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23:02 Wed 1 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
No worries totally understand - but obviously it would be nicer to have at least one team entered from all our existing FCL/FBL clans.
Posts: 7,940
23:04 Wed 1 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
ab_rfc said:
MVP have nothing to prove, Why would we want to win a 5 aside event when clans consist of 16 players, this just looks like another one of your ideas on how to stop MVP winning, you've suggested quite a few lately.
Anyway, I'm not interested but keith might be.

lol dont be a hater just because I keep turning Keith's invitation to join MVP down.

Not my reasons, you being asked is news to me, and why would you turning down MVP have anything to do with it lol, bit of a childish comment to come out with, I'm going to bite my tongue now and say no more.

Good luck with this
Posts: 4,700
23:09 Wed 1 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi i really do know how this is gonna work but hey Latin Legends are in i guess we gonna learn it along the way lol
Deleted User
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00:41 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Cris,where's the format.And ever 1 would know Toluca would join.just more defaults for his team LOL.thay cant play all thay have now.
Deleted User
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00:44 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
There will be one Division in a regular season with everyone playing everyone else building to an end of season Play-Off competition for the top 8 teams.

Clans will consist of eight player squads playing 5-a-side matches over a short format of 6 frames (2 of each type) with bonus points available for 'events' - Golden Breaks and Run Outs.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:36 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
how do i join this
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:36 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well i just point some thing out with this idea chris

once again all the best players would go to the top teams
if your going to some thing like this
why don't you do it like the champions league 4 best players from each clans all go into a small mini leagues
the top 2 teams from each group play in the quarter final and the the semi final and then the final
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:33 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^ Because this is a team competition not a singles one.

You wanted short format games to give all players a chance in the FCL Players Championship. Well now I am offering short format games within clan competitions. Previous experience of the 5-a-side FCL Clan Cup has shown that the best can lose even over the full 15 frame format. Over 6 frames it ought in theory to level the playing field even more.

If any teams are definitely going to be entering please can you post here so that I can start pulling the files together. Again if you can confirm team names as well that would be good too.

Midnight on 10/2/12 is still the final deadline for entry by which time I will also need first team lists of 5 players so that we can kick off from 12/2/12.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:55 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Legend Killers in for now.
Deleted User
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23:21 Thu 2 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Although the long term plan is to try and increase team numbers with smaller teams, for this season any clan entering will be able to select their five players for each fixture from their full compliment as already registered with the FCL and/or the FBL.

If any clan does still wish to enter two teams that is OK too but they would need to have players allocated to each team.

Now that there is no requirement to submit player lists the timetable is as follows:-

7/2/12 - Deadline for clans to confirm entry.
8/2/12 - Season schedule released.
10/2/12 - Deadline for submission of team lists of five per game required for first fixtures.
12/2/12 - First fixtures released.

Provisional entries so far accepted -

Crazy 8's
The Vipers
The Legend Killers
Latin Legends (possibly A & B)
The Underdogs
Snooker Squad

Edited at 00:28 Fri 03/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 4,775
13:27 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Angry will play
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:27 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good stuff - thank you

Now that there is no requirement to submit player lists the timetable is as follows:-

7/2/12 - Deadline for clans to confirm entry.
8/2/12 - Season schedule released.
10/2/12 - Deadline for submission of team lists of five per game required for first fixtures.
12/2/12 - First fixtures released.

Provisional entries so far accepted -

Crazy Eights
The Vipers
The Legend Killers
Latin Legends (possibly A & B)
The Underdogs
Snooker Squad
Team Angry

Just for clarification the Super League being advertised as starting tonight in the UK on Sky Sports is not this one!!

Although I do admit to having stolen the format

Edited at 14:02 Fri 03/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 8,885
16:52 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lions den if still open :P
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:43 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Now that there is no requirement to submit player lists the timetable is as follows:-

7/2/12 - Deadline for clans to confirm entry.
8/2/12 - Season schedule released.
10/2/12 - Deadline for submission of team lists of five per game required for first fixtures.
12/2/12 - First fixtures released.

Provisional entries so far accepted -

1) Crazy Eights
2) The Vipers
3) The Legend Killers
4) Latin Legends 'B'
5) The Underdogs
6) Snooker Squad
7) Team Angry 'A'
8) Lions Den
9) Fighting Eagles
10) Top Pool Aces

Edited by forum moderator chris, at 21:20 Fri 03/02/12 (GMT)

Edited by forum moderator chris, at 20:40 Sat 04/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:26 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Four days left for entry...

... still hoping for entries from the remaining clans plus confirmation from a few of the above.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:46 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
This looks good Chris - will there be pre-season friendlies to prove reliability?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:32 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
This looks good Chris - will there be pre-season friendlies to prove reliability?

Thanks mate.

No the aim is to push straight ahead and start on 12/2/12 as stated.

With small sided games hopefully reliability wont cause too many problems, but even if it does the format of having only one division copes better should clans unfortunately fold along the way.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:34 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Angry A team

poolbiird (captain)

We're hoping the rest of the clan may get another team together too

Edited by forum moderator chris, at 21:29 Sat 04/02/12 (GMT)
Posts: 4,700
21:46 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Latin Legends (team B)

toluca321 captain
born_killer vice captain
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:33 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for these two teams.

Of course if your clans dont submit second teams by 7/2/12 then all the remaining players are still eligible to play in the league for Team Angry and Latin Legends during the season.
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