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Deleted User
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16:36 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
its_me said:
nothing bad about my comment. if thats ure wish i wont post... lmao id think it was right from some1 from mvp to keep some1 waiting for a clan game cause there good enough 2

Feeling the need to prevoke again? I haven't done too bad against you tbf.

And you are not wanted here.. hence dont post!
Deleted User
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16:37 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I will not post again On this Thread
Posts: 3,610
16:38 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
u did well winning that micro with a 700 ranking

cya m8 .. dont think we need to talk anymore gl in ure micros m8
Posts: 38,097
16:43 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can we all keep it down a touch please.
Deleted User
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16:44 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
can we all keep it down a touch please.

Thank you dgen hun
Posts: 3,610
16:59 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen... this is only a question pal... is some1 is online playing trnys should they not get there clan game played???
Deleted User
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17:00 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
its_me said:
dgen... this is only a question pal... is some1 is online playing trnys should they not get there clan game played???

Make it on your own thread then!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:03 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tratter you have been asked by my vice to not post as you seem insistant on creating more tension.

I am now asking you as captain, unless you have a quiery on your game, do not post on this thread. As you have played your game this fixture there is no need for you to post till at the earliest the start of next season!
Deleted User
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17:36 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Asked doubted numerous times about when he wanted to play so he could give me a time to turn up to, apparently this was too hard.

So I have suggested he plays me at 7pm next saturday, well see if thats to hard.

As I knew this was a popular game means the people who wanted to watch can watch

Shame Apparently that was to hard!


never told you anything and i will repeat it

all i have done and im sure you can read my posts is ask
are you available to play nothing more nothing less

now youve finally answered ty

cant arrange anything so far ahead although i will try
Sent 3 minutes ago
Posts: 2,800
18:15 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
strikelucky8 said:
Tue 08/11/11 when u joined as angel/////Offline since
6 days ago your old account,, You was using 2 accounts And you also stop with you wannabe post 1 rule for one person another rule for the next

Why post when your not even apart of any clans?

Go away you strange kid
Posts: 7,164
18:19 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i will just clarify a few things as my offline messages confirm

1) all i have i asked is if angel would like to play on 2 differant occasions, still didnt get a simple yes or no answer

2) angel asked would 7 oclock next saturday evening be acceptable i responded i cant say yes or no as its so far away(im sure anyone with common sense would agree the world could end before now and then)

3) but i have said i will try midweek and will do my best to get on nxt saturday all in written offline message available on request,

4) as for a popular time no one will be in game,
my right as im sure you already know that...its in the rules again maybe check tht with your captain

so moving on youve been on all afternoon and still you havnt answered , do you want to play ,,,, a very simple question with a very simple answer

im no drama queen, simple yes or no wouldve done

im on FP regular enough ive never had a game go to default, ive never had this trouble to play a clan game, but hey with you being a new player with a new account, maybe you may need to take advice from your captain, no disrespect intended but most newbies with new accounts could encounter problems thats what captains are for,,, their experience

i wont post again as im sure you realise we couldve played this match 4 or 5 times over ,,, while youve been posting

anyway have a good evening
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:20 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol,, Not strange or a kid But like i said i wont post here anymore Read the thread first before trying to start again
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:25 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
My captain has spoke to you doubted you ignored him as much as you did me!

You asked me to give you a time, I did you now reckon that isnt acceptable.

What more do you want?
Deleted User
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18:28 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
cant see y u need a time u have been on all day
Posts: 1,594
18:30 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive got an idea its a little strange, but how about u play it now lol, ur both online?
Posts: 7,164
18:35 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
your captain gave a window of 100+ included in that is today which was included in that window

all i have asked is did you want to play,,,,, why not just say no im busy ,,, instead of all this

again use your captains experience thats what he is there fore. honestly it works

i have given you and your captain the same windows as yourself + much more

any ways enough of the waffle guess you just dont want to play today ... thats great thanks ,,,, all this to get a clan game played never had this before but hey moving on
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:36 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
angel said:
I wont be around long enough to finish an FCL game atm, however I will be back at 6pm, or all day tomorrow, or any day after school from half 7 this week appart from tuesday and thursday. I will then be available during the next sat and sunday, then all of the following week from half 7 each day. Finally I will be available all of deadline weekend.

Doubted that gives you a window of at least 102 hour laid out to play the clan game against you. Not to mention the previous week in which I have been available for at least 40 hours for you to ask me to play.

If you would like to give me a time frame that you would be available for, I'm sure it would make it more helpful and the fixture will be played quicker.

N.B. Posting at 1pm in the afternoon that you want to play when you have been give the time frame of FROM 7.30PM, doesn't help when getting the game played.

Again I ask when is your availability over the next 2 weeks?

let me take u back to this post second line were it says 'all day tomorrow' which is today
now craig has been here , cant think why u wont play
Posts: 7,164
18:36 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if it makes you happy i will do a swap

saves all this rubbish i will do it shortly
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:38 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Regarding the "experience", as plenty of people are aware, Emma is more experienced in clans than me, theres only 1 other person i know with experience that matches and thats another one of TD.

This game isnt being played when emma gets a message sayin "now" or "now" or "now", hes asked emma to give a simple answer of yes or no, emma has replied and offered 7pm next saturday, with a lengthy reply or his own, surely "a simple yes or no" would be helpful, not a reply of "oh i dunno, the world might end"

Dont post on this thread regarding angel vs doubted2, thats between those two and myself being angels captain
Posts: 2,800
18:40 Sun 15 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pretty sad how your whole clan needs to post.... do you have weekly team meetings also?
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