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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)

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00:30 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL 8US badger2 vs fired_up_cue

4-2 to me.

Neither of us playing our best tonight, but it's only a friendly! Good games mate, unlucky.
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00:31 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see you have put it on your list as you are meant to be subbing colpepper in vs slimeball
slimeball is from thailand which is 7 hours ahead of UK, colpepper plays in the evenings which to slimeball is 3-7am you are just creating more time zone problems!!
Slimeball is on 1pm-5pm UK times
You can just sub aaron1973 in for flash or you could swap fired with flash then sub flash out for colpepper and get these done and dusted in days then without having to rely on 4 people in different time zones miraculously getting together.
Know i'm sticking my nose into your team but seems somebody has to.

Posted Image

You have upforit who was on at the same time as slimeball today, plays the same times as our player and complained on your thread about being subbed out of a game, he hasn't been given a game in these friendlies.
Sarah has been informed of your tactics of trying to get my players subbed out to give you easier games in a friendly and my players will not be getting subbed out.
They get 1 game each the only 4 people who haven't got to play are in these 4 games, you have loads of unused players.
I don't care about the result it's a friendly and instead of using the options available to solve 1 time zone problem you have made another.
Sarah has assured me I am doing the right thing and yours will be the team punished...stop messing around!
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00:33 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done badger mate
Posts: 4,775
00:45 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done badger
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00:47 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Lee u are a little late for that remark,as i have already told Sara that if upforit are gordo is on to play the game.Not my fault i font have a player in thiland
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01:00 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
upforit was on the same time as our player today, I told you that colpepper only plays evenings (you know this anyway) but you gave me a mouthful, told me he was on all day and subbed him in anyway...2 hours later you're asking me for a sub lol sub upforit in and he can arrange the game with slimeball.
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01:31 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Pre Season Friendlies

Vipers (15) v (30) Team Angry

8 us omg (1) v (2) pool_king (tbc)
8 us funky_fluke (2) v (4) chalkie35

9 ball blackcabman7 (1) v (5) mrmtp
9 ball cree (3) v (3) no1hustl3r

8UK smithy3417 (3) v (3) poolbiird
8UK hotdave (1) v (5) crazzymadman

Straight marksmith (0) v (6) wales_lad
Straight punkpoet (4) v (2) ipotalot

Team Angry (19) v (11) Fighting Eagles

8 us badger2 (4) v (2) fired_up_cue
8 us chalkie35 (6) v (0) pintofshandy

9 ball slimeball v gordo
9 ball im_crap_adam (0) v (6) eaglestrike

8UK avicii v cam07
8UK _egotistical (3) v (3) __anaconda__

Straight scott7a (6) v (0) soothsayer
Straight mattywellie v flash_is_bac

Deadline : 11/3/12 @ midnight(gmt)

Super League fixture set 3 and 4

Team Angry (12) vs (12) The Underdogs

badger2 (2) vs (4) chris
crazzymadman vs 0utlaw
ipotalot (3) vs (3) tombstone74
mattywellie (4) vs (2) lilmisscragg
mrmtp (3) vs (3) jooodles

Team Angry (17) vs (13) The Vipers

chalkie35 (2) vs (4) omg
im_crap_adam (5) vs (1) punkpoet
poolbiird (4) vs (2) _pro__frog_
pool_king (4) vs (2) thegreatone7
scott7a (2) vs (4) cree

Deadline is Midnight 7/3/12

Good Luck Angries
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:34 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL (fixtures 1 and 2)

Snooker Squad (5) v (10) Team Angry

dgeneratio v badger2
tinie v crazzymadman
junster333 v mattywellie
pirate_steve v no1hustl3r
meadow (5) v (10) poolbiird
rubber_duck v ipotalot
vendetta v mrmtp
whocares8x8 v wales_lad

MVP v Team Angry

i_am_blessed v _egotistical
dvz v avicii
beenjammin v chalkie35
rapid_pot v ipotalot
davybaumers v no1hustl3r
techno v pool_king
eemad v scott7a
cphaynes v slimeball

FSL (fixtures 5 and 6)

Top Pool Aces ( 7 ) vs ( 5 ) Team Angry
rustybmf ( ) vs ( ) chalkie35
run_outt ( ) vs ( ) mattywellie
chanel ( 3 ) vs ( 3 ) poolbiird
_dntbmad_ ( 4 ) vs ( 2 ) pool_king
greyhound ( ) vs ( ) scott7a

deadline 18/3/2012 for of luck angries

Edited at 00:14 Tue 06/03/12 (GMT)
Posts: 4,775
01:44 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chanel (3) vs (3) poolbiird

9ball 1-1
8ball 1-1
uk 1-1


You missed this Lee
Posts: 4,775
01:58 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clan Grand Slam - The Players Championship

Round 1 Draw (selected) - Any players not shown have a bye to Round 2

(TA) badger2 v (LL) vladimir
(TA) chalkie35 v (MVP) cphaynes
(TA) poolbiird v (MVP) bunrzybhoy
(ASN) nick79theman v (TA) _egotistical
(SR) jame2010s v (TA) slimeball

Deadline is Midnight (UK) 10/3/12. Failure to notify a result by the deadline may lead to an automatic DQ for both players.
Deleted User
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02:11 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oops sorry Ang was a hoooooge list lol well done good 3 points and don't stress it liam, good 2 points mate and the form will come soon
Deleted User
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10:20 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have messaged all opponents :-).
Deleted User
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10:21 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Flash hasn't been on for 3 days run_outt hasn't been on for 7 this should be fun.
Deleted User
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10:22 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will give flash another day then ask for a sub in FBL matty, been offline 3 days now. If they won't make a sub for time zone issues will see if they will for inactivity lol
Deleted User
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10:23 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great minds think alike
Deleted User
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11:28 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol yeah goto make a sub really mate.
Deleted User
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14:36 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Messaged my opponents, got some night work now for the rest of the like buses they all come at once (no complaints though)
If I can't get them done during the hours daytime I can get on this week given them all day sunday or evenings next week.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:35 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
had some cracking games of straight with scott although he won 4-3 there were a fair few 20's although scott had a 30+ and i had a 60+ my highest run :D
Posts: 367
16:38 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lee - feel free to sub me out if it gets the game done & diffuses this nasty talk
Deleted User
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17:01 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
had some cracking games of straight with scott although he won 4-3 there were a fair few 20's although scott had a 30+ and i had a 60+ my highest run :D
Yeah was a nice 62 run mate, shame were the last shot ended could have been a lot more possibly
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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)

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