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Posts: 7,164
09:48 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if FCL had delayed by 3 weeks again it wouldve brought it in line

there is always a gap between seasons... just odd this season where we are starting back within a week common sense wouldve said 3 weeks is nothing and all back on track

there appears to be some sort of rivalry and yet like above if people just talked it would stop problems

there dont appear any reason why the 2 leagues run side by side
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10:03 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
With having more FBL Clans than FCL it was always going to be a problem we used the 3 week xmas period which i think now should have stayed as 2 and the remainder down to the normal 2 week deadline. I did advise over 2 months ago that the FBL would go on further than FCL due to this but they stuck by their schedule.
Posts: 38,097
11:17 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
the easiest way to avoid all the rubbish, was captains just ask and seek permision a 2 second request and show a little common courtesy

as ive said i had no problem with them leaving they leave having had a great season

why should you seek permission for FCL when you can name right now? so for FCL you can't name your players even during transfer window? thats not right.

FBL i agree you can't name at the moment so you would need to seek permission for that but its still grim if you can name players for 1 league but not another as you would have...

FCL players blah, *waits for FBL to finish*, *announces same players*.

what i propose is you cannot name until the final 2 fixture sets, once the league is in its final 4-5 weeks then you could name without permission, if that was the case for both leagues then you could name right now for both leagues
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11:22 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
That is a very sensible soccer answer No it is a very good proposal.
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13:24 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sounds like a good idea james, hopefully FCL and FBL tie in properly in future and there isn't a great divide but from the beginning of the penulimate fixture in whichever is finishing later sounds good to me.
Should close the loophole with pics while you're at it. People post lists of TBA and then post pictures with the players names on the thread.
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17:53 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
yeah but you could name FCL players now and name FBL when its done or get permission, the tricky part is what if they are going to be in both leagues?

if that same player plays in both leagues and one league you can name him or her
how silly is that ops iv put up for FCL but not FBL
Posts: 38,097
18:11 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
just so people know if i feel theres not enough predictions made by 6 pm today (example on the sean vs vladimir game) i will start to ask people outside the defaults team to predict, but i will avoid Crazy Eights (as 3 has predicted), MVP (2 members on default panel) and Snooker Squad.

this won't be up for discussion as i don't want a repeat of last fixture set where not enough predictions was made.

also please don't pm me to ask if you can comment or it will be a definitive no.

thanks spoonie for your prediction.

so i will still lock at 9 pm tonight.

thanks for your time.
Posts: 38,097
18:34 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
interesting discussion on snooker right now.

basically the final 3 weeks (and xmas week in this case) means that if teams have BYES it makes it uneven time scale if you like, this season wasn't infected but if you have an odd number of teams it can be.

so should the leagues be 2 week deadline consistently or should it remain as it is now?

The cup will stay the same by the way as you see cup extensions most of the time.

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19:17 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i prefer it where it is always 2 week deadlines.
Posts: 38,097
20:18 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
defaults team needs revamped, not just because of division issues last set but because some users aren't commenting in a time frame.

tonight i have had to ask 3 people outside the defaults team to comment (spoonie, kenny and froggy), thanks guys. but my point is i shouldn't have to do it as its a defaults teams job to comment on predictions, i know people have busy lifestyles but 5 minutes is all it takes.

Jay i think you need to look at who to appoint next season as if people rarely comment your not going to find a true default choice.

hopefully the rest will post later (sarah won't be here so she is excused)
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20:23 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
agree james defaults need to be reliable.
Posts: 22,512
20:30 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Default team is being revamped, when i first started looking for people to join i decided they would have to message me about it, but i have now been asking people in person about it and people i know are very active for example fry06 will be on default panel next season.

Default panel will be sorted after the pre season is over as then i will know what teams are in and stuff so i can ask people from the teams.

Deadline is going to stay at 2 weeks per fixture as it is just now. I think the cup final and the final fixture set will have a 3 week deadline on them but i may change that, not sure.
Posts: 38,097
20:37 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes jay but you need people to comment, activity is good but the last 2 fixture sets proved that maybe the current defaults team isn't working.

when you have your defaults team together maybe do a couple of "dummy" defaults as a test.
Posts: 38,097
22:08 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey as you all know my name is James and have been a league runner for around 4 seasons, i originally came on the scene from snooker because i did everything myself and was intrigued how pool side did things as the superior league. i had some good times and some bad times while running the league. part i enjoyed the most was learning how the defaults team worked and also working janmb's classy site.

i would like to thank a few people...

Adam - for his advice all season, i couldn't have got through without your support mate
Jay - for stepping up to the plate this season and doing fixtures for me
Spoonie/Liam/Jem for their hard work keeping the website up to date
Defaults Team - without you defaults would have been a lot tougher this season so thanks
and finally all League Players for making my time here enjoyable

because of the negativity what happened the last 2 seasons i lost my trust for the league and i feel a league is all about trust, i decided to do this season then focus on running snooker so i can relax.

i am going to hand the torch to Jay and Jem now and i am sure they will do as good as i did, if not better

Below in spoiler is some songs what i like so if your not into them don't click spoilers.

from me...

Posts: 38,097
22:08 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
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22:12 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you james for all what u done in FCL i for really apriciate it and u also a friend so from me and vipers good luck m8 on snooks and ur break from us holligans lol.

Posts: 38,097
22:30 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks mate, its not that bad really, was worse at the beginning rather than at the end
Posts: 19,819
23:09 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers dgen you have done a good job, its a shame you quit but \i would of done the same.
Posts: 22,512
23:15 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah but the current default team is totally different to the default team i am building just now. If you look on the new site under rules you can see the team so far i may need to update it though. I have only been asking people when i get the time to, aslong as they are active and can spare 5 minutes to do a default then it should be fine
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23:17 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
u not ask me lol
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