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04:45 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
lol sorry seb, how could i have missed that fairly obvious factor
therev, it can work, but there has been many messages chucked at us for why we didnt run the league in line with FBL, we would be trying to rectify that situation, again IF, we added an additional 2 fixtures.
now, tbh i feel like im going in circles, i am going to be having nightmares about this tonight, im going bed, we will give you guys a decision tomorrow... well later on today
therev, it can work, but there has been many messages chucked at us for why we didnt run the league in line with FBL, we would be trying to rectify that situation, again IF, we added an additional 2 fixtures.
now, tbh i feel like im going in circles, i am going to be having nightmares about this tonight, im going bed, we will give you guys a decision tomorrow... well later on today
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04:46 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
lmfao !!
If somebody could help mikee bring the flapping seagulls over for next season would be of a great help i feel. Think Lee should do it your good at Persuading people. Good Luck
lmfao !!
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04:49 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
WHY should the FCL run along side the FBL?
you dont see the cricket league and football league run along side each other do you? (example as there TWO diff leagues )
lol sorry seb, how could i have missed that fairly obvious factor
therev, it can work, but there has been many messages chucked at us for why we didnt run the league in line with FBL, we would be trying to rectify that situation, again IF, we added an additional 2 fixtures.
now, tbh i feel like im going in circles, i am going to be having nightmares about this tonight, im going bed, we will give you guys a decision tomorrow... well later on today
therev, it can work, but there has been many messages chucked at us for why we didnt run the league in line with FBL, we would be trying to rectify that situation, again IF, we added an additional 2 fixtures.
now, tbh i feel like im going in circles, i am going to be having nightmares about this tonight, im going bed, we will give you guys a decision tomorrow... well later on today
WHY should the FCL run along side the FBL?
you dont see the cricket league and football league run along side each other do you? (example as there TWO diff leagues )
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04:51 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
This thread is very comparible to ancient Chinese philosophy.... yin and yang - complexity born out of a ray of light.
Jay's original post (http://www.funkypool.com/thread/18421/league-discussion-thread/49#1324159) is the ray of light aka a simple enquiry.
Every captain (and vice-captain's) opinions' create complexity (and understandably so).
Stop fighting/leaving... remember the one single reason we all play here, the one single reason we all want this to work.......... Funky!
Jay's original post (http://www.funkypool.com/thread/18421/league-discussion-thread/49#1324159) is the ray of light aka a simple enquiry.
Every captain (and vice-captain's) opinions' create complexity (and understandably so).
Stop fighting/leaving... remember the one single reason we all play here, the one single reason we all want this to work.......... Funky!
Love the good times, love the bad times, love the fouls, flukes, tap roll-ups, combo's, trick shots, love the wins, the loses, the challenges, the banter that surrounds whether last seasons individual league winner was really the best player, love the cup withdrawals, and all that goes with loving funky - change, adjust, improve; love funky!
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04:52 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
agh, caught this before i went offline - damn my curiosity - because it makes captains job easier with naming of players etc, they run about the same length of time - most arguments are that its just simpler for everyone to have them running side by side.
on that note, i bid thee a good night!
on that note, i bid thee a good night!
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04:58 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
Two completely different leagues so what if someone announces a player for there team for FCL thats got nothing to do with the FBL at all as they are on a diff schedule to FCL, IF you kept it to how its been for past few season you wouldnt be having these arguments/debates IMO.
STOP trying to make everyone happy because you cant do that at all and this arguement/debate as proven this, just stikc to how the FCL as always been run as it was the FIRST to be created, so if by any means the FBL should run along side the FCL not the other way around
STOP trying to make everyone happy because you cant do that at all and this arguement/debate as proven this, just stikc to how the FCL as always been run as it was the FIRST to be created, so if by any means the FBL should run along side the FCL not the other way around
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05:09 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
diamond_jam and bluenose1872 are only trying to find a way improving the gaming experiences of each and every one of us. Impossible job, maybe.
repect to you both - hard job, no thanks. Love you both.
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05:18 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
STOP trying to make everyone happy because you cant do that at all
You're against keeping the majority happy though and going with the way the votes have gone tonight.
Tying in with FBL is one many reasons to extend to playing 3 times, not the only reason...people casted their votes and you haven't come up with anything remotely compelling to make people want to change their opinions, the arguments that it's always been playing twice and FBL should be the ones to change aren't even arguments.
Let's leave this with them now unless there is anything new to add
STOP trying to make everyone happy because you cant do that at all
You're against keeping the majority happy though and going with the way the votes have gone tonight.
Tying in with FBL is one many reasons to extend to playing 3 times, not the only reason...people casted their votes and you haven't come up with anything remotely compelling to make people want to change their opinions, the arguments that it's always been playing twice and FBL should be the ones to change aren't even arguments.
Let's leave this with them now unless there is anything new to add
05:19 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
Pretty sure FCL started with just one game against each clan, got upped to two when there wasn't enough/to make league last longer.
Don't think there needs to be 3 fixtures against each clan, especially if its just to keep leagues running on a similar schedule. Can't really see the bad point of knowing that a player is going to leave 2 weeks (or however long) earlier than the end of season in the FBL because they're leaving in the FCL. They still will need to play their games and if they will leave regardless, wouldn't you rather know sooner than later? (plus their is no guarantee that they will leave for both leagues rather than just one)
We have FCL/FBL only clans, keeping the leagues in line isn't going to pose any real significance or benifit
My opinion is that you keep it at 2 fixtures per clan, there's nothing wrong with it. 5 teams in each league, should be 2 matches a fortnight. 8 weeks to play, another set against each is just another month (and slightly more hassle if one clan folds)
But whatever the league runners decide you have to stick by, causing more trouble isn't going to help the league in any way
Don't think there needs to be 3 fixtures against each clan, especially if its just to keep leagues running on a similar schedule. Can't really see the bad point of knowing that a player is going to leave 2 weeks (or however long) earlier than the end of season in the FBL because they're leaving in the FCL. They still will need to play their games and if they will leave regardless, wouldn't you rather know sooner than later? (plus their is no guarantee that they will leave for both leagues rather than just one)
We have FCL/FBL only clans, keeping the leagues in line isn't going to pose any real significance or benifit
My opinion is that you keep it at 2 fixtures per clan, there's nothing wrong with it. 5 teams in each league, should be 2 matches a fortnight. 8 weeks to play, another set against each is just another month (and slightly more hassle if one clan folds)
But whatever the league runners decide you have to stick by, causing more trouble isn't going to help the league in any way
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05:21 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
no they aint arguments i never sed it was an argument did i? if so please quote me where ive said that im arguing.
all ive done lee is post FACTS
Fact 1, FCL as run a lot longer than FBL
Fact 2, Its been play a clan twice for as long as i can remember and ive only missed 3 seasons at most
all ive done lee is post FACTS
Fact 1, FCL as run a lot longer than FBL
Fact 2, Its been play a clan twice for as long as i can remember and ive only missed 3 seasons at most
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05:24 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
You're arguing the case for playing twice dan, the reasons you give are your ARGUMENTS
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05:25 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
im giving my OPINION and few FACTS lee there is a difference between an ARGUMENT and an OPINION
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05:31 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
Clan sizes have been upped and upped and upped again in the last 3 seasons, now we have twice as many players so we all play half the games.
In a small league of 5 teams a player would expect 4 league games in a season. I would like more, so would most people it's not a lot to do with FBL that is an added bonus and makes things so much easier for captains, players and staff into the mix.
The downside to it? I really fail to see 1 negative
In a small league of 5 teams a player would expect 4 league games in a season. I would like more, so would most people it's not a lot to do with FBL that is an added bonus and makes things so much easier for captains, players and staff into the mix.
The downside to it? I really fail to see 1 negative
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05:38 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
an oral disagreement, verbal opposition, contention, altercation, a violent argument.
a discussion involving differing points of view, debate. They were deeply involved in an argument about inflation.
a process of reasoning, series of reasons I couldn't follow his argument.
a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point This is a strong argument in favor of her theory.
an address or composition intended to convince or persuade, persuasive discourse.
im giving my OPINION and few FACTS lee there is a difference between an ARGUMENT and an OPINION
an oral disagreement, verbal opposition, contention, altercation, a violent argument.
a discussion involving differing points of view, debate. They were deeply involved in an argument about inflation.
a process of reasoning, series of reasons I couldn't follow his argument.
a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point This is a strong argument in favor of her theory.
an address or composition intended to convince or persuade, persuasive discourse.
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05:39 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
Agree 100% with Lee, as was said earlier the short season makes everything almost predictable before it starts.. with a longer one (x3) i feel it would make it a lot more interesting. Scottish football was a example somebody made earlier and i agree (if teams were to play eachother only x2) the season would be over before it even started.
05:42 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
More matches and longer time frames = more defaults = more clans folding.
If you're going to increase clan size to have less defaults and make getting games played easier, you don't need to add more games to the calendar because that defeats the point of adding more players to a clan. There was a shorter turnaround from the season ending to a new season beginning this time, so why should it be extended to keep it in line when it was much quicker to start up again (instead of delaying it which would've kept it in line or close enough). It was decided against, so it shows the 2 leagues are independent (and should be) Ideally each league should end in the middle of the other so that there are always games to play, instead of having a lot of games to play, then a draught in both leagues.
whether 2 games against each clan are play or 3, all that is going to happen is there will be more of a seperation between each clan, the more games played - the less there is to play for.
If you're going to increase clan size to have less defaults and make getting games played easier, you don't need to add more games to the calendar because that defeats the point of adding more players to a clan. There was a shorter turnaround from the season ending to a new season beginning this time, so why should it be extended to keep it in line when it was much quicker to start up again (instead of delaying it which would've kept it in line or close enough). It was decided against, so it shows the 2 leagues are independent (and should be) Ideally each league should end in the middle of the other so that there are always games to play, instead of having a lot of games to play, then a draught in both leagues.
whether 2 games against each clan are play or 3, all that is going to happen is there will be more of a seperation between each clan, the more games played - the less there is to play for.
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05:59 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
Playing 3 times is 2 weeks longer than a 6 team division would be, we have had 6 teams in a division many times and not had fears that it will lead to clans folding and excessive defaults.
Players play for the same clans in both leagues, transfer windows and naming of new signings happens between seasons so common sense to avoid big overlaps.
The league being 8 games is too short in my opinion and 12 games isn't a lot for a whole season at all.
More matches and longer time frames = more defaults = more clans folding.
If you're going to increase clan size to have less defaults and make getting games played easier, you don't need to add more games to the calendar because that defeats the point of adding more players to a clan. There was a shorter turnaround from the season ending to a new season beginning this time, so why should it be extended to keep it in line when it was much quicker to start up again (instead of delaying it which would've kept it in line or close enough). It was decided against, so it shows the 2 leagues are independent (and should be) Ideally each league should end in the middle of the other so that there are always games to play, instead of having a lot of games to play, then a draught in both leagues.
whether 2 games against each clan are play or 3, all that is going to happen is there will be more of a seperation between each clan, the more games played - the less there is to play for.
If you're going to increase clan size to have less defaults and make getting games played easier, you don't need to add more games to the calendar because that defeats the point of adding more players to a clan. There was a shorter turnaround from the season ending to a new season beginning this time, so why should it be extended to keep it in line when it was much quicker to start up again (instead of delaying it which would've kept it in line or close enough). It was decided against, so it shows the 2 leagues are independent (and should be) Ideally each league should end in the middle of the other so that there are always games to play, instead of having a lot of games to play, then a draught in both leagues.
whether 2 games against each clan are play or 3, all that is going to happen is there will be more of a seperation between each clan, the more games played - the less there is to play for.
Playing 3 times is 2 weeks longer than a 6 team division would be, we have had 6 teams in a division many times and not had fears that it will lead to clans folding and excessive defaults.
Players play for the same clans in both leagues, transfer windows and naming of new signings happens between seasons so common sense to avoid big overlaps.
The league being 8 games is too short in my opinion and 12 games isn't a lot for a whole season at all.
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05:59 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
The reason it has been mentioned Zant is the fact that the clan amounts are low this season compared to previous seasons which = a short season. Doing x3 would bring it back to the norm that we are all used to and can be changed if clan numbers increase in the future.
06:15 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
But you shouldn't really change something knowing that you will HAVE to change in the next season, playing each clan twice, regardless of the size of the league, is enough (and has never not been enough) Im sure the first season 2x fixtures a clan was played was because there were 5 teams per league... though I can't be sure because those related threads have since been deleted.
3 months and the league just drags on, in div 2 those clans outside those playing for top 2 lose all interest in playing, in division 1 the top clan or top 2 would run away with it, whilst the bottom clans would be left in more of a hopeless situation
Less games means more uncertainty, which means more exciting games, also the individuals league would pretty much die off during the extra few weeks.
3 months and the league just drags on, in div 2 those clans outside those playing for top 2 lose all interest in playing, in division 1 the top clan or top 2 would run away with it, whilst the bottom clans would be left in more of a hopeless situation
Less games means more uncertainty, which means more exciting games, also the individuals league would pretty much die off during the extra few weeks.
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06:24 Wed 29 Feb 12 (GMT)
will the 1 transfer per seaon be changed due to the extra month of play ?
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