Lions Den (New Clan)
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21:46 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)
beth wanna shake up andy2b and omg they been messaged
21:53 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)
andy will get his game done omg got messged by me soo will be havin words
Deleted User
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22:39 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)
Do you have a subfor matt0021 p00lw1zard is browsing now!
23:20 Fri 3 Feb 12 (GMT)
if any of ur mates wanna join a clam get them to mesg me could do with 2-3 more players would be good
00:09 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)
Lions Den (16) vs (14) The Legand Killers
thegreatone7 (8) vs (7) bonzai2
master_p00l vs savrazy
girl_power7 vs death_myst
andy2b (8) vs (7) _itsjustme_
omg vs ub3rnator
matt0021 vs p00lw1zard
dave vs dixong
deadline: 7/2/12
fcl format
Lions Den (19) vs (41) Vipers
__7baller__ (1) vs (14) _pro__frog_
andy2b vs wade_
omg vs hotdave
matt0021 (4) vs (11) cree
girl_power7 vs ryanbelfast
jacko (6) vs (9) fry06
lewismcv (8) vs (7) coldsteel12
Standard FCL Format (5 x each game type)
Deadline 10th February 2012
subs will be made 2mora afternoon after ive fin work soo if i dont hear uve made an effort in ur games u may get subed out soo be warned
Lions Den Vs Poolballers Elite
thegreatone7 vs scottishgal
jacko vs shawshank
ciaran15 vs topspinner92
__7baller__ vs smudge10
lewismcv vs craigxfsx
DEADLINE 15/2/12
all games are fcl format
thegreatone7 (8) vs (7) bonzai2
master_p00l vs savrazy
girl_power7 vs death_myst
andy2b (8) vs (7) _itsjustme_
omg vs ub3rnator
matt0021 vs p00lw1zard
dave vs dixong
deadline: 7/2/12
fcl format
Lions Den (19) vs (41) Vipers
__7baller__ (1) vs (14) _pro__frog_
andy2b vs wade_
omg vs hotdave
matt0021 (4) vs (11) cree
girl_power7 vs ryanbelfast
jacko (6) vs (9) fry06
lewismcv (8) vs (7) coldsteel12
Standard FCL Format (5 x each game type)
Deadline 10th February 2012
subs will be made 2mora afternoon after ive fin work soo if i dont hear uve made an effort in ur games u may get subed out soo be warned
Lions Den Vs Poolballers Elite
thegreatone7 vs scottishgal
jacko vs shawshank
ciaran15 vs topspinner92
__7baller__ vs smudge10
lewismcv vs craigxfsx
DEADLINE 15/2/12
all games are fcl format
15 frames:
5 8 us
5 8uk
5 9 us
5 8 us
5 8uk
5 9 us
Deleted User
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01:37 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)
My opponent has been offline for % days could you get me a sub please!
02:39 Sat 4 Feb 12 (GMT)
Lions Den:
1. thegreatone7 (The Boss)
2. girl_power7 - in
3. andy2b - in
4. master_p00l- in
5. __7baller__ -in
6. lewismcv - in
7. ciaran15 - in
8. 0o8ballo0????
9. omg ???
all the 1s with ???? ill be keepin a close eye as u dont post or enough soo by the start of the season i wanna see tat u guys wanna be here soo come on let ur self be heard or be left out simple
matt is out also jacko txt sayin hes out thanks
1. thegreatone7 (The Boss)
2. girl_power7 - in
3. andy2b - in
4. master_p00l- in
5. __7baller__ -in
6. lewismcv - in
7. ciaran15 - in
8. 0o8ballo0????
9. omg ???
all the 1s with ???? ill be keepin a close eye as u dont post or enough soo by the start of the season i wanna see tat u guys wanna be here soo come on let ur self be heard or be left out simple
matt is out also jacko txt sayin hes out thanks
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Lions Den (New Clan)
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