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Crazy Eights - May The Mayhem Begin.

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09:02 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
GOing SHhaitzzer GoiNg
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09:35 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yayyyy tournament win!
Posts: 7,164
11:32 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
mrflibble said:
dee vs mrflibble

I've messaged this guy 3 times last week, he replied once but hasn't given me a definite time/day, may want to sort out a sub as I can't catch him online either.

maybe you want to be thinking of a sub here also, it isnt for one player to make an effort its 2, clearly mrflibble is making an clear effort

your player was on at 7-30 uk this morning if he could tell some one when he will be on we may be able to accomodate this if not, you need to sub
Posts: 7,164
11:36 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if deejay is on after 12 if dee contacts him he has permission to play we aill have to do sub after
Posts: 4,557
12:32 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
wd dee on your 10-5 win
Deleted User
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15:21 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
wd huts and dee on your wins
Deleted User
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20:03 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The conversation is flowing in here

Come on peeeps! Im sure if convo gets going, it wont be long before fry06 comes and spams the pages up
Deleted User
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23:37 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 diamond_jem and q_tip

could you keep the crazy 8s off the Latin Legends thread unless its clan related please or i will start quoting the messages again

thanks blinky
Posts: 22,512
23:43 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't know why you tagged me in that mate? I have nothing to do with Crazy Eights
Deleted User
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23:47 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL league runner arent ya Jay so thats why i tagged you
Posts: 22,512
23:49 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Head runner get it right .

I see your point but i don't like this tagging stuff, my emails are messed around with it all and increased in numbers to.

Jema is also a runner and captain here so she can sort that out when ever she gets the chance to
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23:51 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
therev said:
bluenose1872 diamond_jem and q_tip

could you keep the crazy 8s off the Latin Legends thread unless its clan related please or i will start quoting the messages again

thanks blinky

Im sorry , Cant believe you have just posted this on our thread! What a joker

__7baller__ said:
I Find your member chalkey_84 very rude, didnt say gl , gg , wp once! If you want your clan to be respected you need to teach that little boy how to use his manners! Lost alot of respect for the latin's just through one rude boy


__7baller__ said:
Im just giving you a heads up mate, Not blaming anything on you ....But he is rude and he has no manners! I was very polite to him even when i beat him 5 times and he beat me twice i still wished him good luck and said well played throughout all the games.So wouldnt take much just to have some manners and return the politness that i was giving him

Thats what i put , People on here have no manners its untrue its like theyve been brought up to be ignorant so and so's!
Deleted User
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23:54 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
to be honest i dont see anything wrong with that John posted, if its constant spamming then i get it, but he allowed to post his opinion. many of us have done the same to a clan about one of their members.

john, i just suggest you keep off latins, they dont appear to like our eights very much
Posts: 22,512
23:55 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you have a problem with a player then tell the player that no need to post on their clan thread about it, what did you expect to happen really?

It was not clan related and there is not much they can do about a player who is rude or anything like that.
Deleted User
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23:58 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
got nothing against the 8s apart from one player so cant say i dont like your lot

i just dont see point in them posts at all on the thread jem

would you have liked it if i posted that 7baller(example) was been rude and ignorant on your thread?
Deleted User
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23:59 Tue 21 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well in all fairness, i have seen many people do it after clan matches, complaining on clan threads about the attitudes of players. having said that i do not encourage it.
Posts: 11,063
00:00 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I forgot who the captain is here-
do you have a sub for wales__lad?
I have crazy_greg online who could sub in for junster to get our last game played.
Deleted User
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00:01 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im sorry but can you just ask therev what he said in a tourny match the other day , i was playing toluca and he was there spamming the chat box putting me off ,we then resolved this by pm and he said sorry for it.He did say however that how would jem feel about me saying gg well played before the game has ended ? Might just post on her thread?

Jay really when he plays for a clan he takes up responcebility for being polite , in my eyes it has everything to do with the clan! As i said if therev can come into my game and chat utter nonsence and threaten me with telling jem :/

Theres nothing they can do about it , But i thought id make there team aware there is a rude player in there team! Id like the same done to me if i was ever inpolite or rude

Common manners! Dont cost anything
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:04 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok lets not get into an argument about it.

john please keep off latins thread

danny - if one of my players is rude, personally, id like to know about it so i can tell them off, but each to their own

seb - let me just check who i got available and will get back to you in a couple of mins

oh and jay, i love you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:05 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The matter is rested now,I dont want to kick up a stink about it but i just wanted to warn them that he was rude and not a very good sport

Anyways how are you all today crazy peoples?
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