SOPA Blackout

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Pages: 1
Posts: 4,762
16:27 Sat 21 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Some of the things they are doing amusing, but on the message they said no-one of the public's bank accounts will be affected. This is primarily a thread to US Government, and they are basically holding them hostage over internet. They aren't hacking, they are simply flooding the site etc to shut it down. I'll find out if they do more tonight probably..
Posts: 11,056
16:59 Sat 21 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Threatening a government and trying to coerce them into doing something is illegal everywhere. It's the same thing that terrorists do when they threaten attacks.
How do we know the hackers won't target the important things? Infrastructure, power plants, etc.

I'm all for the protests, but this is not the way to go.
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SOPA Blackout

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