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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)

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Posts: 9,456
13 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks Lee

Just 0utlaw to play and I'm done these games

Most reliable player at the moment me

Just shows when I'm not working away

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(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
That's decided then no more working away for mr crazzy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Pre Season Friendlies

Vipers (5) v (16) Team Angry

8 us omg (1) v (2) pool_king (tbc)
8 us funky_fluke v mk_lad

9 ball blackcabman7 v mrmtp
9 ball broxi v no1hustl3r

8UK smithy3417 (3) v (3) poolbiird
8UK hotdave (1) v (5) crazzymadman

Straight marksmith (0) v (6) wales_lad
Straight punkpoet v ipotalot

Team Angry v Fighting Eagles

8 us badger2 v fired_up_cue
8 us chalkie35 v pintofshandy

9 ball slimeball v gordo
9 ball im_crap_adam v eaglestrike

8UK avicii v davidmiklo
8UK _egotistical v __anaconda__

Straight scott7a v soothsayer
Straight mattywellie v flash_is_bac

Deadline : 11/3/12 @ midnight(gmt)

Super League fixture set 3 and 4

Team Angry (2) vs (4) The Underdogs

badger2 (2) vs (4) chris
crazzymadman vs 0utlaw
ipotalot vs p00lw1zard
mattywellie vs lilmisscragg
mrmtp vs jooodles

Team Angry (8) vs (10) The Vipers

chalkie35 (2) vs (4) omg
im_crap_adam vs punkpoet
mk_lad vs _pro__frog_
pool_king (4) vs (2) thegreatone7
scott7a (2) vs (4) cree

Deadline is Midnight 7/3/12

Good Luck Angries
Posts: 9,456
13 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Pre Season Friendlies

Vipers (5) v (16) Team Angry

8 us omg (1) v (2) pool_king (tbc)
8 us funky_fluke v mk_lad

9 ball blackcabman7 v mrmtp
9 ball broxi v no1hustl3r

8UK smithy3417 (3) v (3) poolbiird
8UK hotdave (1) v (5) crazzymadman

Straight marksmith (0) v (6) wales_lad
Straight punkpoet v ipotalot

Team Angry v Fighting Eagles

8 us badger2 v fired_up_cue
8 us chalkie35 v pintofshandy

9 ball slimeball v gordo
9 ball im_crap_adam v eaglestrike

8UK avicii v davidmiklo
8UK _egotistical v __anaconda__

Straight scott7a v soothsayer
Straight mattywellie v flash_is_bac

Deadline : 11/3/12 @ midnight(gmt)

Super League fixture set 3 and 4

Team Angry (2) vs (4) The Underdogs

badger2 (2) vs (4) chris
crazzymadman vs 0utlaw
ipotalot vs p00lw1zard
mattywellie vs lilmisscragg
mrmtp vs jooodles

Team Angry (8) vs (10) The Vipers

chalkie35 (2) vs (4) omg
im_crap_adam vs punkpoet
mk_lad vs _pro__frog_
pool_king (4) vs (2) thegreatone7
scott7a (2) vs (4) cree

Deadline is Midnight 7/3/12

Good Luck Angries

A quick morning email to wake you all up

Good morning

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
And the score between me and limisscragg was 4-2 to me. Ang was even watching it and I DID post here and super league thread.
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Ah well done matty didn't see that one mate
Posts: 4,775
13 years ago  [Link]  
well done crazzy
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
well done all some great results coming in
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(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Super League sub

Underdogs v Team Angry

ipotalot vs tombstone74 (sub)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
nice 1 crazzzy
evenin angries hows all today??
Posts: 22,512
13 years ago  [Link]  

The fixtures for the first set of league games are now posted on the FCL Fixture Thread which can be found by following the link provided. Please note only league runners can post on this thread.

FCL Fixture Thread:

Can you please send your team list(s) of eight players to bluenose1872 by Friday the 2nd of March @ Midnight, failure to do so will result in league runners choosing your team to play.

First fixture set is due to be released on the 4th of March around 8PM (UK Time).

Thank you.

Head League Runner.

Just a quick reminder
Posts: 5,702
13 years ago  [Link]  
super league thingymaboby!
Team Angry vs Vipers
im_crap_adam (5) vs (1) punkpoet

8ball us (2) - (0)
8ball uk (2) - (0)
9ball (1) - (1)

Scoreline does not relate to how good Zac played, he played well but was ul, was a pleasure to play and throughout just stayed happy, not many guys like him left on this site. top lad mate ggs wp good luck in rest of season
Posts: 5,702
13 years ago  [Link]  
Hey guys i hope your all well
You may have noticed i've not been on much lately, I've kinda got a hectic life atm and would like to concentrate on fishing my college course and finding a job.. also i've slowly lost interest in the game, i dont find my self wanting to play as much unfortunately therefore i'm kindly asking if i could be removed from the team as i'll be too unreliable atm and dont wanna let all you great people down. (I'd like the chance to play any outstanding games first before i'm removed please.)

I'll possibly still be floating on and off the game so don't think i'm gone for good see you all around and take care!

On a brighter note.. let the drinking begin
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Hey guys i hope your all well
You may have noticed i've not been on much lately, I've kinda got a hectic life atm and would like to concentrate on fishing my college course and finding a job.. also i've slowly lost interest in the game, i dont find my self wanting to play as much unfortunately therefore i'm kindly asking if i could be removed from the team as i'll be too unreliable atm and dont wanna let all you great people down. (I'd like the chance to play any outstanding games first before i'm removed please.)

I'll possibly still be floating on and off the game so don't think i'm gone for good see you all around and take care!

On a brighter note.. let the drinking begin

u been a student tooooooo long m8 ,,started long ago
hope goes well get results u want and a job n get sorted m8
sure see u here funky junky
Posts: 19,819
13 years ago  [Link]  
Hey guys i hope your all well
You may have noticed i've not been on much lately, I've kinda got a hectic life atm and would like to concentrate on fishing my college course and finding a job.. also i've slowly lost interest in the game, i dont find my self wanting to play as much unfortunately therefore i'm kindly asking if i could be removed from the team as i'll be too unreliable atm and dont wanna let all you great people down. (I'd like the chance to play any outstanding games first before i'm removed please.)

I'll possibly still be floating on and off the game so don't think i'm gone for good see you all around and take care!

On a brighter note.. let the drinking begin

Sad to hear as I actually remember playing adam years ago (and when I used to beat him especaily) Hope you come back on regular.
Posts: 5,702
13 years ago  [Link]  
plz dont hate me :$

Fighting Eagles vs Team Angry
eaglestrike (6) v (0) im_crap_adam
Ggs mate :)

Eagle played really well and i didnt really have the luck this one, i'll get over it tho, i know the rest of you are good enough to rectify this result
Posts: 5,702
13 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks chalkie, unfortunately its not a college where i can get decent grades, its construction college :P but there will still be jobs i can get which i'll enjoy and being a 'funky junky' i shall defo come and say hello now and then pal

Aha cheers zac i'm sure i will eventually :)
Posts: 4,775
13 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Pre Season Friendlies

Vipers (5) v (16) Team Angry

8 us omg (1) v (2) pool_king (tbc)
8 us funky_fluke v mk_lad

9 ball blackcabman7 v mrmtp
9 ball broxi v no1hustl3r

8UK smithy3417 (3) v (3) poolbiird
8UK hotdave (1) v (5) crazzymadman

Straight marksmith (0) v (6) wales_lad
Straight punkpoet v ipotalot

Team Angry (0) v (6) Fighting Eagles

8 us badger2 v fired_up_cue
8 us chalkie35 v pintofshandy

9 ball slimeball v gordo
9 ball im_crap_adam (0) v (6) eaglestrike

8UK avicii v davidmiklo
8UK _egotistical v __anaconda__

Straight scott7a v soothsayer
Straight mattywellie v flash_is_bac

Deadline : 11/3/12 @ midnight(gmt)

Super League fixture set 3 and 4

Team Angry (6) vs (6) The Underdogs

badger2 (2) vs (4) chris
crazzymadman vs 0utlaw
ipotalot vs p00lw1zard
mattywellie (4) vs (2) lilmisscragg
mrmtp vs jooodles

Team Angry (13) vs (11) The Vipers

chalkie35 (2) vs (4) omg
im_crap_adam (5) vs (1) punkpoet
mk_lad vs _pro__frog_
pool_king (4) vs (2) thegreatone7
scott7a (2) vs (4) cree

Deadline is Midnight 7/3/12

Good Luck Angries

Edited at 23:58 Wed 29/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
All the best adam mate, cheers for getting the game done hope the fishing college and job hunt goes well remember to check in on us and say hello!
Posts: 4,775
13 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks for getting the games played Adam
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Team Angry 5 (Nuttier than squirrel poop)

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