Unbeatables!! The calming before the storm
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02:51 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Awesome town to go to
johnny3tears said:
Awesome town to go to
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02:53 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Lol it was deserted Friday night lmao, every where was closed haha
02:54 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
It's because the seasons finished, did you go to walkabout?
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02:56 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Can't remember lmao, I remember playing pool in the dark lmao could only just see the balls haha
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02:56 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Gonna say night all - i only have 2 beers left and i wanna fall asleep watching wrestling
enjoy work guys haha im off tomorow for once ha
be safe and be good all
Team UB
enjoy work guys haha im off tomorow for once ha
be safe and be good all
Team UB
02:58 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Did you go into the town centre or just the crappy pubs around it. You should of gone on Saturday because all the Stockport fans were out from the footy match against fleetwood
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03:02 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Lol I went the pub around corner from work for a quick pint and ended up in Blackpool it wasn't planned haha, went to a couple crappy pubs on the front
03:03 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Lmao how did you manage that?! You might of gone to chubbys then, that place is awful!
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03:04 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Too little, too late Jimmy
No my comment wasn't a dig, I just don't see Adam or Vi around any more just big bossy head Liam
No my comment wasn't a dig, I just don't see Adam or Vi around any more just big bossy head Liam
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03:06 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Idk lol, cant remember where we went. Might of been there though haha
03:07 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Yeah the pool table is straight when you walk in and the bars to the right with a stage at the front for karaoke or other crap
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03:08 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Vi is hardly ever on Adam is about. Nothing wrong with me being bossy and jimmy didn't have to say anything he said well done no need for you to try case arguements though is there
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03:09 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
The place had 2 pool tables and the bentest cues i have ever seen lmao
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03:11 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
Haha, thought that but didn't see you about haha
03:13 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
I only go to the gay bars at the end of the night when nothing else is open
03:19 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
I don't normally remember what happens when I enter them I'm that wasted
03:21 Mon 21 Nov 11 (GMT)
That's convenient. Just some soreness the next day?
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Unbeatables!! The calming before the storm
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