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11:42 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
FCL Transfer

Transfer window is now closed, if a player wishes to move to another clan he/she will need their captains permission to move. The permission for the move must be posted on the clan thread by the captain.

Can you clarify the actual transfer rules Jay because I seem to remember something about everyone could move once during a season being brought in.
Now we are back to captain's you know I prefer captain's permission or no transfers at all during seasons anyway but what is the rule for this season?
Posts: 7,164
15:17 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can i have this rule to be checked please

1.4 Player transfers
Between each season there is a transfer window during which players may move freely to any other clan without restriction.

After the transfer window has closed clan rosters for the season must be submitted to the League to be registered. From that point onwards any player may transfer from one clan to another clan subject to permission being granted by their current clan Captain. Where permission is granted confirmation must be posted on their clan thread. There is no requirement for such permission to be granted, however Captains are encouraged to allow players to be transferred wherever possible, even if it is only to a clan in a different division.

can you clarify what this means please

it looks to me you need captains permission ... then you dont need it please clarify

if iv missed somthing i apologise in advance

Edited at 14:14 Thu 09/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:29 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The second part in bold just clarifies that Captains dont have to give permission if they dont want to.

If they dont then the player stays put.
Posts: 7,164
16:09 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thankyou chris
explains it fully
Posts: 22,512
18:36 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
bluenose1872 said:
FCL Transfer

Transfer window is now closed, if a player wishes to move to another clan he/she will need their captains permission to move. The permission for the move must be posted on the clan thread by the captain.

Can you clarify the actual transfer rules Jay because I seem to remember something about everyone could move once during a season being brought in.
Now we are back to captain's you know I prefer captain's permission or no transfers at all during seasons anyway but what is the rule for this season?

It is all stated below with Craig's post but yeah a player can only move clans once during the season but they need captains permission to do so.
Posts: 38,097
18:45 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
think it needs reposting then as from way i read it you could transfer when you want, i know thats not the case after discussions but people who never check this thread could be lead into a false sense of security.

not having ago here just making you aware
Posts: 22,512
18:47 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If they dont check this thread or the rules on the site then that is there fault to be fair, aslong as they get the permission all will be fine, but i would urge the player in question to think about it a bit first before going because you are only entitled to one move.
Posts: 38,097
18:54 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah, maybe repost saying a player can only move once per season (with captains written permission) after that they are stuck at their new clan.

but was posting from a "newbie" point of view, if i asked how many check the site the numbers would be quite low (for example i have only checked FBL site 3 times this season, one for teams, 2 for fixture, 3 for tables).

If everything was kept on the site instead of fixtures being posted here you would get more views
Posts: 22,512
18:57 Thu 9 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
It was re posted above though by doubted

If it is a newbie it happens to then it is basically down to their captain to let them know this, captains know the rules and should really keep up to date on them.

All changes will be posted at the beginning of the season anyway, and a link provided or all captains and players to where they can view the rules.
Posts: 22,512
10:19 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey people,

Just a little talk here.

It has been decided that if you have a player that is technically in eligible to play league games that they will be allowed to play in pre season games. Main reason for this is it will help out the captains seeing if the player is reliable or not.

This is only for the pre season, if there date on the account shows that they are still in eligible for the 4th of March (League begins) then they will not be able to take part in that set. There is two cases that i know of that this will be helpful but both players will be eligible before the new season begins (They become eligible during the pre season games anyway.)
Posts: 11,056
12:15 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ty, a good idea.
The 1-month rule should only really come into effect once the season starts anyway, since it's meant to stop people from deactivating mid-season and circumventing the rules to join another team. If it's before the season, a new account doesn't circumvent any rules.
Deleted User
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13:25 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
^ Like that!
Posts: 7,940
15:33 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
My problem with that is players are not meant to join clans untill their accounts are 1 month old so really shouldnt be registered or involved with anything to do with the FCL and that includes pre season friendlies, also if they are not meant to be registered just remember they are still free agents untill their accounts are 1 month old and they become eligible to play in the FCL.

1.12 Player account requirements
All players entering the League must have accounts that are at least 1 month old before they can be officially registered in a clan. They are then eligible to play upon release of the next fixture(s).

I know its pre season friendlies but they are official FCL games so how can we allow players that are not officially registered in a clan to play ?.

Edited at 13:42 Fri 10/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 11,056
15:36 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, just remember why that rule exists in the first place though- it's to stop deactivating and switching teams mid-season (by punishing it with a 1 month suspension).
People sometimes have legitimate reasons for deactivating (harassment etc), so I think they have to be given a chance to do that- the time for it is between seasons. Otherwise the rule is doing something it's not intended to do.
Once the preseason friendlies start, anyone who joins a clan is subject to the 1 month rule again.
Posts: 22,512
16:03 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The league does not start officially until the 4th of March though, that is when the real games come out and the competition starts. I don't see the problem in doing this, it is helping out captains like i said as they can see if the player is liable and it is also giving the player (if indeed they are truly new) a chance to understand the league a bit more before they are involved in proper league games.
Posts: 7,940
16:03 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know the reasons for the rule, I created it

Originally it was 2 months, its down to 1 month and we still have people trying to get round it lol.

I don't have a problem with accounts under 1 month playing in the pre season friendlies but we don't want clans using too many unregistered players just to get them through the friendlies, also remember as I stated above, these players are free agents untill they are officially registered which cant happen untill their accounts are 1 month old, so if they don't like what they see during the friendlies they can walk away and join another clan.
Posts: 22,512
16:07 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Reading that above, i think it is good to allow them to play in pre season but im more so talking a player or maybe two from a clan. I don't think i could agree or would agree to letting a clan use lets say 4 - 5 players who are not one month old to play in pre season.
Posts: 11,056
16:14 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
these players are free agents untill they are officially registered which cant happen untill their accounts are 1 month old, so if they don't like what they see during the friendlies they can walk away and join another clan.
What's the point of that? You could just change it so that when teams submit their teamsheets now, everyone on it is registered. The 1 month rule can then come into effect as soon as the preseason friendlies start.
Posts: 7,940
16:19 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Changed my mind

Edited at 14:24 Fri 10/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,940
16:21 Fri 10 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
ab_rfc said:
these players are free agents untill they are officially registered which cant happen untill their accounts are 1 month old, so if they don't like what they see during the friendlies they can walk away and join another clan.
What's the point of that? You could just change it so that when teams submit their teamsheets now, everyone on it is registered. The 1 month rule can then come into effect as soon as the preseason friendlies start.

Why should the rules be changed ?, why can't captains just stick to the rules and sign players that have 1 month old accounts ?.
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