Top Pool Aces (RETURN PART 2)
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21:04 Tue 14 Feb 12 (GMT)
messaged 0utlaw and mk_lad.. 0utlaw has replied still no word from mk_lad..
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23:44 Tue 14 Feb 12 (GMT)
this does my head in. Big time
big_mouse said:
there is 18 games to play not one game be played in over a week this getting a joke
i give up it seems am the only one posting in this clan no one seem,bother with it
we have games to play u moan when there is none now you got loads and no one wants play them
if it carries on like this no point in me running the clan
i give up it seems am the only one posting in this clan no one seem,bother with it
we have games to play u moan when there is none now you got loads and no one wants play them
if it carries on like this no point in me running the clan
this does my head in. Big time
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23:45 Tue 14 Feb 12 (GMT)
so, as requested, an update. we have messaged again, trying to arrange a good time. As it stands, I am awaiting response, mattywellie only replied yesterday
jpenny3 said:
mattywellie and I have sent a couple of messages, but not agreed a time yet. I am still awaiting a reply to my 2nd message
so, as requested, an update. we have messaged again, trying to arrange a good time. As it stands, I am awaiting response, mattywellie only replied yesterday
01:42 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
I cant deal with this so im out rick please release me so i can play for vipers sorry lads all the best.
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02:20 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
great result very well done mate
i_am_classic said:
I beat playa87 5-1
great result very well done mate
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02:20 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
Edited at 00:24 Wed 15/02/12 (GMT)
big_mouse said:
big_mouse said:
Top Pool Aces 5 v 1 Shooters Revenge
beatnicpres v its_me
jpenny3 v w_hoolahan
i_am_classic 5 v 1 playa87
cleensheet v 9ballsniper1
twisted v ritcho
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Top Pool Aces 5 v 1 Shooters Revenge
beatnicpres v its_me
jpenny3 v w_hoolahan
i_am_classic 5 v 1 playa87
cleensheet v 9ballsniper1
twisted v ritcho
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Edited at 00:24 Wed 15/02/12 (GMT)
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02:20 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
big_mouse said:
big_mouse said:
Lions Den 0 v 0 Top Pool Aces
thegreatone7 v yetti
girl_power7 v fleetwood
andy2b v cannibals
omg v greyhound
jwt2010 v rustybmf
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Lions Den 0 v 0 Top Pool Aces
thegreatone7 v yetti
girl_power7 v fleetwood
andy2b v cannibals
omg v greyhound
jwt2010 v rustybmf
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Deleted User
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02:21 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
Edited at 11:01 Mon 13/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 13:49 Mon 13/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 13:50 Mon 13/02/12 (GMT)
big_mouse said:
big_mouse said:
The Underdogs ( ) vs ( ) Top Pool Aces
cke1982 ( ) vs ( ) beatnicpes
hardy202 ( ) vs ( ) pennyarcade9
0utlaw ( ) vs ( ) sr20_mick
redalert124 ( ) vs ( ) rustybmf
welshie ( ) vs ( ) i_am_classic
chris ( ) vs ( ) cleensheet
tombstone74 ( ) vs ( ) dementedmind
virtuoso14 ( ) vs ( ) twisted
Top Pool Aces (11 ) vs (4 ) Team Angry
beatnicpes ( ) vs ( ) badger2
great_player ( ) vs ( ) crazzymadman
sr20_mick ( ) vs ( ) mk_lad
rustybmf ( ) vs ( ) mrmtp
i_am_classic ( ) vs ( ) no1hustl3r
cleensheet (4 ) vs (11 ) poolbiird
dementedmind ( ) vs ( ) scott7a
twisted ( ) vs ( ) slimeball
Game Format
5 Games of 8US
5 Games of 9US
5 Games of 8UK
Deadline is Midnight 26/2/12
good luck aces
The Underdogs ( ) vs ( ) Top Pool Aces
cke1982 ( ) vs ( ) beatnicpes
hardy202 ( ) vs ( ) pennyarcade9
0utlaw ( ) vs ( ) sr20_mick
redalert124 ( ) vs ( ) rustybmf
welshie ( ) vs ( ) i_am_classic
chris ( ) vs ( ) cleensheet
tombstone74 ( ) vs ( ) dementedmind
virtuoso14 ( ) vs ( ) twisted
Top Pool Aces (11 ) vs (4 ) Team Angry
beatnicpes ( ) vs ( ) badger2
great_player ( ) vs ( ) crazzymadman
sr20_mick ( ) vs ( ) mk_lad
rustybmf ( ) vs ( ) mrmtp
i_am_classic ( ) vs ( ) no1hustl3r
cleensheet (4 ) vs (11 ) poolbiird
dementedmind ( ) vs ( ) scott7a
twisted ( ) vs ( ) slimeball
Game Format
5 Games of 8US
5 Games of 9US
5 Games of 8UK
Deadline is Midnight 26/2/12
good luck aces
Edited at 11:01 Mon 13/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 13:49 Mon 13/02/12 (GMT)
Edited at 13:50 Mon 13/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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02:22 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
we have to games left here can you both tell me what's happening here with these 2 games please
big_mouse said:
big_mouse said:
big_mouse said:
big_mouse said:
Pythons 23 v 9 Top Pool Aces
8us : mattywellie v jpenny3
8us :beenjammin 4 v 2 great_player
9 ball : slimeball 4 v 2 i_am_classic
9 ball : bluenose1872 4 v 2 cleensheet
8uk : antione08 v pennyarcade9
8uk : tinie 5 v 1 beatnicpes
straight : dvz 2 v 4 ucky_
straight : eemad 6 v 0 greyhound
please messages your players and arrange a time and date to play please thanks rick
8us : mattywellie v jpenny3
8us :beenjammin 4 v 2 great_player
9 ball : slimeball 4 v 2 i_am_classic
9 ball : bluenose1872 4 v 2 cleensheet
8uk : antione08 v pennyarcade9
8uk : tinie 5 v 1 beatnicpes
straight : dvz 2 v 4 ucky_
straight : eemad 6 v 0 greyhound
please messages your players and arrange a time and date to play please thanks rick
we have to games left here can you both tell me what's happening here with these 2 games please
04:00 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
so, as requested, an update. we have messaged again, trying to arrange a good time. As it stands, I am awaiting response, mattywellie only replied yesterday
The bit in the quote even says that matty did message him back, unfortunately he has been working a lot this week and had to go offline after replying to jpenny's message. Im sure the both of them will get it played though. If not i do have a few subs that can play but i don't intend to sub matty out.
jpenny3 said:
jpenny3 said:
mattywellie and I have sent a couple of messages, but not agreed a time yet. I am still awaiting a reply to my 2nd message
so, as requested, an update. we have messaged again, trying to arrange a good time. As it stands, I am awaiting response, mattywellie only replied yesterday
The bit in the quote even says that matty did message him back, unfortunately he has been working a lot this week and had to go offline after replying to jpenny's message. Im sure the both of them will get it played though. If not i do have a few subs that can play but i don't intend to sub matty out.
11:44 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
could i get a sub for yetti every time i try to play him he says afther the tourny but then logs out and im bit tired in try to get the game done
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11:48 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
hi rick m8 can u let me know please if u releasing?
i_am_classic said:
I cant deal with this so im out rick please release me so i can play for vipers sorry lads all the best.
hi rick m8 can u let me know please if u releasing?
Deleted User
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15:54 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
Lions Den 0 v 0 Top Pool Aces
thegreatone7 v yetti
girl_power7 v fleetwood
andy2b v cannibals
omg v greyhound
jwt2010 v rustybmf
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Lions Den 0 v 0 Top Pool Aces
thegreatone7 v yetti
girl_power7 v fleetwood
andy2b v cannibals
omg v greyhound
jwt2010 v rustybmf
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Deleted User
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15:55 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
Top Pool Aces 5 v 1 Shooters Revenge
beatnicpres v its_me
jpenny3 v w_hoolahan
i_am_classic 5 v 1 playa87
cleensheet v 9ballsniper1
twisted v ritcho
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Top Pool Aces 5 v 1 Shooters Revenge
beatnicpres v its_me
jpenny3 v w_hoolahan
i_am_classic 5 v 1 playa87
cleensheet v 9ballsniper1
twisted v ritcho
Game Format
- 2 racks each of US8, UK8 and US9 (6 racks in total)
- 1 point for each rack won
- 1 point for each 'event' achieved (Golden Break or Run Out)
Games to be played by Midnight (UK) on 26/2/12.
Deleted User
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16:03 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
The Underdogs (10 ) vs (5 ) Top Pool Aces
cke1982 ( ) vs ( ) beatnicpes
hardy202 ( ) vs ( ) pennyarcade9
0utlaw ( ) vs ( ) sr20_mick
redalert124 ( ) vs ( ) rustybmf
welshie ( ) vs ( ) fleetwood
chris (10 ) vs ( 5) cleensheet
tombstone74 ( ) vs ( ) dementedmind
virtuoso14 ( ) vs ( ) twisted
Top Pool Aces (11 ) vs (4 ) Team Angry
beatnicpes ( ) vs ( ) badger2
great_player ( ) vs ( ) crazzymadman
sr20_mick ( ) vs ( ) mk_lad
rustybmf ( ) vs ( ) mrmtp
yetti ( ) vs ( ) no1hustl3r
cleensheet (4 ) vs (11 ) poolbiird
dementedmind ( ) vs ( ) scott7a
twisted ( ) vs ( ) slimeball
Game Format
5 Games of 8US
5 Games of 9US
5 Games of 8UK
Deadline is Midnight 26/2/12
good luck aces
Edited at 16:49 Wed 15/02/12 (GMT)
cke1982 ( ) vs ( ) beatnicpes
hardy202 ( ) vs ( ) pennyarcade9
0utlaw ( ) vs ( ) sr20_mick
redalert124 ( ) vs ( ) rustybmf
welshie ( ) vs ( ) fleetwood
chris (10 ) vs ( 5) cleensheet
tombstone74 ( ) vs ( ) dementedmind
virtuoso14 ( ) vs ( ) twisted
Top Pool Aces (11 ) vs (4 ) Team Angry
beatnicpes ( ) vs ( ) badger2
great_player ( ) vs ( ) crazzymadman
sr20_mick ( ) vs ( ) mk_lad
rustybmf ( ) vs ( ) mrmtp
yetti ( ) vs ( ) no1hustl3r
cleensheet (4 ) vs (11 ) poolbiird
dementedmind ( ) vs ( ) scott7a
twisted ( ) vs ( ) slimeball
Game Format
5 Games of 8US
5 Games of 9US
5 Games of 8UK
Deadline is Midnight 26/2/12
good luck aces
Edited at 16:49 Wed 15/02/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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16:11 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
Pythons 23 v 9 Top Pool Aces
8us : mattywellie v jpenny3
8us :beenjammin 4 v 2 great_player
9 ball : slimeball 4 v 2 i_am_classic
9 ball : bluenose1872 4 v 2 cleensheet
8uk : antione08 v pennyarcade9
8uk : tinie 5 v 1 beatnicpes
straight : dvz 2 v 4 ucky_
straight : eemad 6 v 0 greyhound
8us : mattywellie v jpenny3
8us :beenjammin 4 v 2 great_player
9 ball : slimeball 4 v 2 i_am_classic
9 ball : bluenose1872 4 v 2 cleensheet
8uk : antione08 v pennyarcade9
8uk : tinie 5 v 1 beatnicpes
straight : dvz 2 v 4 ucky_
straight : eemad 6 v 0 greyhound
Deleted User
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16:12 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
there might be a reason why he log of beth i ask him when he comes on
thegreatone7 said:
could i get a sub for yetti every time i try to play him he says afther the tourny but then logs out and im bit tired in try to get the game done
there might be a reason why he log of beth i ask him when he comes on
17:36 Wed 15 Feb 12 (GMT)
hi rick, sorry to say i lost to chris in freindly yesterday 10-5 shoulda been closer but let nerves get the best of me and threw 3 games on silly mistakes.... tried to play 9ball sniper too yesterday but he logged out. will try and get it played this evening.....cheers cleen
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Top Pool Aces (RETURN PART 2)
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