played sometime after 10 UK time.
Also, might not be played for another week, because I'm not home and could have dodgy connection.
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00:22 Sat 28 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No problem chris. Odds are it will be played sometime after 10 UK time.
Also, might not be played for another week, because I'm not home and could have dodgy connection.

Play with the dodgy connection seb, i dont mind
Posts: 11,061
00:50 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Playing the final in about 20 minutes
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19:06 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds like there was a very worthy end to this inaugural competition. Well done to Seb and thanks to everyone that played.

Feedback now requested please


a) is there a desire for this competition to continue?

if yes then...

b) any thoughts on the entry system?

I have had a couple of suggestions already. One is to bar anyone offline for 10 days or more prior to the first round draw. That is easily doable however I have reservations on it if it knocks out even one player that might come back to the game during the first round and play from that point on.

Also in this tournament there were some players that took part that I know for sure would never have played had it been a requirement to confirm entry by posting therefore I do not particularly wish to go down that route.

c) Game formats? Number of racks and number of game types included?

d) Game scoring? Bonus points for events? Tie-breakers?


Edited at 16:11 Tue 08/05/12 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
19:27 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yes and i liked the format already so not much needs to be changed really
Posts: 11,061
19:33 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
a) yes

b) I think avoiding the roughly 10-20 (?) automatic defaults you get in the first round due to people offline for 10 days or more is worth it, even at the risk of one or two of them potentially returning within the week of the deadline.
Other than that, I would keep the automatic signup. That's the whole point of the competition- it includes everyone (that is somewhat active)

c) and d) The game format is perfect. Not as long as FCL games, but certainly long enough for a non-fluky result.
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19:39 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  

b) I think avoiding the roughly 10-20 (?) automatic defaults you get in the first round due to people offline for 10 days or more is worth it, even at the risk of one or two of them potentially returning within the week of the deadline.

I am easy either way on it. As I said, it's pretty easy to do so it's not a problem if people prefer that.
Posts: 11,061
19:42 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Or you could fix the pairings so that anyone offline for 10 days or more definitely gets a game in the first round?

That way, if they return in time, they can play. And if not, they are knocked out by defaults. By the second round, only active players would remain.
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19:44 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep - thats easy to do too.
Deleted User
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19:57 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I saw a post somewhere Chris that said IF you play earlier on in tourney you would get a bye later on. I agree and disagree with that to be honest with you mate

Draws should include everyone(even if they played in round 1,2,3 etc etc etc) so then it is down to the luck of the draw

Gives everyone a chance of playing so people cant moan saying therev hasnt played in the tourney and he is in round 4 already

Hope ya understand what im saying chris
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20:03 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I do. I did post along the lines of your 'agree' comment as I thought it fairer overall.

It also stopped inactive players getting successive byes which kept them in the competition only to then cause a bye themselves later on when they finally did draw an opponent.

No right and wrong - just whichever people prefer.
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20:03 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont think anything needs changed tbh chris, maybe the offline DQ thing yous are on about but thats it, enjoyed getting smoked in the final lol, great tournament you made here!
Posts: 11,061
20:05 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I do. I did post along the lines of your 'agree' comment as I thought it fairer overall.

It also stopped inactive players getting successive byes which kept them in the competition only to then cause a bye themselves later on when they finally did draw an opponent.

No right and wrong - just whichever people prefer.
I would say random draw each round, but it doesn't make much of a difference.
If inactive players are automatically kicked out or placed in fixtures early, what you mentioned won't be much of a problem anymore.
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02:56 Sat 9 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Second installment of this will commence from next Sunday (17th). At that point anyone registered to play in any league clan will be automatically entered into the Round 1 draw.

As before, anyone that specifically wants to be excluded from the draw and the competition is welcome to post here before next Sunday night (17th).

Also there is no requirement to play any game in which you may be drawn and similarly no sanction whatsoever for not playing.

Edited at 00:11 Sat 09/06/12 (BST)
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13:48 Wed 13 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
First Round Draw will be published on Sunday.

I have decided to go with Seb's idea therefore anyone that I identify as being long term inactive - approximately 14 days - won't be included in the draw.


On a side note - having carried out that exercise, the number of clans that are/will be potentially seriously short on players is quite concerning for the coming season as a whole.
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