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8 Ball Pool UK

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Deleted User
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14:16 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
8 Ball Pool UK

The rule for a foul shot is about 40 years out of date, if you commit a foul and pot on your first shot then you miss with your second shot your visit is over, But if you miss with your first shot then you recieve a further shot. If the white ball is blocked by an opponents ball from hitting one of your own balls the white returns behind the baulk line.
Posts: 12,419
15:12 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
joe_potum said:
8 Ball Pool UK

The rule for a foul shot is about 40 years out of date, if you commit a foul and pot on your first shot then you miss with your second shot your visit is over, But if you miss with your first shot then you recieve a further shot. If the white ball is blocked by an opponents ball from hitting one of your own balls the white returns behind the baulk line.

dont think that is possible
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:32 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
joe_potum said:
8 Ball Pool UK

The rule for a foul shot is about 40 years out of date, if you commit a foul and pot on your first shot then you miss with your second shot your visit is over, But if you miss with your first shot then you recieve a further shot. If the white ball is blocked by an opponents ball from hitting one of your own balls the white returns behind the baulk line.

^^^ Thats out of date, by around 10 years.

The main rules, are EPA - World Rules, and Blackball rules, there are a few other rules, but, the main ones both have Two-Shots Carry.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:05 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Blackball rules doesnt , you have 2 shots no carry
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:39 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The rules that are on here are the same rules that get played in most pubs and leagues in england with a few minor differences like golden breaks don't exist, touching balls you have to play away, if you pot one of each on break you nominate your colour and you can pick up the white and play from anywhere behind the line from a foul.
You have had 2 shot carry in pubs in england for at least 10 years, the cynical say it was brought in to make games quicker and get more coins into the tables.
Either way the rules on here work fine and are a lot closer to reality than the ones you posted.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:54 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the carry rule is worst invention ever
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:23 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you swap the 2 shots carry, to 2 visits carry it doesn't.
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8 Ball Pool UK

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