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00:56 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
They've both played games in the cup final already.
Posts: 22,512
00:58 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can't really get involved in this due to my clan being in the cup final to but surely if the above is true then those results would be void? it would still make the match a tie so far even if they were void.
Deleted User
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01:01 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
They can't be allowed to stand, the players are ineligible their season finished and the rule was that if a clan folded during the season players could move to another clan for the remainder of the season...mouseketeers blatantly finished their season.
Not sure about wolf pack but I think they did too if any of their players are involved.
Deleted User
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01:02 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah the wolf pack finished the season.

Would this then apply to DIV 2 league aswell ?
Posts: 22,512
01:03 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not sure on the Wolf Pack situation of things, but what you have said above is correct.
Deleted User
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01:10 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Our season finished with our last fixtures, so did mouseketeers, so did wolf pack and the rule clearly states

1.6 Withdrawing clans
When a clan withdraws or is dissolved during a season all players in that clan are immediately considered free agents and may be signed by other clans at any time.

It's not just baing pedantic about the rules, they were there so players weren't left without a clan if theirs folded mid-season not to be abused like this.
Posts: 7,164
01:13 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.6 Withdrawing clans
When a clan withdraws or is dissolved during a season all players in that clan are immediately considered free agents and may be signed by other clans at any time.

before i named these players in my team i asked the following question

are the players free agents, the answer was yes

the season was still running and still is, regadless whether its right or wrong

there is a post somewhere that states they were free agents

shooters have done nothing wrong, i asked permission first.
Posts: 7,164
01:15 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
there are other players signed for other teams and named

permission was granted otherwise id still have potlimit playing and yetti

as MVP named potlimit and TPA named yetti

chalkie35 was named in team angry all players wernt given permision and all players couldve played in this fixture

i released all players, due to the fact i signed free agents
Posts: 22,512
01:16 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I get the above Craig but simple fact is, a player who has already played in a cup fixture with another clan can not play in one for another even if they are said to be a free agent.

Even after all this if it did go to void games it leaves Pythons trailing in the points so in favour of Shooters really but to be fair i just want the last game played so we can finish it off it has been one hell of a match in my opinion.

One of the reasons i never entered antione08 in the cup game was because of the above what i said.
Deleted User
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01:16 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Permission was given to all teams that signed players from dissolved/folded teams, as FBL season 3 is currently still running.Mouseketeers, wolf pack, top dogs were dissolved/folded, making the players free agents. These players are all permitted to play for other clans this current season, as was posted on the last thread.

League Runner
Deleted User
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01:17 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The fact is they've played and finished a full season for another clan, agreed it's not shooters fault if you asked first craig but they blatantly aren't eligible.
Posts: 11,061
01:18 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
don't think they'll let you off with this one...
Posts: 7,164
01:20 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lee i asked for clarification and got it,,, i couldve easily played potlimit and yetti

both were announced in both teams without my consent and chalkie with yourseleves although chalkie played
Posts: 22,512
01:20 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.4 Player transfers
Player transfer during seasons are not allowed. Between each season there is a transfer window, during this period players may move to other clans. The exception to this is if a captain releases a player after the transfer window closes, but before the season starts - in this case that player is considered a free agent.
Players released during the season are ineligible to play again during that season for any clan, the only exception to this is if a player has not played in the league or cup. this does not include the pre-season qualifier, the player will also be deemed a free agent at the league runners discretion.If in any doubt please contact a league runner.

What i said was right as you can see above, even at league runner discretion they can not be involved in the cup game even if they are a free agent.

Fact is and the facts are above they shouldn't have been allowed to play.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:20 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
I get the above Craig but simple fact is, a player who has already played in a cup fixture with another clan can not play in one for another even if they are said to be a free agent.

Even after all this if it did go to void games it leaves Pythons trailing in the points so in favour of Shooters really but to be fair i just want the last game played so we can finish it off it has been one hell of a match in my opinion.

One of the reasons i never entered antione08 in the cup game was because of the above what i said.
There is no rule presently about a free agent who has been signed, playing for their new team in the cup, i think this will be incorporated into the rules for next season though
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:20 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sarah, they finished a full season...what does it matter if a clan folds after their season finishes?
As I said before the rule was made so players wouldn't be stranded if their clan folded.
Mouseketeers and wolf pack completed all their games as you well know...their season was finished and they aren't eligible for anybody else until next season...the rules are perfectly clear.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:22 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
1.4 Player transfers
Player transfer during seasons are not allowed. Between each season there is a transfer window, during this period players may move to other clans. The exception to this is if a captain releases a player after the transfer window closes, but before the season starts - in this case that player is considered a free agent.
Players released during the season are ineligible to play again during that season for any clan, the only exception to this is if a player has not played in the league or cup, this does not include the pre-season qualifier, the player will also be deemed a free agent at the league runners discretion.If in any doubt please contact a league runner.
Posts: 7,164
01:24 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i dont care either way i asked for clarification and got it

1.7 clearly states it the FBL season is still on now no matter how you look at it weve done nothing wrong and also read the rule its unclear hence i asked

where does it state they are cup tied ???

where does it state you cant

nd the rule states lee through a season,,, you can push tht rule either way,
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:25 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The season is still running, and is not finished until 19/2/12. This makes any player in the clans mentioned above free agents, according to the current rules.
Posts: 22,512
01:25 Thu 16 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The rule to me clearly states that the players at question were not allowed to be played!

Im not saying it is any ones fault but going by the rules something has went wrong.
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