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FCL Signups Thread

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Posts: 2,182
18:02 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Season 19 Sign Ups

Sign up is now open for business. If you could copy and paste clan name on to the bottom of the last clan that signed up. Please don't be a child and start re-ordering the list as it does not matter what team is where as it is sign ups!

Clans In

- The Professionals
- Mouseketeers
- Vipers
- Chips n' Gravy
- Unbeatables
- Elite Force
- Underdogs
- Uprising
- Snooker Squad
- Legend Killers
- The Sinners
- Fighting Eagles

Clans that have not got the minimum amount of players needed (check FCL rules on website for the number) can still be added to the list above but if you have not got enough players before the pre season starts then you will be removed. By signing up you will be accepting any decisions made by league staff (Myself) in the future of the league, be this player bannings or decisions made at my discretion that find their way to the forum,

Clans in bold are ones that have stated they want to stay in the league and the other new one (if they choose to play in it)

Thank you.
Head League Runner (Jay)
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18:27 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Season 19 Sign Ups

Sign up is now open for business. If you could copy and paste clan name on to the bottom of the last clan that signed up. Please don't be a child and start re-ordering the list as it does not matter what team is where as it is sign ups!

Clans In

- The Professionals
- Mouseketeers
- Vipers
- Chips n' Gravy
- Unbeatables
- Elite Force
- Underdogs
- Uprising
- Snooker Squad
- Legend Killers
- The Sinners
- Fighting Eagles

Clans that have not got the minimum amount of players needed (check FCL rules on website for the number) can still be added to the list above but if you have not got enough players before the pre season starts then you will be removed. By signing up you will be accepting any decisions made by league staff (Myself) in the future of the league, be this player bannings or decisions made at my discretion that find their way to the forum,

Clans in bold are ones that have stated they want to stay in the league and the other new one (if they choose to play in it)

Thank you.
Head League Runner (Jay)
Posts: 11,489
20:05 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
underdogs still in
Posts: 22,512
20:35 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Season 19 Sign Ups

Sign up is now open for business. If you could copy and paste clan name on to the bottom of the last clan that signed up. Please don't be a child and start re-ordering the list as it does not matter what team is where as it is sign ups!

Clans In

- The Professionals
- Mouseketeers
- Vipers
- Chips n' Gravy
- Unbeatables
- Elite Force
- Underdogs
- Uprising
- Snooker Squad
- Legend Killers
- The Sinners
- Fighting Eagles

Clans that have not got the minimum amount of players needed (check FCL rules on website for the number) can still be added to the list above but if you have not got enough players before the pre season starts then you will be removed. By signing up you will be accepting any decisions made by league staff (Myself) in the future of the league, be this player bannings or decisions made at my discretion that find their way to the forum,

Clans in bold are ones that have stated they want to stay in the league and the other new one (if they choose to play in it)

Thank you.
Head League Runner (Jay)

Edited at 18:40 Wed 09/01/13 (GMT)

Edited at 19:10 Wed 09/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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20:35 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 22,512
20:37 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah i just put them in bold their the now mate. Haha forgot to do it earlier
Posts: 4,557
21:04 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elite Force still in
Deleted User
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21:49 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
who put vipers in bold
Posts: 22,512
21:59 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was me as Jema mentioned that Vipers would still like to play in the FCL.

Feel free to remove it mate if you wish
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22:05 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is good to see such continued support for a league that has history, I do not think many would want to see it gone from funkypool.
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22:11 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Too be fair as i said before u and the other party are friends so to speak i aint fussed about who running league or name as long as no more petty arguments and stupid bans and thread filling crap.

i was allways told as league runner remain impartial and try not to rise to arguments.

jay think u risen to a few this time round but hey it a game.

and jem u right fcl been around long time so lets try keep it and make it great again with fun.
Posts: 22,512
22:15 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I fully admit to being risen to a few arguments, have never denied that at all and will continue not to deny it.

Thing is though, arguments or not, disliking certain players or not i am not biased to a player nor to the team they play for, we all know one person that thinks i am but that is their own opinion.

As i said before i have only asked teams this so i know what numbers i have for the pre season games. Im not going to hold a grudge as i am not like that. For example Kirk said some horrible things months back which set some people off and after a while i forgot about it and moved on and im sure Kirk would agree to that as we do talk on the odd occasion that we bump in to eachother
Deleted User
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22:16 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
As I just said on Sinners thread, Jay has pretty much single handedly ran the 2 leagues this season, that is ALOT of work for 1 person. Yeah I did individuals but that is fairly easy, Jay has to keep on top of everything else.

On top of that we have had a pretty bad and stressful personal life over the past couple of weeks and Jay does snap but with all that work and home pressure with too much pride to ask for help, how can you not expect him to go off on one sometimes.
Deleted User
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22:22 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
As I just said on Sinners thread, Jay has pretty much single handedly ran the 2 leagues this season, that is ALOT of work for 1 person. Yeah I did individuals but that is fairly easy, Jay has to keep on top of everything else.

On top of that we have had a pretty bad and stressful personal life over the past couple of weeks and Jay does snap but with all that work and home pressure with too much pride to ask for help, how can you not expect him to go off on one sometimes.

never said he not done alot of work he can ask for help loads will help and surport him.

personal life to be fair loads have it rough and bad.

I like jay u know that and i respect him for work done just also i remember a while back when i was having trouble a young jay said some wise words as league runner be big man let it go over head i never listerned now i hated on funky just dont want this to bring down a good man
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22:28 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
No I know you didn't say that I am just saying the stresses of that responsibility combined with home life can get to you and the easiest place of release is aiming it at people who can't hit you back hence why he does it to you lot and not me haha!

Kenbob you ain't hated on funky at all, you clearly have a good friend base as you have filled Vipers once more
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22:33 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lucky anyway eaither way jay a mate and i just want fun and peace and i here for u or jay if u need a hand
Deleted User
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22:50 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers hun, I think I got the FBL covered, I am just trying to keep it light and fun, I do not want to be a dictator or anything but I shall be firmly sticking to the rules of the website, I just hope no one tries to break any lol. It is a shame that the FCL format has been stolen by staff because they couldn't have the actual FCL but hey ho, what can you do.
Deleted User
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22:53 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is a sign up thread not a chatty chatty thread
Posts: 7,974
23:07 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Too be fair as i said before u and the other party are friends so to speak i aint fussed about who running league or name as long as no more petty arguments and stupid bans and thread filling crap.

i was allways told as league runner remain impartial and try not to rise to arguments.

jay think u risen to a few this time round but hey it a game

and jem u right fcl been around long time so lets try keep it and make it great again with fun.

hail kenny

the new nelson mandela

wise words kenny
Deleted User
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23:14 Wed 9 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Too be fair as i said before u and the other party are friends so to speak i aint fussed about who running league or name as long as no more petty arguments and stupid bans and thread filling crap.

i was allways told as league runner remain impartial and try not to rise to arguments.

jay think u risen to a few this time round but hey it a game

and jem u right fcl been around long time so lets try keep it and make it great again with fun.

hail kenny

the new nelson mandela

wise words kenny

More like MLK as he has a dream
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FCL Signups Thread

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