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The Underdogs (getting stronger biting at your ankles)

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Posts: 8,780
22:15 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
He isn't MY player, as i said it's quite obvious neither of you get along so please just ignore each other because all this bickering is getting tedious

If you feel he has broken forum rules please use contact us

Thank you
Posts: 8,780
22:17 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super league ll fixture 2

Mouseketeers 16 v 14 The Underdogs

red4ever (s) 3 v 3 tombstone74 (s)
playa87 5 v 1 jooodles
marksmith 2 v 4 welshie
punkpoet (s) 2 v 4 0utlaw (s)
samwisemac 4 v 2 robl94


Uprising 14 v 17 The Underdogs

irish_ninja 3 v 4 lfc07
shadows 1 v 5 0utlaw
spin_doctor (s) 2 v 4 chris
skunkyfool 4 v 2 woowoo69
wade_ (s) 4 v 2 redalert124


Deadline midnight 27/6/12

2 games of US8
2 games of US9
2 games of UK8

6 games in total - 1 point for each game won and 1 point for each 'event' achieved ('events' are Golden Breaks and Run Outs)

Good luck everyone

Edited at 21:30 Tue 26/06/12 (BST)
Posts: 8,780
22:17 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 1

Mouseketeers 57 vs 33 Underdogs

yetti vs woowoo69
red4ever vs foulonblack
nick79theman 5 vs 10 welshie
punkpoet 11 vs 4 hardy202
tartanrox 13 vs 2 robl94
fleetwood (s) 10 vs 5 tombstone74
no1hustl3r 11 vs 4 lfc07
playa87 7 vs 8 redalert124

The Legend Killers 34 vs 11 Underdogs

liquidpool vs redalert124
sniper (s) 9 vs 6 tombstone74
relisys 14 vs 1 hardy202
ads19 vs 0utlaw
davey_1985(s) 11 vs 4 robl94
r1p0m4n vs lilmisscragg
familyguy0 vs welshie (s)
yorkshire1 (s) vs lfc07

Deadline is 1/7/12

5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk
Posts: 8,780
22:18 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture 1

The Legend Killers 29 v 13 Underdogs

8US sniper (s) 2 v 4 lfc07
8US ads19 5 v 1 hardy202

9US familyguy0 (s) 3 v 3 jooodles
9US relisys 5 v 1 robl94

8UK fuunky 4 v 2 tombstone74
8UK khukuri v welshie

Straight r1p0m4n v woowoo69
Straight ripped_rank 6 v 0 lilmisscragg

Killer sniper/khukuri/r1p0m4n v 3 underdogs
Killer ads19/relisys/familyguy0 v 3 different underdogs

Untouchables 5 v 7 Underdogs

8US madmiketyson v welshie
8US the_unknown 4 v 2 tombstone74

9US dbno v lfc07
9US im_crap_adam 4 v 2 0utlaw

8UK mr_pink_eyes v redalert124
8UK jimmy__1878 (s) 1 v 5 robl94

Straight banana v chris
Straight apples_back v woowoo69

Killer 3 v 3 underdogs
Killer 3 v 3 different underdogs

Deadline is 8th of July @ Midnight

6 Frames of your game type or 3 of straight

Edited at 20:22 Tue 26/06/12 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
22:24 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
He isn't MY player, as i said it's quite obvious neither of you get along so please just ignore each other because all this bickering is getting tedious

If you feel he has broken forum rules please use contact us

Thank you

What i ment is he is in your clan which was pretty obvious jooodles.
Have you got a player who can sub in so we can play our last game???
Posts: 8,780
22:26 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
No, hoping chris comes on to play it if he doesn't a sub will be made tomorrow

Edited at 19:34 Tue 26/06/12 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
22:41 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
unsure why when you have hardy on and we have eggfriedrice on why can't we sub them?
We don't want any defaults. I subbed a player out earlier in this fixture unsure why you guys arn't returning the favour but ok....
Hope it ill get done tomorrow.
Posts: 8,780
22:44 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It will get played i'm certain of it so no need to worry

And no it wont go to default because it will get played, so no need to think chris will win it because he runs it ~ because i can assure you it doesn't work like that

If chris doesn't come on tonight to get it arranged a sub will be sorted so it gets played on time

Edited at 19:49 Tue 26/06/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:14 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture 1 8UK jimmy__1878 (s) v robl94

8UK - robl94 WON 5-1

Lot better today.
Posts: 1,010
23:17 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture 1 8UK jimmy__1878 (s) v robl94

8UK - robl94 WON 5-1

Lot better today.

Well played mate, not much I could do when the white pots after every shot I make lol
Posts: 8,780
23:47 Tue 26 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super league ll fixture 2

chris v eggfriedrice is now 0utlaw v eggfriedrice
Posts: 248
00:24 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
what up dogs

0utlaw 4 v 2 punkpoet

8us 2 - 0
9us 0 -2
8uk 2 - 0

good games coulda gone either way..cheers mr poet.
Posts: 248
00:26 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
is there any chance that i can play 8uk in fbl like i have in the past seasons?......cheers
Posts: 19,819
00:27 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
mr? now this guy I like lol, wp pal gl in the rest
ggs overall dogs
Posts: 8,780
00:47 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
is there any chance that i can play 8uk in fbl like i have in the past seasons?......cheers

Sorry i sent the FBL list off this time ~ as i wasn't sure who liked what i thought i'd mix it up a bit

I'm sure it will be sorted for the next fixture though
Posts: 248
01:18 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Outlaw 3 v 3 cannibals

9us 1 -1
8us 2 - 0
8uk 0 - 2

great bloke skinned him at 8us but demolished me at my fav
8uk....jooodles may have to re think my fbl

thanks mate credit to your clan sir
Posts: 8,780
01:33 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League ll Fixture 3

The Underdogs 5 v 7 Snooker Squad

robl94 v meadow
welshie v kilimanjaro
tombstone74 2 v 4 tokko
redalert124 v sarny_lad
woowoo69 3 v 3 dgeneratio

The Underdogs 3 v 3 Team Angry

redalert124 v therev
jooodles v _merkovo_
lfc07 v player28
0utlaw 3 v 3 cannibals
chris v poolbiird

Deadline is Midnight UK on Sunday 8th July.

2 games of US8
2 games of US9
2 games of UK8

6 games in total - 1 point for each game won and 1 point for each 'event' achieved ('events' are Golden Breaks and Run Outs)

Good luck everyone

Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 23:25 Thu 28/06/12 (BST)
Posts: 8,780
20:55 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 1

Mouseketeers 57 vs 33 Underdogs

yetti vs woowoo69
red4ever vs foulonblack
nick79theman 5 vs 10 welshie
punkpoet 11 vs 4 hardy202
tartanrox 13 vs 2 robl94
fleetwood (s) 10 vs 5 tombstone74
no1hustl3r 11 vs 4 lfc07
playa87 7 vs 8 redalert124

The Legend Killers 34 vs 11 Underdogs

liquidpool vs redalert124
sniper (s) 9 vs 6 tombstone74
relisys 14 vs 1 hardy202
ads19 vs 0utlaw
davey_1985(s) 11 vs 4 robl94
r1p0m4n vs lilmisscragg
familyguy0 vs welshie (s)
yorkshire1 (s) vs lfc07

Deadline is 1/7/12

5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk

Need these games played please guys, not long until the deadline ~ make sure you have messaged your opponent with the time and day you are available

Thank you
Posts: 1,524
22:18 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
please get your games played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:59 Wed 27 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 2 can now be found here...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 8th July.

Deadline for requesting any default in any unplayed game is Midnight UK Monday 9th July.

(UND) chris v (VIP) mfc_ss
(UND) foulonblack BYE
(UND) lilmisscragg v (UND) jooodles
(UND) tombstone74 BYE
(UND) woowoo69 v (MOU) samwisemac
(LL) zantetsukenz (15) v (UND) cke1982
(UND) lilmisscragg v (UND) jooodles
(MOU) fastboysam v (UND) redalert124
(MVP) cphaynes v (UND) welshie
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The Underdogs (getting stronger biting at your ankles)

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