Do players in real 8 Ball UK games rollup behind balls on a regular basis?
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19:18 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)
To qualify this question i'd like to state the similarity to real snooker games and say:- yes, real snooker players do, in certain circumstances, rollup behind balls. But that it is not done on a regular basis.
My question is: do players in real 8 Ball UK games rollup behind balls on a regular basis?
My question is: do players in real 8 Ball UK games rollup behind balls on a regular basis?
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21:07 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)
No, because that would be a foul, for the rules that are played almost everywhere now (and are the world rules) you have to hit a cushion (or pot) every shot
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22:24 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)
Why thank you for that answer steve, thank you very much!
To my mind, 8 UK is mind numbingly painful to play (sometimes). The rollup is a shot devoid of intelligence... as discussed on a previous thread - - snookers are part of the game. A shot that is not easy is play and challanging to play against is always worthy of a gg.
Please please please introduce a similar rule as in 8 Ball Billiards where the player must hit a cushion in order to play a non-potting shot. This will greatly add to the quality of play.
To my mind, 8 UK is mind numbingly painful to play (sometimes). The rollup is a shot devoid of intelligence... as discussed on a previous thread - - snookers are part of the game. A shot that is not easy is play and challanging to play against is always worthy of a gg.
Please please please introduce a similar rule as in 8 Ball Billiards where the player must hit a cushion in order to play a non-potting shot. This will greatly add to the quality of play.
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23:47 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)
World rules aren't played everywhere at all, these are the rules that are played in pubs in the UK and leagues. At county level they play world rules but that's the same as 8 ball rules on here.
I play in decent standard leagues with county players and the 8 ball UK on here is remarkably similar tactically.
Some people go straight for the clear up, occasionally you will get it but most times that just leaves you open for the snooker.
You move your balls into position to go for a clear up before potting many, covering the pockets is a good tactic in real life too.
It takes a lot more skill in real life having a delicate enough touch for a snooker but I beat better potters and the county players because i'm better tactically and i'm a dirty stitch up king
Players on my team are better potters yet struggle to win against the top players because they go for clears before it's on.
If you're getting snookered a lot on here it's probably down to going for the clear too early, it's hard to get good snookers if you have 5 balls left.
It's a great game tactically when you have good players and they have got it pretty good on here, fine line timing the clearance got to take it as soon as you have a good chance but not before and the 2 shots, free ball can win the game for you in real life just as much as on here...had plenty of games in real life where i've looked stuffed and changed the game with a great snooker.
I play in decent standard leagues with county players and the 8 ball UK on here is remarkably similar tactically.
Some people go straight for the clear up, occasionally you will get it but most times that just leaves you open for the snooker.
You move your balls into position to go for a clear up before potting many, covering the pockets is a good tactic in real life too.
It takes a lot more skill in real life having a delicate enough touch for a snooker but I beat better potters and the county players because i'm better tactically and i'm a dirty stitch up king
Players on my team are better potters yet struggle to win against the top players because they go for clears before it's on.
If you're getting snookered a lot on here it's probably down to going for the clear too early, it's hard to get good snookers if you have 5 balls left.
It's a great game tactically when you have good players and they have got it pretty good on here, fine line timing the clearance got to take it as soon as you have a good chance but not before and the 2 shots, free ball can win the game for you in real life just as much as on here...had plenty of games in real life where i've looked stuffed and changed the game with a great snooker.
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00:28 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
World rules are played pretty much everywhere once you get to a higher standard, and have been the official rules since around 1993, not sure of the exact date I have played to a pretty high standard myself too and tactical play, i.e. snookers, covering pockets etc. are a big part of the game) so you are never going to be able to get rid of it completely and they are a great part of the game! But from what I have experienced the rules on here seem to be a mismatch of the different rules that have been implemented to the game so it would be nice to have one set of rules used properly, regardless of what rules these are
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02:03 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
Would never like to see snookers 'removed' from the game... never!!!
Well said Lee, your description of the game is stop on... to the very last word. Big fat 8 ball to you sir
Only problem I have is the tap rollup... the one where a player uses the least amount of brain power possible, the one a player plays when they haven't been bothered to consider a pot or a skillful move... you know the one.
Tactics are brilliant... i love losing to a player who displays skill!
Tap rollup... makes Potty a mad man... grrr!
Well said Lee, your description of the game is stop on... to the very last word. Big fat 8 ball to you sir
Only problem I have is the tap rollup... the one where a player uses the least amount of brain power possible, the one a player plays when they haven't been bothered to consider a pot or a skillful move... you know the one.
Tactics are brilliant... i love losing to a player who displays skill!
Tap rollup... makes Potty a mad man... grrr!
02:36 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
in the pub up road from me, if you fouled you get 2 shots (not carryon) and you could move the white behind the baulk line.
i rarely look at world rules or anything of the sort.
i rarely look at world rules or anything of the sort.
02:47 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
Think it just depends where you go to play and things, when i went to manchester they had some pretty naff rules in the local there which seen most people i played rolled up behind balls and things but as a tactical player myself sometimes i played them at their own game.
When playing snooker, i don't really play safe as i don't see the point in it, i know i can pot left or right handed and i have faith in my potting abilities . But snookers in pool tend to wind up your opponent and make them mistakes so it is fun
When playing snooker, i don't really play safe as i don't see the point in it, i know i can pot left or right handed and i have faith in my potting abilities . But snookers in pool tend to wind up your opponent and make them mistakes so it is fun
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16:34 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
Haha Jay, i can just imagine you running around the table, swapping hands with the cue as you rattle balls into every pocket!
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18:52 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
Looking at that thread i see a lot of healthy discussion, but i honestly don't see support for the notion that rollup's are devoid of intelligence.
The real issue here is players complaining about shots that are legal within the game. As far as i know a rollup isn't against the rules on uk pool, so why get aggravated when they are played? If a player has 2 shots and rolls up it might simply be because they didn't like the placement of the white when the 2 shots were given. Rolling up will commit the other player to try and escape the snooker and perhaps leave the tapper with the desired position to take the frame.
Just because the opposing player could clear from this initial 2 shots doesn't necessarily mean your opponent can do the same. I will roll up as many times as it takes until i'm 100% certain it leaves me in a position to win the frame. That's not a game plan devoid of intelligence. In fact the reverse is true when you consider the whole point is to win the game.
Is it a coincidence that a large percentage of the time it seems to be those on the receiving end that have an issue? Personally i respect any game plan that wins a frame, unless it includes bad sportsmanship of course!
So my answer is yes, i roll up at a pub or on a laptop.
Edited at 17:15 Fri 17/02/12 (GMT)
potlimit said:
. The rollup is a shot devoid of intelligence... as discussed on a previous thread - .
Looking at that thread i see a lot of healthy discussion, but i honestly don't see support for the notion that rollup's are devoid of intelligence.
The real issue here is players complaining about shots that are legal within the game. As far as i know a rollup isn't against the rules on uk pool, so why get aggravated when they are played? If a player has 2 shots and rolls up it might simply be because they didn't like the placement of the white when the 2 shots were given. Rolling up will commit the other player to try and escape the snooker and perhaps leave the tapper with the desired position to take the frame.
Just because the opposing player could clear from this initial 2 shots doesn't necessarily mean your opponent can do the same. I will roll up as many times as it takes until i'm 100% certain it leaves me in a position to win the frame. That's not a game plan devoid of intelligence. In fact the reverse is true when you consider the whole point is to win the game.
Is it a coincidence that a large percentage of the time it seems to be those on the receiving end that have an issue? Personally i respect any game plan that wins a frame, unless it includes bad sportsmanship of course!
So my answer is yes, i roll up at a pub or on a laptop.
Edited at 17:15 Fri 17/02/12 (GMT)
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20:25 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
jetset_willy, you totally got the wrong end of the stick.
I never said that thread backed my opinion that rollups are devoid of intelligence... I only highlighted that thread because there was healthy discusion in it.
If you read the tone of my posts in said thread you'll notice that I have no aggression towards any shot that is legal. All I am "suggesting" is that the rules within funkypool need a second look at - that the quality of play within funkypool could be improved by removing/adding a rule that prevents the rollup.
I never said that thread backed my opinion that rollups are devoid of intelligence... I only highlighted that thread because there was healthy discusion in it.
If you read the tone of my posts in said thread you'll notice that I have no aggression towards any shot that is legal. All I am "suggesting" is that the rules within funkypool need a second look at - that the quality of play within funkypool could be improved by removing/adding a rule that prevents the rollup.
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20:29 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
.........or did just get the wrong end of the stick, thinking you were accusing me of getting aggressive when players rollup against me? lol
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20:58 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
There are loads of variations the 'old rules' as was known in pubs was 2 shots without a free ball and no carry on. The pubs wanted quicker games and brought in 'new rules' 2 shot, free ball and carry-on.
You got to move the ball anywhere behind the baulk line in both sets and was brought up here but would make the game too easy.
I like it the way it is, you get a good balance of tactical stuff and shoot-outs and it's pretty true to life.
dgeneratio said:
in the pub up road from me, if you fouled you get 2 shots (not carryon) and you could move the white behind the baulk line.
i rarely look at world rules or anything of the sort.
i rarely look at world rules or anything of the sort.
There are loads of variations the 'old rules' as was known in pubs was 2 shots without a free ball and no carry on. The pubs wanted quicker games and brought in 'new rules' 2 shot, free ball and carry-on.
You got to move the ball anywhere behind the baulk line in both sets and was brought up here but would make the game too easy.
I like it the way it is, you get a good balance of tactical stuff and shoot-outs and it's pretty true to life.
21:02 Fri 17 Feb 12 (GMT)
I know how im gunna play against potlimit from now on
If a roll up creates the oppurtunity to win the match im sure more people would take it then not on here or in the pub, leagues etc
If a roll up creates the oppurtunity to win the match im sure more people would take it then not on here or in the pub, leagues etc
11:20 Sat 25 Feb 12 (GMT)
Its obvious what you are saying, and i am the reason. I remember beating you and then was subjected to a load of profanities. That is why i posted about snookers and roll ups. Why not bring in a rule that you have to attempt a pot every shot, utterly ridiculous. The whole object of the game is to try and WIN, and within the rules. I have played where 800 rated players deliberately potted my ball to give themselves an advantage, so what? They are trying to win. Get over it potlimit and get on with YOUR GAME, and stop trying to dictate how you think your opponents should play.
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03:25 Sun 22 Apr 12 (BST)
Totally agreed, i used to be a massive safety player until someone taught me how to clear etc and i would not berate someone for snookering me. It would annoy me yes but if there is no clear etc or it is a tough clear then the rollup is something i can't complain about.
I can only complain for giving them the chance to rollup
If you don't like the variety of tactics used to play the game then don't play. The fact people dislike it shows lack of knowledge and experience in my eyes.
I can only complain for giving them the chance to rollup
If you don't like the variety of tactics used to play the game then don't play. The fact people dislike it shows lack of knowledge and experience in my eyes.
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06:08 Sun 22 Apr 12 (BST)
How does my opinion on a topic refer to me being a tool? Your just crying cos you got owned at straight so run along with your unconstructive posts and get some salt for them wounds
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07:54 Sun 22 Apr 12 (BST)
Winning winning winning , Thats all you care about! phil doesnt care win or lose so throwing the fact you beat him in his face all brings the LAUGHTER to the table coz hes laughing it off where as you are finding a towel for them sweaty armpits after trying your best ...As people of your category do
Comprenday Mr Kirk
How does my opinion on a topic refer to me being a tool? Your just crying cos you got owned at straight so run along with your unconstructive posts and get some salt for them wounds
Winning winning winning , Thats all you care about! phil doesnt care win or lose so throwing the fact you beat him in his face all brings the LAUGHTER to the table coz hes laughing it off where as you are finding a towel for them sweaty armpits after trying your best ...As people of your category do
Comprenday Mr Kirk
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Do players in real 8 Ball UK games rollup behind balls on a regular basis?
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