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17:59 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
I agree with Ash (twice in one day? someone pinch me ), League Shield isn't really the Super League for me, but the Playoffs themselves is what wins Super League (Seb said the same in Snooker Squad when we was undefeated), Top 4 players made the playoffs and seemed to be a privilege to be in the Knockouts for the main title. Been aiming for 4th for DFE B this set but my loss to Phoenix in B Team put a halt into those plans then Harry told me yesterday that everyone qualifies so made me think why we was aiming for top 4 to qualify when everyone qualifies anyway.
It has always been the top 4 until a few days ago then my whole view on Super League changed. I think it should be just a Knockout next season if everyone qualifies as their isn't much to play for in the league except a stronger lineup in the Knockout Phase. I think clans will stop trying to win in the SL League Stage as think "we are in no matter what" which is a shame but thats my mindset.
It has always been the top 4 until a few days ago then my whole view on Super League changed. I think it should be just a Knockout next season if everyone qualifies as their isn't much to play for in the league except a stronger lineup in the Knockout Phase. I think clans will stop trying to win in the SL League Stage as think "we are in no matter what" which is a shame but thats my mindset.
18:41 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Nah top teams don't have to play knock out until the quarter finals. And the brackets are set so the lower ranked teams have to play the top teams. I think it's great, and it mixes things up and makes the top teams still have to work even if they build up a bunch of points in the beginning of the season.
It's all about finishing strong
It's all about finishing strong
18:48 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
It's not the SL though is it or Playoffs really? It's practically just adding a cup competition at the end. We already have the GSC and Killer Cups.
The Playoffs (achieving the positions to justify qualification) is what gave the SL it's own identity.
Those who see it as an undeserved opportunity will like it and those who appreciate reaching the Playoffs as a team goal or target will appreciate where I'm coming from. Take away a team goal and what do you have to look forward too for next season??? Nothing. I like the idea of the top positioned teams being the only ones to advance...encourages effort, application and a determination to try to succeed.
Just my opinion.
Edited at 17:01 Tue 22/03/16 (GMT)
The Playoffs (achieving the positions to justify qualification) is what gave the SL it's own identity.
Those who see it as an undeserved opportunity will like it and those who appreciate reaching the Playoffs as a team goal or target will appreciate where I'm coming from. Take away a team goal and what do you have to look forward too for next season??? Nothing. I like the idea of the top positioned teams being the only ones to advance...encourages effort, application and a determination to try to succeed.
Just my opinion.
Edited at 17:01 Tue 22/03/16 (GMT)
19:31 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Well wether we like it or not it's here. I do like it as it goes. More games for my players which is what its all about. Once more it's a decision made by the league runner who we wanted to stay on. We cannot in all seriousness now start arguing about how he goes about it can we?
19:39 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Well, it's currently 50/50 if us or Phoenix finish top, and if it's us - I don't have a problem with it at all. If we deserve to win it, we'll win the knock out. Simple as that! If we lose, so what! lol
19:43 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
not arguing pal but we are allowed an opinion? just saying my thoughts as i only heard yesterday. i know no amount of moaning will change things but we are allowed a say (just not too negative like i was last night).
i see sense from both sides and can see why it has been done to give smaller teams a chance to win something (in favour of that). reason i posted is because it isn't the Super League that i grew up with, with top 4 to qualify but like a new competition.
new ideas don't grow on me straight away but could grow on me next season. when the sub rule came in, i hated it all season as it hurt Pros then i came to like and respect for what it is. just need some time to get used to changes.
will it be the same next season as i would need to code excel which i can do.
i see sense from both sides and can see why it has been done to give smaller teams a chance to win something (in favour of that). reason i posted is because it isn't the Super League that i grew up with, with top 4 to qualify but like a new competition.
new ideas don't grow on me straight away but could grow on me next season. when the sub rule came in, i hated it all season as it hurt Pros then i came to like and respect for what it is. just need some time to get used to changes.
will it be the same next season as i would need to code excel which i can do.
19:50 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Maybe I should use a football analogy for Zante: When the kick off whistle is blown the referee doesn't stop the match to assist one team over another by changing one of the goal posts larger or smaller dependent on who the two sides are. The only time a goal post is ever seen too is if it's faulty. If it's not broken...don't Fix it!!!
19:55 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Season one - top 8 (qualifying playoff and elimination playoff)
Season two - Same as first.
Season three - same as first.
Season four - 2 groups instead of one league, top 8 still.
Season five - same as fourth.
Season six - same as fourth.
Season seven - top 8 from two groups, but a basic 8 team knockout.
Season eight - same as seven, but a top 4.
Season nine - one league, top 4.
It has only been the top 4 in the last two seasons, before that it was the top 8 from around 10-12 teams. The elimination part of SL was always very minimal and all teams had something to play for. It has always mirrored the actual Super League, which this season includes a knockout for all teams (though there are 2 league phases and cross divisions games, so it has to be adjusted).
The playoffs have traditionally included almost every team and the Super League has always been aimed at giving the smaller teams a chance. The top 4 was brought in because of a drop in teams, which lead to the introduction of a 3rd team option (which gives smaller teams an even better chance as FPD proved).
Now again the play offs is being altered to give the smaller teams a chance and some of the teams who were looking to make the top 4 aren't happy that they are given a chance? This season it was never stated about a top 4, so it never has been that as the SL has often changed and adapted it couldn't be assumed. With the issue of a completely new schedule last minute then obviously the end of season is overlooked so the start can be set off without a hitch.
The qualification for the playoffs was never ever what gave the SL it's identity. It was the fact that there was a playoff after the league and multiple entrants from the same clan adding an extra element to the competition.
No clan will stop trying to win because they have nothing to aim for. First of all, it's a bit too late for that. Secondly, the seeding will be hugely important as I don't think a team from the lower seedings has ever won (certainly the higher seeded teams dominate the winners list). Plus, with the shorter format nature of the competition a loss could be damaging to the hopes of a top 3 spot (and for the big teams this means there is absolutely no change before you are still chasing a top spot, 1 less makes little difference).
Season two - Same as first.
Season three - same as first.
Season four - 2 groups instead of one league, top 8 still.
Season five - same as fourth.
Season six - same as fourth.
Season seven - top 8 from two groups, but a basic 8 team knockout.
Season eight - same as seven, but a top 4.
Season nine - one league, top 4.
It has only been the top 4 in the last two seasons, before that it was the top 8 from around 10-12 teams. The elimination part of SL was always very minimal and all teams had something to play for. It has always mirrored the actual Super League, which this season includes a knockout for all teams (though there are 2 league phases and cross divisions games, so it has to be adjusted).
The playoffs have traditionally included almost every team and the Super League has always been aimed at giving the smaller teams a chance. The top 4 was brought in because of a drop in teams, which lead to the introduction of a 3rd team option (which gives smaller teams an even better chance as FPD proved).
Now again the play offs is being altered to give the smaller teams a chance and some of the teams who were looking to make the top 4 aren't happy that they are given a chance? This season it was never stated about a top 4, so it never has been that as the SL has often changed and adapted it couldn't be assumed. With the issue of a completely new schedule last minute then obviously the end of season is overlooked so the start can be set off without a hitch.
The qualification for the playoffs was never ever what gave the SL it's identity. It was the fact that there was a playoff after the league and multiple entrants from the same clan adding an extra element to the competition.
No clan will stop trying to win because they have nothing to aim for. First of all, it's a bit too late for that. Secondly, the seeding will be hugely important as I don't think a team from the lower seedings has ever won (certainly the higher seeded teams dominate the winners list). Plus, with the shorter format nature of the competition a loss could be damaging to the hopes of a top 3 spot (and for the big teams this means there is absolutely no change before you are still chasing a top spot, 1 less makes little difference).
20:03 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
To use that analogy accurately, the goal posts were never visible. The goal posts are the same size for both teams. To quote Seb, using expressions like that is pointless as the opposite is also true. You can't make progress if you're standing still.
The SL has always included change, and has always been adjusted as the league runs its course. Since the playoffs were never stated to be a top 4 this season you can't say that it has changed. The play off has been top 8 most often not a top 4 (which having all teams is most similar to).
Maybe I should use a football analogy for Zante: When the kick off whistle is blown the referee doesn't stop the match to assist one team over another by changing one of the goal posts larger or smaller dependent on who the two sides are. The only time a goal post is ever seen too is if it's faulty. If it's not broken...don't Fix it!!!
To use that analogy accurately, the goal posts were never visible. The goal posts are the same size for both teams. To quote Seb, using expressions like that is pointless as the opposite is also true. You can't make progress if you're standing still.
The SL has always included change, and has always been adjusted as the league runs its course. Since the playoffs were never stated to be a top 4 this season you can't say that it has changed. The play off has been top 8 most often not a top 4 (which having all teams is most similar to).
20:04 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Zante with the logic. We'll I only read the first bit but good enough for me!
20:10 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Why don't you do all the schedules and admin next season seeing as you have an answer for everything!
20:10 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Fair enough mate, thought it was always top 4 lol.
"Now again the play offs is being altered to give the smaller teams a chance and some of the teams who were looking to make the top 4 aren't happy that they are given a chance?"
Was more i thought top 4 only in Playoff then rest sit out as 4 was the cut so any team below would get a deserved rest (DFE Team A). Since it has been explained in more detail i feel now that the higher you finish more chance of a week vacation unless 16 enter then just higher vs lower instead of the vacation.
When i first heard the idea i thought the importance of finishing within qualification was gone as everyone qualified then you're in no matter the result or placement but now i see the bigger picture, if you want to avoid Uprising, finish as high as possible so you avoid them as long as possible.
Still not 100% on the idea but when i see it in practice next week, it could change my view on things. Big changes takes time to sink in like Subs last season. Odds are it will grow on me next season but after a couple of days i'm still in the uncertainty phase
"Now again the play offs is being altered to give the smaller teams a chance and some of the teams who were looking to make the top 4 aren't happy that they are given a chance?"
Was more i thought top 4 only in Playoff then rest sit out as 4 was the cut so any team below would get a deserved rest (DFE Team A). Since it has been explained in more detail i feel now that the higher you finish more chance of a week vacation unless 16 enter then just higher vs lower instead of the vacation.
When i first heard the idea i thought the importance of finishing within qualification was gone as everyone qualified then you're in no matter the result or placement but now i see the bigger picture, if you want to avoid Uprising, finish as high as possible so you avoid them as long as possible.
Still not 100% on the idea but when i see it in practice next week, it could change my view on things. Big changes takes time to sink in like Subs last season. Odds are it will grow on me next season but after a couple of days i'm still in the uncertainty phase
20:25 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Not just an answer but an accurate one. This is not a vendetta. This is a positive step taken at the end of the season to help out smaller SL teams. 90%sure they will still come down the order but they have a chance.
Why don't you do all the schedules and admin next season seeing as you have an answer for everything!
Not just an answer but an accurate one. This is not a vendetta. This is a positive step taken at the end of the season to help out smaller SL teams. 90%sure they will still come down the order but they have a chance.
20:27 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
So because I disprove the points you make I should do all schedules?
The two have nothing to do with each other. One is using logic and research to make sure the points you make are valid and credible, the other is spending time working a schedule out from a list of entrants.
I made valid points on your thread and you sent me here because that's where the key points were. You called my post drivel and said it didn't correspond to your post without actually giving any evidence of this (because it did correspond). I come on here and do the same and you again have no proper answer and give me a poor attempt at ad hominem rather than give a constructive post which can be used to further the discussion.
Why don't you do all the schedules and admin next season seeing as you have an answer for everything!
So because I disprove the points you make I should do all schedules?
The two have nothing to do with each other. One is using logic and research to make sure the points you make are valid and credible, the other is spending time working a schedule out from a list of entrants.
I made valid points on your thread and you sent me here because that's where the key points were. You called my post drivel and said it didn't correspond to your post without actually giving any evidence of this (because it did correspond). I come on here and do the same and you again have no proper answer and give me a poor attempt at ad hominem rather than give a constructive post which can be used to further the discussion.
20:30 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
@ dgen
It was:
Top 4 playoff. Winners to semi, losers to quarters.
5th-8th playoff. Winners to quarters, losers out.
Quarters seeded.
Semi's is the game call for the top seeded winner of the first round.
It was:
Top 4 playoff. Winners to semi, losers to quarters.
5th-8th playoff. Winners to quarters, losers out.
Quarters seeded.
Semi's is the game call for the top seeded winner of the first round.
20:54 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Correct they are two separate things and I did usher you over to this thread for key points. I didn't require nor need a text book, researched reply for Heaven's sake. I merely stated my opinion, offered a football analogy to try and lower the tone yet you still had to rip that apart.
I just won't bother saying anything in future as in zantes researched world every bloody thing is wrong unless he says so. That's how it comes across.
Do what the HELL you like with the leagues I'm not a fan nor doubt I will be of the change and to me it destroys a team target for no real valid plausible reason.
I just won't bother saying anything in future as in zantes researched world every bloody thing is wrong unless he says so. That's how it comes across.
Do what the HELL you like with the leagues I'm not a fan nor doubt I will be of the change and to me it destroys a team target for no real valid plausible reason.
21:11 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
So because you had nothing to say you just thought you'd lash out then. You posted your opinion, I posted mine. Just because I properly backed mine up doesn't mean I shouldn't post. One of the things you said was a blatant lie just to back up your own opinion so I posted the facts which showed otherwise.
Lying to support your own point is not helpful to a discussion or clans in general. Throw your toys out the pram if you like. Nobody should be afraid to post something because someone will disagree with them, particularly if they are being constructive and adding to a discussion.
Like I've said previous, there is still reasons to play on and targets for the top teams and no reason to not play to your best (and I didn't even touch upon golden cue incentives for individuals). Just your opinion opposes that doesn't justify an attack on me or my approach to a discussion. I have shown you the several reasons why there is reason but you choose to ignore those just shows you are close minded about it. In that case what is the point if it's always your way or the highway?
Lying to support your own point is not helpful to a discussion or clans in general. Throw your toys out the pram if you like. Nobody should be afraid to post something because someone will disagree with them, particularly if they are being constructive and adding to a discussion.
Like I've said previous, there is still reasons to play on and targets for the top teams and no reason to not play to your best (and I didn't even touch upon golden cue incentives for individuals). Just your opinion opposes that doesn't justify an attack on me or my approach to a discussion. I have shown you the several reasons why there is reason but you choose to ignore those just shows you are close minded about it. In that case what is the point if it's always your way or the highway?
23:05 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Thanks zante for pointing out that it has normally been 8 teams as opposed to those who seem to think it has always been 4.
Season one - top 8 (qualifying playoff and elimination playoff)
Season two - Same as first.
Season three - same as first.
Season four - 2 groups instead of one league, top 8 still.
Season five - same as fourth.
Season six - same as fourth.
Season seven - top 8 from two groups, but a basic 8 team knockout.
Season eight - same as seven, but a top 4.
Season nine - one league, top 4.
It has only been the top 4 in the last two seasons, before that it was the top 8 from around 10-12 teams. The elimination part of SL was always very minimal and all teams had something to play for. It has always mirrored the actual Super League, which this season includes a knockout for all teams (though there are 2 league phases and cross divisions games, so it has to be adjusted).
The playoffs have traditionally included almost every team and the Super League has always been aimed at giving the smaller teams a chance. The top 4 was brought in because of a drop in teams, which lead to the introduction of a 3rd team option (which gives smaller teams an even better chance as FPD proved).
Now again the play offs is being altered to give the smaller teams a chance and some of the teams who were looking to make the top 4 aren't happy that they are given a chance? This season it was never stated about a top 4, so it never has been that as the SL has often changed and adapted it couldn't be assumed. With the issue of a completely new schedule last minute then obviously the end of season is overlooked so the start can be set off without a hitch.
The qualification for the playoffs was never ever what gave the SL it's identity. It was the fact that there was a playoff after the league and multiple entrants from the same clan adding an extra element to the competition.
No clan will stop trying to win because they have nothing to aim for. First of all, it's a bit too late for that. Secondly, the seeding will be hugely important as I don't think a team from the lower seedings has ever won (certainly the higher seeded teams dominate the winners list). Plus, with the shorter format nature of the competition a loss could be damaging to the hopes of a top 3 spot (and for the big teams this means there is absolutely no change before you are still chasing a top spot, 1 less makes little difference).
Season two - Same as first.
Season three - same as first.
Season four - 2 groups instead of one league, top 8 still.
Season five - same as fourth.
Season six - same as fourth.
Season seven - top 8 from two groups, but a basic 8 team knockout.
Season eight - same as seven, but a top 4.
Season nine - one league, top 4.
It has only been the top 4 in the last two seasons, before that it was the top 8 from around 10-12 teams. The elimination part of SL was always very minimal and all teams had something to play for. It has always mirrored the actual Super League, which this season includes a knockout for all teams (though there are 2 league phases and cross divisions games, so it has to be adjusted).
The playoffs have traditionally included almost every team and the Super League has always been aimed at giving the smaller teams a chance. The top 4 was brought in because of a drop in teams, which lead to the introduction of a 3rd team option (which gives smaller teams an even better chance as FPD proved).
Now again the play offs is being altered to give the smaller teams a chance and some of the teams who were looking to make the top 4 aren't happy that they are given a chance? This season it was never stated about a top 4, so it never has been that as the SL has often changed and adapted it couldn't be assumed. With the issue of a completely new schedule last minute then obviously the end of season is overlooked so the start can be set off without a hitch.
The qualification for the playoffs was never ever what gave the SL it's identity. It was the fact that there was a playoff after the league and multiple entrants from the same clan adding an extra element to the competition.
No clan will stop trying to win because they have nothing to aim for. First of all, it's a bit too late for that. Secondly, the seeding will be hugely important as I don't think a team from the lower seedings has ever won (certainly the higher seeded teams dominate the winners list). Plus, with the shorter format nature of the competition a loss could be damaging to the hopes of a top 3 spot (and for the big teams this means there is absolutely no change before you are still chasing a top spot, 1 less makes little difference).
Thanks zante for pointing out that it has normally been 8 teams as opposed to those who seem to think it has always been 4.
23:10 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Would it be possible for A and B teams to be altered before the playoffs to enable DFE to play their best team/s for instance. I think most of us have our strongest in team A already but if changes are needed then surely nows the time.? It wouldn't hurt for teams to submit their best and reliable players especially as there is only a week of the fixture
23:19 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
This has been introduced to again support all teams and to hopefully encourage that all clans can still have something to play for. This allows for a DFE, FPD, BS etc to beat one of the top clans in a one off game and who knows they may go on and win it which has to be a positive.
But it is clear that some only want to look after themselves and don't care about others which only comes across as a desperation to win as opposed to looking forward to the competition.
Since i have taken over the running of the leagues i have changed a number of things which have tried to add variety and encourage all clans to have something to play for and try and make the leagues competitive. I know that this upsets the top teams who want longer formats, more players etc. I am only interested in trying to make the leagues have something for all clans and players to hopefully make them more enjoyable for all.
I am always open to any suggestions if anyone can think of any other improvements that can be done that will add to this.
But it is clear that some only want to look after themselves and don't care about others which only comes across as a desperation to win as opposed to looking forward to the competition.
Since i have taken over the running of the leagues i have changed a number of things which have tried to add variety and encourage all clans to have something to play for and try and make the leagues competitive. I know that this upsets the top teams who want longer formats, more players etc. I am only interested in trying to make the leagues have something for all clans and players to hopefully make them more enjoyable for all.
I am always open to any suggestions if anyone can think of any other improvements that can be done that will add to this.
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