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Posts: 31,220
19:30 Fri 20 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh man..... Totally no need. And please no name-calling. Anyway, it's done.

Results so far
tinie (2) 35-9 punkpoet (3)
clooneman (4) 16-37 beenjammin (5)
theukspoon (7) 35-27 9ballsniper1 (8)
cajanka (9) 21-33 junster333 (10)

To be played
eemad (1) vs cphaynes (2)
dunkyfunk (3) vs eggfriedrice (4)
bulldog_oc (6) vs w_hoolahan (6)
cke1982 (8) vs chris (9)

Edited at 17:33 Fri 20/01/12 (GMT)
Posts: 974
19:35 Fri 20 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
No name calling? Whatever muppet.

Deleted User
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19:37 Fri 20 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL yah....where?
Posts: 31,220
19:44 Fri 20 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
To be played
eemad (1) vs cphaynes (2)
dunkyfunk (3) vs eggfriedrice (4)
bulldog_oc (6) vs w_hoolahan (6)
cke1982 (8) vs chris (9)

To be played
eemad (1) vs cphaynes (2)
That means you
Posts: 38,097
19:58 Fri 20 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thats naming cloone, shame on you
Deleted User
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20:00 Fri 20 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
where was name calling though?
Deleted User
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13:38 Sun 22 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
cke1982 9 - 73 chris

gg with my Captain - looks far worse than it was due to a run from the early 30's.
Posts: 11,489
14:30 Sun 22 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris was awesome had a little run couldnt continue it
ggs m8
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23:07 Mon 23 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Myself and Damien are playing tonight...... I'm almost ready.... To get a pasting!
Posts: 974
23:14 Mon 23 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm overdue losing a game

Get on then!
Posts: 31,220
23:57 Mon 23 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Straight Pool Friendly - eemad (1) 36-13 (0) cphaynes
25 minutes ago, I presume?
Posts: 974
00:17 Tue 24 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just about to post that, went straight into a clan game so no time
Deleted User
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01:12 Tue 24 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
And I forgot.
Posts: 38,097
01:43 Tue 24 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
as damien would say...

Deleted User
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19:44 Tue 24 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Straight Pool Friendly - dunkyfunk (1) 37-17 (0) eggfriedrice

he was nowhere near his best, nor was i for that matter but if he was playing better he would have surely won, every long pot he played he was smashing them open nicely but missing the pot and i made the most out of his misses

gg buddy v ul
Posts: 31,220
01:02 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
WHich I think leaves bulldog_oc (6) vs w_hoolahan (6) as the last fixture... Come on guys, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Posts: 5,224
02:00 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey cloone soz bout this game against harry he comes on when im not on
Posts: 31,220
00:03 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not to worry, if it still hasn't been played by later on I have a way around it... But still... It will cost one of you promotion this week!
Posts: 31,220
02:49 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right, things seem to be settling a little, with the higher players finally starting to hold their own against the lower ones. eemad and beenjammin are still winning, and I keep losing. So here are the results of Week 4:

eemad (1) 36-13 cphaynes (2)
eemad stays at Step 1, cphaynes stays at Step 2

tinie (2) 35-9 punkpoet (3)
tinie stays at Step 2, punkpoet stays at Step 3

dunkyfunk (3) 37-17 eggfriedrice (4)
dunkyfunk stays at Step 3, eggfriedrice stays at Step 4

clooneman (4) 16-37 beenjammin (5)
beenjammin is promoted to Step 4, clooneman is relegated to Step 5

bulldog_oc (6) vs w_hoolahan (6)
Not played. Neither player is promoted

theukspoon (7) 35-27 9ballsniper1 (8)
theukspoon stays at Step 7, 9ballsniper1 stays at Step 8

cke1982 (8) 9-73 chris (9)
chris got a run of 41
chris is promoted to Step 8, cke1982 is relegated to Step 9

cajanka (9) 21-33 junster333 (10)
junster333 is promoted to Step 9, cajanka is relegated to Step 10

So that would leave the initial positions for Week 4 looking like this:
Step 1: eemad
Step 2: tinie, cphaynes
Step 3: dunkyfunk, punkpoet
Step 4: beenjammin, eggfriedrice
Step 5: clooneman
Step 6: bulldog_oc*, w_hoolahan*
Step 7: theukspoon
Step 8: chris, 9ballsniper1
Step 9: junster333, cke1982
Step 10: cajanka
* indicates a player who has failed to play this week

Which still leaves two gaps, and here is how I have decided to amend the positions at the start of Week 4:
Step 1: eemad
Step 2: tinie, cphaynes
Step 3: dunkyfunk, punkpoet
Step 4: beenjammin, eggfriedrice
Step 5: clooneman
Step 6: theukspoon, bulldog_oc*, w_hoolahan*
Step 7: chris, 9ballsniper1
Step 8: junster333, cke1982
Step 9: cajanka

bulldog_oc and w_hoolahan fail to make progress this week, and still have to meet each other for the right to go up. I was toying with the idea of making them play a relegation game instead (i.e. winner stays put, loser goes down a step), and I looked at it for a while and considered things, and the best is maybe to consider that if that game were played on time, you'd have had this:
Step 5: winner, clooneman
Step 6: loser
Step 7: theukspoon

Steps 6 and 7 would have been merged, and everyone would be sucked up a level:
Step 5: winner, clooneman
Step 6: theukspoon, loser
Step 7: chris, 9ballsniper1
Step 8: junster333, cke1982
Step 9: cajanka

The winner would have played eggfriedfice (4), the loser would have played chris, etc. But that's not what happened. So, here's what:
eggfriedrice (4), who would have been playing the winner, gets a bye and doesn't get relegated.
clooneman (5) vs theukspoon (6)
bulldog_oc (6) vs w_hoolahan (6) - loser gets relegated to (7)
(7): chris vs 9ballsniper1, promotion
(8): junster333 vs cke1982, promotion
cajanka (9) gets a bye and will go up to Level 8 next week.

So, here are the complete fixtures for Week 5:

Up/down games
eemad (1) vs tinie (2)
cphaynes (2) vs dunkyfunk (3)
punkpoet (3) vs beenjammin (4)
eggfriedrice (4) BYE
clooneman (5) vs theukspoon (6)

Relegation game
bulldog_oc (6) vs w_hoolahan (6)

Promotion games
chris (7) vs 9ballsniper1 (7)
junster333 (8) vs cke1982 (8)
cajanka (9) BYE, promoted to (8) next week

What a mess and a headache, but that's how it is. Other alternatives had me getting a bye, so be thankful And this is gonna leave us with another gap; let's hope all the games are played so as not to leave us with this again.

Deadline: next Wednesday, February 1st. Good luck!
Posts: 31,220
05:16 Fri 27 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
To be played
eemad (1) vs tinie (2)
cphaynes (2) vs dunkyfunk (3)
punkpoet (3) vs beenjammin (4)
clooneman (5) vs theukspoon (6)
bulldog_oc (6) vs w_hoolahan (6)
chris (7) vs 9ballsniper1 (7)
junster333 (8) vs cke1982 (8)

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