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05:55 Wed 21 Dec 11 (GMT)
yes, i have a whole brood of babies that i have specifically bred for the purpose of funkypool!
05:56 Wed 21 Dec 11 (GMT)
Oh thats ok then haha hi am am your father! pahha
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05:57 Wed 21 Dec 11 (GMT)
lmfao!....sad we are talking on here and you are sat just on the other side of the room... this what our relationship has come to already?.... bah, i cant even look at you
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06:03 Wed 21 Dec 11 (GMT)
hehe dont go stealing it now
captainking1 said:
what an idea...
hehe dont go stealing it now
11:23 Wed 21 Dec 11 (GMT)
haha 3 TP play for pythons 7 mvp , 1 ex top dogs , 1 top dogs , 1 latin legend and slimeball
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03:58 Thu 22 Dec 11 (GMT)
RAAWWWWWRRR... got some exciting news for you clanners but it will have to wait until tomorrow!
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16:53 Thu 22 Dec 11 (GMT)
Good Day all Twisted Poolers. Only a couple of more days till Santa comes. By chatting with some of you I know you are already getting ready by looking for him in the Pub. I have never seen pool balls roll so crooked in my life. I hope all were good this year and not naughty so Santa will bring all of you many wins and points Even Bri_1974 Happy Holidays and may your New Year be filled with love and peace.
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16:58 Thu 22 Dec 11 (GMT)
I am happy to announce that I have asked coldsteel12 and wales_lad to take over as the new vice captains of Twisted Poolers With Aled's clan experience and Chuck's determination for keeping this clan active and playing games I am confident in leaving clan management in their hands if/when I am not online.
They have the same power as captain except they are not allowed to sign/release people, that remains solely with me.
If in my absense the new vices want to arrange any clan friendlies, please feel free to do so, although ensure there are not more than 2 on at one time.
Guys please find your pics below...
They have the same power as captain except they are not allowed to sign/release people, that remains solely with me.
If in my absense the new vices want to arrange any clan friendlies, please feel free to do so, although ensure there are not more than 2 on at one time.
Guys please find your pics below...

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17:38 Thu 22 Dec 11 (GMT)
I would like to thank Jem for giving me this chance to work with the clan at this level. I also hope that all members except me as their Co vice. I am no better than anyone on this team and I do not mean only in pool. We all joined this clan for the fun of it and fun it will be We want to win as much as we can but we will not win them all. And it will not be one or two players in a match that make us look bad. So if you have a bad match, so what we are a team and will work as one. I am really looking forward to getting with Aled to arrange some clan friendly's. But I hope you all agree that it should be after Christmas for there are so many things going on it would be hard to get both clan team to arrange their games. Jem,s thinking is that since I am from one time zone and Aled from another this will help with organizing matches. Please fill free to ask me any questions you may have and contact me any time. I hope that I can help make The Twisted Poolers a clan name that other clans will remember. Happy Holiday's
03:56 Fri 23 Dec 11 (GMT)
this will also come from me
you can contact me anytime, if im offline send me a offline message and i will get back to u as soon as im online
merry christmas all and i hope you all have a happy new year
the main thing of this clan is to come to gether and have fun
enjoy your holidays
you can contact me anytime, if im offline send me a offline message and i will get back to u as soon as im online
merry christmas all and i hope you all have a happy new year
the main thing of this clan is to come to gether and have fun
enjoy your holidays
04:03 Fri 23 Dec 11 (GMT)
jem can i have team list so i know to add them plz
Deleted User
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15:45 Fri 23 Dec 11 (GMT)
Good day to all. The big day is almost here !!!!
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23:23 Fri 23 Dec 11 (GMT)
Hey Aled, updated team list can be found on my profile page
Hey everyone else
Hey everyone else
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15:20 Sat 24 Dec 11 (GMT)
To all Twisted Poolers.
This is the day before the "Greatest Day of All !!!" Hope everyone has a great Christmas.
This is the day before the "Greatest Day of All !!!" Hope everyone has a great Christmas.
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