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14:08 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted_u2 said:
we kept with captains permission this season, it also worked so keiths stance isnt totally accurate ....
There was no captain's permission in place this season, so keith's stance was completely accurate.....

Jay- you say that people could jump ship too esaily and thereby destabilize clans etc... has that happened?
Remember how much arguing there was the previous seasons with the transfer rules that you're trying to bring back in?
I've seen hardly any arguing this season. As horse said- the one big one was only due to the fact that rules weren't updated.
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15:17 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Surely we have to do something to prevent the rubbish that has happened at assassins happening again?
Had to trawl through 20+ pages for default information and it was crazy goings on.
They started the season with rocketweaz8 and strikelucky8 as co-captains, brought cree in as vice.
strikelucky was out cree was made co-captain
cree was out strikelucky back in as co-captain
cree went back to vipers took players with him
assassins folded
cree was back in assassins as a vice captain
cree is made captain strikelucky is out again

and that's just the ones off team changes! They've folded and been capped many times along the way, rocketweaz has deactivated and quit the clan on the thread constantly and cree never even had the experience needed to actually captain a clan but has been most of the season.
Say 2 teams were battling for the title, would only take one of them playing a clan with this going on to get a whole load of 15-0 defaults and win the league from it.
Don't see why we need co-captains when vices can do subs etc anyway and when you let people without the experience needed be co-captains when 1 drops out or isn't active we are left with someone inexperienced running a clan.
Still think it should be 2 seasons experience too
Posts: 7,940
15:44 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I cant complain about co captains as thats what we have at MVP, I think we both have the required experience tho lol.

In the case of co captains tho yeh both players should have whats required and I agree with Lee that 2 seasons as a player should be the minimum, and maybe 1 season to be registered as a vice.
Posts: 7,940
16:03 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I would like to know whats happening about relegation and promotion, no teams folded this season in Div 1 and I know DF folded but 2 teams still came 1st and 2nd in Div 2, so will we be back to normal now and see 2 up and 2 down ?.
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16:10 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
With no teams folding in division one as long as there aren't more than 11 clans passing reliability friendlies then it has to be 2 up 2 down with the team that finished second in the 2nd division going up.
The rules for promotion and relegation have been the same since I have been in clans so can't see why there should be any difference.
Posts: 7,940
16:14 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Just wondered as theres been no relegation the last 2 or 3 seasons due to clans in Div 1 folding, but as thats not happened this season we should be back to normal.
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16:15 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be and nice to see no 1st division clans folding or coming close too
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16:29 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted_u2 said:
we kept with captains permission this season, it also worked so keiths stance isnt totally accurate ....
There was no captain's permission in place this season, so keith's stance was completely accurate.....

Jay- you say that people could jump ship too esaily and thereby destabilize clans etc... has that happened?
Remember how much arguing there was the previous seasons with the transfer rules that you're trying to bring back in?
I've seen hardly any arguing this season. As horse said- the one big one was only due to the fact that rules weren't updated.

i ment FBL sorry for the confusion
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16:46 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Saying that, shooters haven't entered for next season...maybe they're folding
Posts: 22,512
18:20 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The relagation and promotion will be announced when i can announce it. It will become complicated as the team that finished second in the division two because of the removal of DF (what was asked for). That team is Crazy Eights, but they are due to fold as soon as the FBL is over im sure.

I'll manage to sort something out soon enough, but cant really do or say much about it as pre season is still to come and there maybe a few more sign ups before then.

Lee everything you pointed out was right in your above post as usual going on from that i also agree with the two seasons needed to run a clan now (past experience will count if your on another account and that other one is deactivated). I think the vice should have a season experience also, maybe then some new clans would run more smoothly. I will change this in the rules if its what people want, cant see a big problem though.
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18:46 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lee i guess shooters will be the first team to be relagted and won games if you no what i mean

but hey so the sun shines ,,, youve escaped it 3 sesons nd never won a game so when we go down life wont end
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19:19 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
eh lol sure we've won some games...
Team Angry (65) vs (55) Shooters Revenge
Shooters Revenge (56) vs (64) Team Angry
spring to mind
Sure you won the league because of teams folding too so you cant really complain about that season
Glad you are taking it on the chin anyway...better than folding shooters when you get relegated like the last time it happened
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19:37 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
oooochy leeee

im not on about last season as you well know

but hey im only knew to all this stuff lol lol
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19:41 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol all in good fun mate and you darn tooting know if the boot was on the other foot would be the exact same from you
You'll be straight back up anyway......probably
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19:41 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys, dont have a pop at me? All ive ever wanted to do was play in a team? I have to agree with the posts above though, all captains should have at least 2 seasons experience, I never wanted to be captain of assassins, it was just how things happened? Now im not putting all the blame in rocket and strike, as ive made some very silly comments and done some stupid things too? But I just wanted to see the season out and not let anyone down. But I can only take so much! Sarah has said she will help out if I change my mind, but Its not that easy? I work full time and the racing season has started so I needed the dean that was left to start being a bit more helpful, but it was like pulling teeth! I didnt want to keep messing all if you Lott about? But I would like to see the season out?
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19:44 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol all in good fun mate and you darn tooting know if the boot was on the other foot would be the exact same from you
You'll be straight back up anyway......probably

anoooooooooooooooo x
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19:46 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Wasn't having a pop at you at all cree just saying we need to look at ways at stopping this sort of thing happening again.
Know you've put in loads of effort but the 2 seasons experience is necessary
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19:47 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
cree i argued last season rocket shouldnt be allowed to captain after last seasons mess

he set up another clan while captaining one then folded it,,, only for the same to happen again

he should be banned from being a captain again and strikelucky

youve done well to keep going,,, try nd dig in m8
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19:49 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with that. People think its easy? Its definitely not!
Deleted User
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19:52 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for your kind words people, I was just used as an escapegoat by the look if things? I never knew about last season? Like whats just been posted?
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