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Scoring system,Needs sorting ASAP

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Deleted User
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09:44 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ive had alot of players calling the score system, Lots of people think its unfair.Losing riduculous points against resseters.

Me being one of them.I have an idea that win or lose in tournaments 3.0 points should be awarded and if game lost 3.0 points to be lost , A set amount for every game , maybe double for the final?

These needs sorting as playing tournaments even for the best of people is disturbing as the points being lost is stupid
Posts: 1,594
11:56 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can't do that unfortunately, rank would mean nothing then as u would have a lot of people gettin close to that 1000 mark, and vice versa......they dealt with it once banning noobs but there thinking about the new members except the old and reliable 1s

what would be interesting if they could maybe put say 5 professional tourneys in that wud be awesome, where only pros can play
Posts: 974
12:01 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
__7baller__ said:
Me being one of them.I have an idea that win or lose in tournaments 3.0 points should be awarded and if game lost 3.0 points to be lost , A set amount for every game , maybe double for the final?

I'm guessing you have no clue how the ranking system works if you're suggesting that. That will just destroy the system as it will make it possible to go over the 1000 rank, which should always be impossible.

One idea which has cropped up recently though, is that if you hit a newbie in a tournament, it freezes your rank. In other words, you can't lose rank against them, but can't win any rank against them either. They, on the other hand, can gain and lose rank. This way, you aren't affected by newbies, and the ranking system isn't changed either, as the current set up works very well.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:22 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Would rather they didn't have newbies in tournaments, the amount of resetters and 2nd accounts has gone through the roof as predicted and it's just crap playing tournament games for 0.1 pts
Had one guy winning 5 or 6 tourneys in a row on the first day of his second account before getting banned.
Genuine noobs need to learn to play before doing anything in tourneys anyway and can do that through micros, the change in tournapoints would have made more of the top players play the big ones again and leave the micros alone....all this change has benefited are resetters and fake noobs.
Posts: 1,142
13:53 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I propose a simple solution:

1. Remove the reset feature.
2. Remove the ability to reactivate.
3. Only 1 account per user ever.
4. Anyone with 2 or more accounts has them all banned, not second and higher.

Too many people are abusing the system and a more draconian response would work a treat.
Posts: 974
13:58 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
rapid_pot said:
I propose a simple solution:

1. Remove the reset feature.
2. Remove the ability to reactivate.
3. Only 1 account per user ever.
4. Anyone with 2 or more accounts has them all banned, not second and higher.

Too many people are abusing the system and a more draconian response would work a treat.

Just will never work Adam. Always ways round these.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:17 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
How are you going to trace people with 2 accounts? I.P Address won't work because plenty of families play using the same computer and/or internet connection
Deleted User
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16:25 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just go back to no noobs in tourneys
Posts: 4,775
17:02 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Just go back to no noobs in tourneys

Then theres hardly anyone in them! Since newbies have been allowed to play again the amount of people joining tourneys seems to be just about back to normal.

If your good enough to get your 800+ rank once, then losing a few points shouldnt be such a big deal....... just get it back again!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:14 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's not the losing them it's playing tourney games for 0.1 wins it just leaves you unsatisfied
Adjusting the tournapoints would have made the decent players play in them anyway, real noobs aren't going to get anywhere in them.
You're just encouraging people to reset every 5 minutes and the ones with their 2nd accounts by letting them in tourneys.
Posts: 38,097
17:24 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
2nd accounts get banned, or should do at least.

i know a mate of mine from snooker made a 2nd account and when i looked the next day it was banned and rightfully so.

damien said:

One idea which has cropped up recently though, is that if you hit a newbie in a tournament, it freezes your rank. In other words, you can't lose rank against them, but can't win any rank against them either. They, on the other hand, can gain and lose rank. This way, you aren't affected by newbies, and the ranking system isn't changed either, as the current set up works very well.

thats the solution to everyones problems, i did ask nick if it could be done and its possible just a question of when
Deleted User
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17:38 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you cant beat a newbie then go practice more is my advice
Posts: 12,419
18:03 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
my advice would be to treat a newbie as a professional player, some people have the wrong mentality
Posts: 4,775
18:03 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
It's not the losing them it's playing tourney games for 0.1 wins it just leaves you unsatisfied
Adjusting the tournapoints would have made the decent players play in them anyway, real noobs aren't going to get anywhere in them.
You're just encouraging people to reset every 5 minutes and the ones with their 2nd accounts by letting them in tourneys.

Its proven to get more people play in them tho. Before the tourneys became ranked and all swapped around, at peak times we could have something like 80/90 people playing....... this never happened without newbies! When it changed you were lucky to play 3 rounds including the final.

I think if you want to improve your rank then play ranked games, if you want to win a tourney....... play a tourney.

As for resetting and having 2 accounts, i dont see the problem with either. If you lose to them just play a few ranked games and get it back, its not the end of the world.
Posts: 2,463
18:10 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The newbie protection is there, keeping us from losing too many points to resetters. Still happens though when a resetter just lost their newbie tag, but still aren't yet ranked where they should be.
I think the number of games needed to lose the newbie tag should be raised, this would give resetters more time to get ranked where they should be, before you can lose any real points to them.
Posts: 4,775
18:27 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats probably a better idea. It would stop all the rank obsessed players complaining, allow people to give themselves a challenge by resetting and keep tourneys how they should be (in my opinion), more than 3 rounds!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:39 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
rapid_pot said:
I propose a simple solution:

1. Remove the reset feature
2. Remove the ability to reactivate.
3. Only 1 account per user ever.
4. Anyone with 2 or more accounts has them all banned, not second and higher.

Too many people are abusing the system and a more draconian response would work a treat.

Agree with removing the reset feature. It goes against the basis of having a stable rank system if you can simply reset until the early win ratio pleases you. I'm aware it was implemented to pull people away from creating new accounts, but i believe it's a lot more important to have rank integrity and all this current system does is encourage players to give up to too early.

Make it more hassle to be a fake newbie.

I believe having to create a new account from scratch deters people from starting afresh a lot more than just being able to flip a switch and hey presto. If i lost the first 3 frames i can just start again, but it should come at the cost of me having to sign up again and losing the account name i picked.

You are always going to have the problem of fake newbie's, so isn't it better to go with what ever option decreases the possibility of it happening?
Posts: 7,164
18:43 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dunno about any of it

i worked hard getting torno points when you were getting 200 for a good turn out

now 1000 +

what was the point
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:43 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just think it's pathetic playing the best players on here for 0.1 pts a game in tourneys. Win 3 rounds 2-0 for 0.6pts then lose 2-1 to someone close to you in rank and end up 5pts down from it.
I'm hardly rank obsessed either, mines up and down a lot <edited>

Please keep forum posts polite.

Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 21:18 Mon 20/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 4,775
18:57 Mon 20 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
dunno about any of it

i worked hard getting torno points when you were getting 200 for a good turn out

now 1000 +

what was the point

When tournapoints first came out it was in the 1000's until newbies were stopped from playing.

ipotalot said:
I just think it's pathetic playing the best players on here for 0.1 pts a game in tourneys. Win 3 rounds 2-0 for 0.6pts then lose 2-1 to someone close to you in rank and end up 5pts down from it.
I'm hardly rank obsessed either, mines up and down <removed>

Thats what ranked games are for tho, getting your rank up! I think the way the system is now keeps people at the rank they should be and not having 800+ when your not even that good. You dont see the really high rankers complaining...... thats because they are good enough and know they are good enough to get it back easily.

And i'll ignore the Geordie comment

Edit: And the "not even that good" comment wasnt aimed at anyone in particular lol

Edited at 17:01 Mon 20/02/12 (GMT)

Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 21:19 Mon 20/02/12 (GMT)
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