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The Underdogs (getting stronger biting at your ankles)

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20:00 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Friendlies
Underdogs v Vipers

9 ball _itsjustme_ (3) v (3) coldsteel12

was good playing him was good games.
Posts: 8,780
20:11 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
FBL Friendlies

Underdogs 3 v 3 Vipers

8 us p00lw1zard v fry06
8 us lilmisscragg v mfc_ss

9 ball _itsjustme_ 3 v 3 coldsteel12
9 ball hardy202 v i_am_classic

8UK dementia v _pro_frog_
8UK redalert124 v ryanbelfast

Straight welshie v marksmith
Straight tombstone74 v punkpoet

Snooker Squad 5 v 1 Underdogs

8 us tinie v dementia
8 us meadow v _itsjustme_

9 ball junster333 v tombstone74
9 ball whocares8x8 v virtuoso14

8UK dgeneratio 5 v 1 lilmisscragg
8UK jose_enrique v redalert124

Straight pirate_steve v p00lw1zard
Straight cymmerboy v cke1982

Deadline for these games is 11/3/12

8 ball uk 6 frames
8 ball us 6 frames
9 ball us 6 frames
straight 3 frames

Edited at 18:24 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 8,780
20:15 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
Super League

Team Angry 6 v 6 The Underdogs

badger2 2 v 4 chris
crazzymadman v 0utlaw
ipotalot v p00lw1zard
mattywellie 4 v 2 lilmisscragg
mrmtp v jooodles

Latin Legends B 10 v 8 The Underdogs

king8ball1 5 v 1 chris
zantetsukenz 3 v 3 0utlaw
champof9ball v p00lw1zard
skiller10 v lilmisscragg (s)
toluca321 2 v 4 girl_power7 (s)

Deadline Midnight UK on 7/3/12

Game Format

- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)

Edited at 18:23 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:29 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol wat a set of games it was close on every game but he always came baxck at me so sorry team i just got wait im still pullin my trousers up tombstone 0 - 3 punkpoet
but i did get close sorry guys
Posts: 11,489
23:14 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
finally my internet problems are over 10 days for a router and arrives in 3 days cheers to chris and the rest of the guys who looked after the clan while i was offline
Posts: 11,489
23:38 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs

1cke1982 Captain
2 hardy202Vice Captain
3 0utlaw pic designer new clan member coordinator
4 redalert124
5 welshie might not be able to play games
6 chris vice captain
7 virtuoso14
8 tombstone74
9 p00lw1zard
10 _itsjustme_

11 jooodles
12 lilmisscragg
13 dementia

please welcome dementia to the underdogs and add all members to friends list

nxt 2 signings to be announced soon discussions going on
Posts: 11,489
23:44 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs

1cke1982 Captain
2 hardy202Vice Captain
3 0utlaw pic designer new clan member coordinator
4 redalert124
5 welshie might not be able to play games
6 chris vice captain
7 virtuoso14
8 tombstone74
9 p00lw1zard
10 _itsjustme_

11 jooodles
13 dementia
14 foulonblack

please welcome foulonblack to the underdogs and add all members to friends list
Posts: 11,489
23:44 Mon 27 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
superleague team
any one else want to join

1 cke1982
2 hardy202
3 virtuoso14
4 outlaw
5 chris
6 speedy2
7 redalert124
8 poolwizard
9 girl_power7
10 jooodles
11 tombstone74
Posts: 11,489
00:00 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Friendlies

Underdogs 3 v 9 Vipers

8 us p00lw1zard v fry06
8 us lilmisscragg v mfc_ss

9 ball _itsjustme_ 3 v 3 coldsteel12
9 ball hardy202 v i_am_classic

8UK dementia v_pro_frog_
8UK redalert124 v ryanbelfast

Straight welshie v marksmith
Straight tombstone74 0 v 6 punkpoet
matches left to be played with vipers
8 us p00lw1zard v fry06
8 us lilmisscragg v mfc_ss
9 ball hardy202 v i_am_classic
8UK dementia v _pro_frog_
8UK redalert124 v ryanbelfast
Straight welshie v marksmith

Snooker Squad 5 v 1 Underdogs

8 us tinie v dementia
8 us meadow v _itsjustme_

9 ball junster333 v tombstone74
9 ball whocares8x8v virtuoso14

8UK dgeneratio 5 v 1 lilmisscragg
8UKjose_enrique v redalert124

Straight pirate_steve v p00lw1zard
Straight cymmerboy v cke1982
Posts: 11,489
00:02 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
matches left to be played with snooker squad
8 us tinie v dementia
8 us meadow v _itsjustme_
9 ball junster333 v tombstone74
9 ball whocares8x8 v virtuoso14
8UK jose_enrique v redalert124
Straight pirate_steve v p00lw1zard
Straight cymmerboy v cke1982

fbl rules

6 frames of 8 Ball US
6 frames of 9 Ball US
6 frames of 8 Ball UK
3 frames of straight

friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fbl result thread if u win match people who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played and if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
Posts: 11,489
00:03 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline for these games is 11/3/12
Posts: 11,489
00:07 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs

1 cke1982 Captain
2 hardy202Vice Captain
3 0utlaw pic designer new clan member coordinator
4 redalert124
5 welshie might not be able to play games
6 chris vice captain
7 virtuoso14
8 tombstone74
9 p00lw1zard
10 _itsjustme_

11 jooodles
12 lilmisscragg
13 dementia
14 foulonblack
15 wade_
16 Reserved by chris

please welcome wade_ to the underdogs and add all members to friends list

Edited by forum moderator chris, at 22:38 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:12 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for having me,I will try hard to win some games.And i will play all my games.Glad to be apart of the Team.
And im gonna add all you to my friends list

Edited at 22:18 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 11,489
00:19 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League

Team Angry 6 v 6 The Underdogs

badger2 2 v 4 chris
crazzymadman v 0utlaw
ipotalotv p00lw1zard
mattywellie 4 v 2 lilmisscragg
mrmtp v jooodles
games left to be played with team angry
crazzymadman v 0utlaw
ipotalot v p00lw1zard
mrmtp v jooodles

Latin Legends B 10 v 8 The Underdogs

king8ball1 5 v 1 chris
zantetsukenz 3 v 3 0utlaw
champof9ball v p00lw1zard
skiller10v lilmisscragg
toluca321 2 v 4 girl_power7
matches left to be played with latin legends b
champof9ball v p00lw1zard
skiller10 v lilmisscragg
Posts: 11,489
00:21 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score if u win match people who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played and if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs . Please post results on 'Results' thread and subs/swaps (not surprisingly ) on 'subs' thread.

Deadline Midnight UK on 7/3/12
Posts: 11,489
01:02 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs

1cke1982 Captain
2 hardy202Vice Captain
3 0utlaw pic designer new clan member coordinator
4 redalert124
5 welshie might not be able to play games
6 chris vice captain
7 virtuoso14
8 tombstone74
9 p00lw1zard
10 _itsjustme_

11 jooodles
13 dementia
14 foulonblack
15 wade_
16 reserved by chris

please welcome warprincess to the underdogs and add all members to friends list
Posts: 11,489
01:03 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs

1 cke1982 Captain
2 hardy202Vice Captain
3 0utlaw pic designer new clan member coordinator
4 redalert124
5 welshie might not be able to play games
6 chris - still General Manager???
7 warprincess
8 tombstone74
9 p00lw1zard
10 _itsjustme_

11 jooodles
12 lilmisscragg
13 dementia
14 foulonblack
15 wade_
16 reserved by chris

please welcome warprincess to the underdogs and add all members to friends list

Edited by forum moderator chris, at 23:11 Mon 27/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 11,489
01:04 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
corrected above war princess in virtuoso 14 out
Posts: 11,489
01:08 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs

1cke1982 Captain
2 hardy202Vice Captain
3 0utlaw pic designer new clan member coordinator
4 redalert124
5 welshie might not be able to play games
6 chris
7 warprincess
8 tombstone74
9 p00lw1zard
10 _itsjustme_

11 jooodles
13 dementia
14 foulonblack
15 wade_
16 reserved by chris
Posts: 22,512
01:14 Tue 28 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just a quick message for the whole Underdogs team, as Underdogs never made it into the FCL League any one of you are allowed to play for another clan if you still wish to play FCL.

If you would like to you can put your name on the players waiting for a clan list which is situated in the Funkypool Clan League Management forum.
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The Underdogs (getting stronger biting at your ankles)

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