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10:47 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
HA...... Do people actually read all this hmmmmm i guess maybe you make that decision there pal if you dont like my posting well like i told bulldog so abruptly (AND who i do know and like ) that ....cool_dude more so that applies to you, and who are you again ?? .... Same team partner or dont that apply to you lol what a joke this guy!!!.... what is wrong with people these days if my posting is a problem well that is easily rememdied ....... later diviners, not leaving the team just the thread AND this will be my only season will not team up with a hater.... its guys like this clown that is ruining this site so woop woop lets do this and jon i apologize man was only trying to keep it fun but as you know someone has to ruin everything it seems unfortunately !!..... pete
Edited at 09:11 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:16 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:30 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:31 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
cool_dude said:
Do people actually read all this stuff?
Do we have more than one player in this clan?
Do we have more than one player in this clan?
HA...... Do people actually read all this hmmmmm i guess maybe you make that decision there pal if you dont like my posting well like i told bulldog so abruptly (AND who i do know and like ) that ....cool_dude more so that applies to you, and who are you again ?? .... Same team partner or dont that apply to you lol what a joke this guy!!!.... what is wrong with people these days if my posting is a problem well that is easily rememdied ....... later diviners, not leaving the team just the thread AND this will be my only season will not team up with a hater.... its guys like this clown that is ruining this site so woop woop lets do this and jon i apologize man was only trying to keep it fun but as you know someone has to ruin everything it seems unfortunately !!..... pete
Edited at 09:11 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:16 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:30 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:31 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
10:50 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Oh and cool_dude anytime buddy remember that;;; anytime you want you bring it there mr man ..... PETE!!!!
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11:36 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
FBL Reminder
Preseason friendlies - Please can all captains send your team lists to anoneeemouse by Sunday 26/2/12 @3pm .
Please note that each clan has two fixtures in the preseason games,unless you wish to use the same team for both games , two lists should be sent .
League Runner
Preseason friendlies - Please can all captains send your team lists to anoneeemouse by Sunday 26/2/12 @3pm .
Please note that each clan has two fixtures in the preseason games,unless you wish to use the same team for both games , two lists should be sent .
League Runner
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14:37 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
[QUOTE=From last night...]Individuals will be open for people to join as from midnight tonight[:)]
Also, everything will be same as last season other than [U][B]atleast 4 games to be played by each player with a 2 week deadline[/U][/B]. If this isnt met by any player, they will be removed from the individuals league and have all results scrapped.
Reason for this is to keep the individuals alive instead of a few players only playin 1 game and then not bothering with any more. Who you play and when is completely your own choice, but obviously, quicker they are done, the better.
Max. of 20 players for 8us, 9us and 8uk
Max. of 15 players for straight
Also, everything will be same as last season other than [U][B]atleast 4 games to be played by each player with a 2 week deadline[/U][/B]. If this isnt met by any player, they will be removed from the individuals league and have all results scrapped.
Reason for this is to keep the individuals alive instead of a few players only playin 1 game and then not bothering with any more. Who you play and when is completely your own choice, but obviously, quicker they are done, the better.
Max. of 20 players for 8us, 9us and 8uk
Max. of 15 players for straight
16:31 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
HA...... Do people actually read all this hmmmmm i guess maybe you make that decision there pal if you dont like my posting well like i told bulldog so abruptly (AND who i do know and like ) that ....cool_dude more so that applies to you, and who are you again ?? .... Same team partner or dont that apply to you lol what a joke this guy!!!.... what is wrong with people these days if my posting is a problem well that is easily rememdied ....... later diviners, not leaving the team just the thread AND this will be my only season will not team up with a hater.... its guys like this clown that is ruining this site so woop woop lets do this and jon i apologize man was only trying to keep it fun but as you know someone has to ruin everything it seems unfortunately !!..... pete
Edited at 09:11 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:16 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:30 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:31 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Er whatever?
Took some editing that one? Not sure why you feel the need to post a speech every post like your some sort of saviour...
Best of luck tokko with your clan but this one isn't for me.
viking4life said:
cool_dude said:
Do people actually read all this stuff?
Do we have more than one player in this clan?
Do we have more than one player in this clan?
HA...... Do people actually read all this hmmmmm i guess maybe you make that decision there pal if you dont like my posting well like i told bulldog so abruptly (AND who i do know and like ) that ....cool_dude more so that applies to you, and who are you again ?? .... Same team partner or dont that apply to you lol what a joke this guy!!!.... what is wrong with people these days if my posting is a problem well that is easily rememdied ....... later diviners, not leaving the team just the thread AND this will be my only season will not team up with a hater.... its guys like this clown that is ruining this site so woop woop lets do this and jon i apologize man was only trying to keep it fun but as you know someone has to ruin everything it seems unfortunately !!..... pete
Edited at 09:11 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:16 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:30 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 09:31 Sun 26/02/12 (GMT)
Er whatever?
Took some editing that one? Not sure why you feel the need to post a speech every post like your some sort of saviour...
Best of luck tokko with your clan but this one isn't for me.
16:45 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
All because someone decides they want to post a few harmless words. Not sure any clan is for you at this rate
16:52 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
uncool_dude or clown whichever
1. The editing is because i got a faulty ' n' key not that it is any your business buckshot !!!
2. Leaving the clan wasnt my fault that is just an excuse you will use cause hay well your a cool dude
3. My posts are long because usually being from the us im the only one on so i get bored ...... again not your business
4. Again WHO are you ???
And remember what i said bud
1. The editing is because i got a faulty ' n' key not that it is any your business buckshot !!!
2. Leaving the clan wasnt my fault that is just an excuse you will use cause hay well your a cool dude
3. My posts are long because usually being from the us im the only one on so i get bored ...... again not your business
4. Again WHO are you ???
And remember what i said bud
16:54 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Few words right? Not sure why he jumped on the defensive so quickly just asking a question really.
Yeah clans aren't really my thing, I will more than likely play for someone else but they are definitely past their sell by date.
EDIT: who am I?? shows how much you play on this game
Yeah clans aren't really my thing, I will more than likely play for someone else but they are definitely past their sell by date.
EDIT: who am I?? shows how much you play on this game
16:54 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Then why play at all, and i don't know ask him maybe.
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16:56 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
We dont want anythin kickin off here, just calm things down.
We have lost an amazin player, one of the ex MVP greats, his experience and playin ability is a credit to any team, i hope you reconsider leavin, and stay with us, because, lets face it, we will be kickin backside this season, and i know you would want to be a part of a very successful team, and have a little bit of fun along the way...but not too much fun ay
its all about win, win, win, win, win *rolls eyes*
please reconsider
We have lost an amazin player, one of the ex MVP greats, his experience and playin ability is a credit to any team, i hope you reconsider leavin, and stay with us, because, lets face it, we will be kickin backside this season, and i know you would want to be a part of a very successful team, and have a little bit of fun along the way...but not too much fun ay
its all about win, win, win, win, win *rolls eyes*
please reconsider
16:57 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
All because someone posts for HIS team on HIS forum to bring people to come read lol .. makes zero sense to me either but when you have pudding for brains i suppose its understandable ...... But thanks ya stallion b i got this
Zero reason for this clown for one why not come to me yourself instead of posting the thread was that your out?? nothing more will be said by me i know now how he feels and guess not happy about it but if i got one enemy out of the hundred new friends i got its worth it ..... and below cool dude you will see my last response to post bashing buddy read up
bluenose1872 said:
All because someone decides they want to post a few harmless words. Not sure any clan is for you at this rate
All because someone posts for HIS team on HIS forum to bring people to come read lol .. makes zero sense to me either but when you have pudding for brains i suppose its understandable ...... But thanks ya stallion b i got this
Zero reason for this clown for one why not come to me yourself instead of posting the thread was that your out?? nothing more will be said by me i know now how he feels and guess not happy about it but if i got one enemy out of the hundred new friends i got its worth it ..... and below cool dude you will see my last response to post bashing buddy read up
16:58 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Try as you may and try as you might ,come on clown ya goof im respectable i wont fight< but what the viking know as pete will dew..... just for you . He will reach in his pocket and out he will pull, the itty bitty middle finger .... you are sure to know .And with that finger raised high to your face he will say .... if you dont like em dont read em BOYEEEEEEEEEE! WHAT!!!!
17:00 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
And that is??? lol whatever man i dont care who you think you are you are a clown to me man nothing more nothing else so go now ...... you have used up enough of my time now man go off be ....whoever it is you are
cool_dude said:
Few words right? Not sure why he jumped on the defensive so quickly just asking a question really.
Yeah clans aren't really my thing, I will more than likely play for someone else but they are definitely past their sell by date.
EDIT: who am I?? shows how much you play on this game
Yeah clans aren't really my thing, I will more than likely play for someone else but they are definitely past their sell by date.
EDIT: who am I?? shows how much you play on this game
And that is??? lol whatever man i dont care who you think you are you are a clown to me man nothing more nothing else so go now ...... you have used up enough of my time now man go off be ....whoever it is you are
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17:01 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
dont start an argument, its been all over the threads lately with arguin and players leavin because of it. We do NOT want to tarnish ourselves with the same brush
we are suppose to be team mates
chill out, if people dont get on, fine, just dont chat to each other simples
we are suppose to be team mates
chill out, if people dont get on, fine, just dont chat to each other simples
17:03 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Sorry all but ant is right clown you come back im done sorry team and sorry jon good luck this season you guys hope all goes well ...... even for you clown HA!!!
antione08 said:
We dont want anythin kickin off here, just calm things down.
We have lost an amazin player, one of the ex MVP greats, his experience and playin ability is a credit to any team, i hope you reconsider leavin, and stay with us, because, lets face it, we will be kickin backside this season, and i know you would want to be a part of a very successful team, and have a little bit of fun along the way...but not too much fun ay
its all about win, win, win, win, win *rolls eyes*
please reconsider
We have lost an amazin player, one of the ex MVP greats, his experience and playin ability is a credit to any team, i hope you reconsider leavin, and stay with us, because, lets face it, we will be kickin backside this season, and i know you would want to be a part of a very successful team, and have a little bit of fun along the way...but not too much fun ay
its all about win, win, win, win, win *rolls eyes*
please reconsider
Sorry all but ant is right clown you come back im done sorry team and sorry jon good luck this season you guys hope all goes well ...... even for you clown HA!!!
17:07 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Not sure why you are calling me a clown. You sit on the forum every day posting to yourself most of the time.
Now your leaving right? Sympathy vote I guess?
I am done talking to you, seriously get a life you are posting on an online forum like you think you are a big shot! You don't know who I am - try playing the game now and again and I am sure you will.
Message me offline now I'm not posting after this one.
Now your leaving right? Sympathy vote I guess?
I am done talking to you, seriously get a life you are posting on an online forum like you think you are a big shot! You don't know who I am - try playing the game now and again and I am sure you will.
Message me offline now I'm not posting after this one.
17:30 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Cause i think im a big shot ??? Apparently its you that is suppose to be the bigshot the way it sounds to me . Can someone answer me one thing what is this thread for? As for you clown you know what you had your tag off when you came back that was pretty quick for someone who claims to be someone ..... and newsflash some have lives and responsibilities dont get to live here like you do man , grow up man get out your mommys and you will see buddy boy so you know what this has caused enough to jon and ant and the rest this team so stop ..... and for the record you started this and you phrased that sarcastically dont say you didnt if you had a problem with me bring it to me cause look ... you happy clown
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17:38 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Right I've had enough of this now! Not sure where these posts are coming from but it's getting boring now.
Pete to be honest there was no really offensiveness in cool_dude's post. But now the whole situation has gone OTT.
Weve got enough offensive comments being aimed at us from other 'respected' players without it starting within the clan.
So can we all just chill out. And if you can't stay off the thread!
Pete to be honest there was no really offensiveness in cool_dude's post. But now the whole situation has gone OTT.
Weve got enough offensive comments being aimed at us from other 'respected' players without it starting within the clan.
So can we all just chill out. And if you can't stay off the thread!
17:46 Sun 26 Feb 12 (GMT)
Then if is wasnt meant as i took it i apologize but now you stop step back and read that post .... if you are me what would you think ?? I know 5 people on this team i have sat and stressed about what to do to motivate this team ( like you do when you are on a team) What to write hoping something will at least get a reaction and i guess i got my reaction as far as calling him a clown i am sorry man really i got no problems with you just figured i was helping nothing more but i am going to stand on my decision .... Jon your my best friend by far man and there is nothing i wouldnt do to help but maybe what im good for isnt good enough anymore he is a better fit here and i dont want to make any waves with the rest the team ...... again to everyone involved im sorry and hope you guys wage war and take over ...... pete
angel said:
Right I've had enough of this now! Not sure where these posts are coming from but it's getting boring now.
Pete to be honest there was no really offensiveness in cool_dude's post. But now the whole situation has gone OTT.
Weve got enough offensive comments being aimed at us from other 'respected' players without it starting within the clan.
So can we all just chill out. And if you can't stay off the thread!
Pete to be honest there was no really offensiveness in cool_dude's post. But now the whole situation has gone OTT.
Weve got enough offensive comments being aimed at us from other 'respected' players without it starting within the clan.
So can we all just chill out. And if you can't stay off the thread!
Then if is wasnt meant as i took it i apologize but now you stop step back and read that post .... if you are me what would you think ?? I know 5 people on this team i have sat and stressed about what to do to motivate this team ( like you do when you are on a team) What to write hoping something will at least get a reaction and i guess i got my reaction as far as calling him a clown i am sorry man really i got no problems with you just figured i was helping nothing more but i am going to stand on my decision .... Jon your my best friend by far man and there is nothing i wouldnt do to help but maybe what im good for isnt good enough anymore he is a better fit here and i dont want to make any waves with the rest the team ...... again to everyone involved im sorry and hope you guys wage war and take over ...... pete
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