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Deleted User
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16:54 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
be interesting to see who hes named.....Will that be getting kept between you n ang or care to share
Deleted User
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16:59 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'd love to share it with you but unfortunately i don't think its my place to, im not the one who is unhappy with some of our team mates performances so come on huts man up and tell them who you named
Deleted User
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17:01 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeh come on huts man up ...feelings wont be hurt
Posts: 4,775
17:07 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
it doesnt matter who hes on about

all of our players are reliable, thats what matters to me
Deleted User
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17:09 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
of course it matters when he's there slagging off others which may involve me...and he hardly comes back with top results

1 comes to mind when he decided he'd be the best person to sub in against mike as he was " in form "

just like to add thats all i got to say on the matter now
Posts: 4,775
17:13 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
it doesnt matter at all, naming people will just make the situation worse

its all pointless cos no matter what anyone thinks, the teams staying the same (unless people are un happy and they leave), and having a go at people for not getting good results isnt gonna make them play any better
Posts: 4,557
17:18 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i wont name players as i dont wish to single out the 2 i think are under performing plus its disrespectful , ive told ang in pm so end off . tbh they kinda know who they are so no need .
Posts: 4,775
17:20 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
huts24 said:
i wont name players as i dont wish to single out the 2 i think are under performing plus its disrespectful , ive told ang in pm so end off . tbh they kinda know who they are so no need .

saying anything at all about your team mates like that is disrespectful
Posts: 38,097
17:21 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
scott7a said:

okay fair enough you've had most of the top players and yeah you might be trying really hard to win these games but who says your team mates aren't trying as hard as you ? They're just beaten on the day by the better player. Were playing the best players on this site most of the time and no game is easy and most of these players are far more experienced than us. This is my 2nd season and tbh last season i was rubbish i had one good game were all learning from each game we play. The players you've mentioned who are playing poor at the moment to be fair you aren't exactly playing brilliant yourself looking at your results so far and your always saying your in top form when your clearly not all the time

best comment ive read so far, we all try our best but sometimes our best isn't good enough, take me and destiny on snooker we have played around 4,000 games on all types in past 3 years and i have only won 600 of those but whos to say i didn't try my best.

you should win and lose as a team
Posts: 22,512
17:23 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
scott7a said:

okay fair enough you've had most of the top players and yeah you might be trying really hard to win these games but who says your team mates aren't trying as hard as you ? They're just beaten on the day by the better player. Were playing the best players on this site most of the time and no game is easy and most of these players are far more experienced than us. This is my 2nd season and tbh last season i was rubbish i had one good game were all learning from each game we play. The players you've mentioned who are playing poor at the moment to be fair you aren't exactly playing brilliant yourself looking at your results so far and your always saying your in top form when your clearly not all the time

best comment ive read so far, we all try our best but sometimes our best isn't good enough, take me and destiny on snooker we have played around 4,000 games on all types in past 3 years and i have only won 600 of those but whos to say i didn't try my best.

you should win and lose as a team

Lose as an individual you can kick yourself, but don't kick down on your team mates.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:27 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
we should be winning more fixtures i agree with huts there but that only means alot of us are underperforming and therefore bit silly for the above comments and singling out ppl
Posts: 4,775
17:31 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree with him aswell, we could be doing better. but its unfair to blame 1 or 2 players
and moaning at them isnt gonna make a difference
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:41 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't forget this one red..

will be sub for anyone if needed for remaining games as im on form

and this one..

I will play eggfriedrice if u like will have to be sunday to play him tho . Its important we win this game as we are behind by 3.

huts it seems like you want to play in every game, you never think of giving any others a chance cause you possibly think you can do waay better than others which is not showing respect to your team mates. Also you've only won 1 FCL match and the 2 people you've mentioned are under performing have possibly won more games than you, so you feel your performing well ?
Posts: 38,097
17:41 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
what i think this game is about is morale, if your depressed (not saying you are) but generally you don't focus as much which means your under performing however if your morale is high and you know you have teammates to back you up then you tend to focus more and do quite well.

also don't think too much when you play, my first season i was like "grrr bad luck *gets upset*" etc but the more experience and temperament you have the better you will be.

thats my take on it anyway
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:20 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hahahahaha just reading aw they posts what a way tae start new year canny beat a gid clan argument hahaha.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:23 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
a know people like to win ther matches.but end e day its only a game, everybody gonny have gid n bad days. wilny help the team moral (if we got any ) ha
Posts: 4,557
18:35 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i give up with u scott7a lol .. u clearly dont understand my post and why i posted it .. look at the table then think has huts got a point . im doing this for the good of the team even tho some dont see it that way ..
Posts: 38,097
18:38 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
theres different ways to go about it though, as ang said previously singling people out won't help you in the long run, instead if you support your team by positive commenting then they could get the results you are looking for. not saying they can't but it would help if people support each other

goes back to my morale comment
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:02 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good for you cause im clearly not bothered :L no i don't think you've got a point your criticisng 2 of your 2 team mates who you think are under performing and are not good enough for this team and put us back to square one. Good of the team don't make me laugh, also you say some don't see it that way pfft more like everyone doesn't see it that way including all your team mates, fran, jay and dgen.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:15 Fri 30 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
huts24 said:
i give up with u scott7a lol .. u clearly dont understand my post and why i posted it .. look at the table then think has huts got a point . im doing this for the good of the team even tho some dont see it that way ..
sorry to but in like but how disrespectful lmao. It's a team game, your meant to win as a team and lose as a team. Should try to be a good team mate instead of criticising your team mates. Pretty sure you lost to UB 12-3 so can't say much
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