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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Mooooorning Poolers x
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Best players in this clan is man_up spoonie and i dont like to brag but me

Best player out of the 3 i'd have to go with man_up

And Afternoon Poolers
Posts: 5,224
13 years ago  [Link]  
Fbl announcement

diamond_jem has now joined the fbl league runners staff
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
^ Woop!

Lol Phil, I think we are all the best in our own way but spoonie did well in his game, shame 2 of the greats had round 1 together

GL to all the rest of you due to play
Posts: 5,224
13 years ago  [Link]  
haha how many greats left then?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
17_m said:
Best players in this clan is man_up spoonie and i dont like to brag but me

Best player out of the 3 i'd have to go with man_up

And Afternoon Poolers

I would include _astonished_ in that list

But i havent played everyone in this clan, i didnt realise man_up was THAT good till i played him.. he was class.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
thanks for your kind words guys.. ive only seen a couple guys from this clan play and im very impressed so far interclan tourny is a gr8 idea spoonie it gets everyone interacting. TP!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Lots of greats James, we all good in our own ways

I agree spoonie, astonished is a very good player, but this will teach you, dont underestimate people
Posts: 5,224
13 years ago  [Link]  
hmmm girl_power7 on need sub
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
Lots of greats James, we all good in our own ways

I agree spoonie, astonished is a very good player, but this will teach you, dont underestimate people

Lesson learnt

No point in subbing yet, still a good while to go
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
soothsayer vs. wellington

soothsayer 3-2 wellington 8 ball billiards
soothsayer 3-2 wellington 9 ball billiards
soothsayer 2-3 wellington 8 ball uk

soothsayer 8-7 wellington

very good games against a good player
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Interclan Tournament

It's FCL format (5 x 8US games, 5 x 9US games and 5 x 8UK games - friendly not ranked - 20 second shot time), the match ups are below...

Round 1

17_m vs bri1974
_plasma_ vs jayboy89
wiggs vs _astonished_

Players who are through

diamond_jem (bye)
matt0021 (bye)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Great games Soothsayer!!
Twisted Poolers have a great player on board in him....
Good to chat to you, nice chap and enjoyed the games.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
very close result, i am impressed guys, i am glad everyone is getting on, spoonie good job setting this up, was a super idea
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  

If it gets over and done with quickly, we can always have another, chance for everyone to meet everyone then

Anybody fancy a FCL format friendly with me this evening? preferably someone i havent played in this clan yet
Posts: 5,224
13 years ago  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
bring it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
Clanners, please welcome wales_lad to Twisted Poolers I trust as usual you will all make Aled feel welcome, good friend of mine, class player and all right nice person...

Clan pic...

Posted Image

___Updated Twisted Poolers Team List___

1. diamond_jem (Captain)
2. 17_m (Vice)
3. theukspoon (Vice)
4. bulldog_oc
5. coldsteel12
6. _plasma_
7. jayboy89
8. bri1974
9. _astonished_
10. matt0021
11. wiggs
12. soothsayer
13. man_up
14. wellington
15. wales_lad
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
theukspoon (8) vs (7) bulldog_oc

8 ball us = 3 - 2
9 ball us = 3 - 2
8 ball uk = 2 - 3

ggs mate, not too happy with that result

ahh well, getting a lil bit better
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
It's a 6 v 6 FCL format (5 x 8US games, 5 x 9US games and 5 x 8UK games - friendly not ranked - 20 second shot time), the match ups are below...

Twisted Poolers (17) vs (52) MVP

17_m (8) vs (7) tinie
coldsteel12 (3) vs (12) beenjammin
theukspoon (3) vs dvz (12)

jayboy89 (1) vs (14) ab_rfc
bri1974 (2) vs (7) eemad - TBC
_astonished_ vs bluenose1872

Lions Den (21) vs (24) Twisted Poolers

thegreatone7 (5) vs (10) diamond_jem
scottishgal vs 17_m
girl_power7 vs _plasma_
_itsjustme_ (12) vs (3) coldsteel12
blue_bum_201 vs bri1974
willie18 (4) vs (11) theukspoon

Please message your opponents and set a time/date to get the games played. Please post on forum or offline message me the result.

Deadline to play these games is Monday 5th December 2011

Can we please push to get these finished only 4 days left !


Edited at 22:27 Wed 30/11/11 (GMT)

Edited at 22:29 Wed 30/11/11 (GMT)
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