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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:47 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
At the moment i am head league runner, and this will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future, and is not up for discussion.
Default staff are decided by captains , league runners are not,and won't be either.If someone wishes to become a league runner or league staff, they are welcome to message me, and they will be considered.
Posts: 38,097
16:47 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
If Tratter was told to edit his post(s) without a warning then surely therev should have been treated the same way.

thats what i thought too.

toluca league runners pick people who they think are suited for the job, naturally we have doubts or you get the odd bad apple but that the risk.

Posts: 5,201
16:50 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
question why is that the main league runner not let the captains from all clans pick who the next league runner can be? Let say

dextr (uncle_bob)

and have all captains and vice capt vote who ever got the most votes he get that spot sarah do you think this is possible?

Great idea , Under these circumstances
And before anyone pipes up to say i don't even play for a clan , im thinking about coming back to clans , so i have a right to have my say ..... rant over
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:16 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
question why is that the main league runner not let the captains from all clans pick who the next league runner can be? Let say

dextr (uncle_bob)

and have all captains and vice capt vote who ever got the most votes he get that spot sarah do you think this is possible?

Great idea , Under these circumstances
And before anyone pipes up to say i don't even play for a clan , im thinking about coming back to clans , so i have a right to have my say ..... rant over
As i said, if players wish to put themselves up, or a captain wishes to nominate a player who wishes to become a league runner, they should post an interest , the decision would be made by sam and myself , to who would get the position.
Posts: 5,201
17:23 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
question why is that the main league runner not let the captains from all clans pick who the next league runner can be? Let say

dextr (uncle_bob)

and have all captains and vice capt vote who ever got the most votes he get that spot sarah do you think this is possible?

Great idea , Under these circumstances
And before anyone pipes up to say i don't even play for a clan , im thinking about coming back to clans , so i have a right to have my say ..... rant over
As i said, if players wish to put themselves up, or a captain wishes to nominate a player who wishes to become a league runner, they should post an interest , the decision would be made by sam and myself , to who would get the position.

But would there be any harm in having a vote by captains and vice captains for the people who have put themselves up ? Yours and sams choice may not be the BEST choice and there's no point in putting someone in as a runner that basically rubs everyone up the wrong way .
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:33 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The decision has been made, and is not up for debate.
Any players wishing to apply please either post, or send an offline message .
Any further queries please feel free to offline message me ,


Head League Runner
Posts: 5,201
17:38 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The decision has been made, and is not up for debate.
Any players wishing to apply please either post, or send an offline message .
Any further queries please feel free to offline message me ,


Head League Runner

That's the way to do it ?? Good job !! Great discussions thread this is .
Posts: 22,512
18:54 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I would like to stay on the default panel for the new season coming up soon if that is ok?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:45 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I would like to stay on the default panel for the new season coming up soon if that is ok?
thats fine jay, i will be contacting all default staff, and captains after the current season is finished, regarding season 5
Posts: 22,512
23:54 Tue 15 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Okie dokie fish and chips.
Posts: 4,775
15:26 Wed 16 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
question why is that the main league runner not let the captains from all clans pick who the next league runner can be? Let say

dextr (uncle_bob)

and have all captains and vice capt vote who ever got the most votes he get that spot sarah do you think this is possible?

Great idea , Under these circumstances
And before anyone pipes up to say i don't even play for a clan , im thinking about coming back to clans , so i have a right to have my say ..... rant over

You dont even play for a clan!!!

I think a vote could work, but to be honest unless we have someone who isnt in any clan and has no friends in a clan then no matter who it is they will be named "biased"

I personally dont care who runs what, people will always stick with their mates and no one could be trusted to do things fairly. If i was a league runner, i'd bend rules to suit my clan and theres not one single person on this site that i know of, that i would trust enough to be completely unbiased

Just my opinion
Posts: 22,512
15:35 Wed 16 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Exactly they will be classed as "biased" no matter what. Got to love the biased posts though they can be so funny.

Personally when i took over the FCL i promised myself i would not turn biased, and in my opinion i have not been biased, i don't even let my own clan away with anything haha

I have my own opinion on what has been going on here but i dont want to publicly announce it as no matter what people say it wont make a blind bit of difference. Main thing i see is that the FBL has been running better than previous seasons and that is because Sarah is doing the best job she can do. Mistakes are bound to happen and no one can help that.
Posts: 4,775
15:45 Wed 16 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree that it has been running better, and i like how Sarah makes a decision and sticks to it. No offense to you Jay but i think sometimes your too soft in FCL.
Posts: 22,512
16:34 Wed 16 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It's great what you don't see behind the scenes but no offence taken either .

I think it is just down to the person you are in all honesty, for example myself - I tend to try and stay out of things that don't involve me and when it comes to league decisions i tend to use the benefit of the doubt after a while. I tend not to let league stuff get to me, as no matter what you do for the league or for the best of the league you will always have a group of people who are always on your back and calling you all sorts.

Like i said before though, FBL has been running much better and im sure it had the lowest defaults this season from any other season that has been played, so something has been done right there . I personally think the FBL will be even better in the new season.
Posts: 4,775
16:43 Wed 16 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well yeh your right, i dont see what happens behind the scenes lol Im just going by what i see
Posts: 22,512
16:47 Wed 16 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Nothing happens, just a party and a few drinks
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:20 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
would like to say lads,, nd sarah

its been a very good season, once more maybe not as good as last. but hey the positives,

cup final and second place in fbl .
ppl will probably say there was no one in it this season
but ppl you did great

weve MVP in the second consecutive FBL cup final gl everyone

I would love to know how craig knows shooters are thru when the default info aint been posted on the Latin Legends thread or the Shooters thread
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:38 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
because dan im posive we will get apoint ,,, because anyone who does defaults knows you hid under a stone
do i no the result no dan i dont
do i no the outcome of course i do and im sure you do

dooooh !!!!! did we make an effort to play dan ????? well thanks to you thats easy.... of course we did

im not being smart anyone including yourself knows we would get a point

all because of you dan ,,, erm arnt you on the defaults panel maybe you should read first how to obtain points

im i confident we will get a point of course i am ,,, erm what do we need 1 point we made effort,,,, and its all down to you hiding ( i cant sub in ) joke you ran away
are we in the final does santa come at xmas......... did dan mess it up yes you did
Posts: 11,061
01:41 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Shouldn't really be discussing the defaults on the thread right?

Hey, no one can be forced to sub in when the opponent refuses a sub for 8-10 days.
We won't be subbing jose_enrique out on the final day either.
Posts: 22,512
01:43 Thu 17 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
As far as i know the default is not even on the site yet, don't see why it is being discussed. The result will be done shortly, no matter what happens i suppose who ever loses the overall game just has to deal with it
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