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04:22 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lets Play Pooooooooooooool..................................
Posts: 4,557
04:29 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can i see the full list of 8US players ty
Posts: 22,512
04:36 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The link to the website was given Lee mate, there is a link to website on my about me also at the very bottom pal
Deleted User
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05:08 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can i see the full list of 8US players ty

This is the sheeet man; all the best players are in 8us (forget the rest haha ) - it's gonna be a tightly fought competition, complete with highs, lows, twists and turns...
Deleted User
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09:20 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

doubted2 - I don't know if you have seen but you are required to play at least 4 games in a fortnight other wise you will be removed from the league event. If you could play 4 games before you have to go away then that would save you having to play for those 11 days if you get me, when your back to normal you could continue as normal so i don't see any real issue aslong as you play at least 4 games, if you played 1 or 2 then maybe yeah but your very active and don't usually have a problem completing games

Pretty much says everythin. Players reliability is key in this individuals league and i know your online more than regular these days so playin 4 games between now and sunday shouldnt be a problem
Deleted User
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09:25 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

antione08, i wonder - in a case like this: where a player has a high game completion rate and must stay offline for a period of time. Should they suffer punishment for not playing the games?

In such an example, is it possilbe to allow a player with a high game completion rate (either in previous Individual Leagues, or as an overall of all clan competitions) extra time to complete their fixtures?

Edited at 01:20 Thu 08/03/12 (GMT)

Any extra time to complete the fixtures will have to be decided on the circumstances involved

it does seem like we have very active and reliable players this time round, so i doubt it would come down to givin some extra time just yet, towards the end of the fixture is where im expectin to come across this more as each player will obviously av less opponents to choose from

My advice would be to play anyone who is in your particular game type as and when you see them online.

Wasnt only aimed at u potlimit lol was just generally speakin
Deleted User
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09:26 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Individual League is now open for business, and if Ant wants to smack me then he can when he comes on but i may like it

You fully enjoyed that too much the first time lmao
Deleted User
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10:19 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would like to add, please keep a record of who you have NOT played, just so you can keep a track on your games
Posts: 8,149
15:15 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why is it we have to complete a certain amount of games in a certain amount of time?

Before, it used to be start of season to the end of season, and this was working fine. The only mid-season deadline rule should be a certain time to play your own team mates, which I believe is still in place.

Or am I reading this wrong?

Edited at 13:19 Thu 08/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:35 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree i think the older format worked fine.
Deleted User
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15:39 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
the old format didnt work fine when only 3 or 4 players out of 20 who joined were playin all there games

its purely to keep it alive joker mate

there is a deadline so to speak on playin ur own team mates, you should play ur own team mates within the first 10 games

Posts: 38,097
15:57 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
the old format didnt work fine when only 3 or 4 players out of 20 who joined were playin all there games

its purely to keep it alive joker mate

there is a deadline so to speak on playin ur own team mates, you should play ur own team mates within the first 10 games

exactly, it stops people playing 5 or 6 games then simply not playing (like i did last season), trouble is with longer deadlines people relax more and when people relax, games don't get played. with short deadlines people are more alert therefore trying to play games quickly
Deleted User
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16:02 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
actually fair point. thanks.
Deleted User
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16:02 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yea, what dgen said lol

its not like set fixtures with a set amount of time to play that one fixture, and tbf i think the way ive done it will work so much better than before, and not just cuz its my idea

yea 9ball might finish before the end of season, but if players were playin there games wen they saw opponents online in previous seasons, the individuals would av finished well before end of season anyway
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:24 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can everyone keep a record of their games, completed or not, just incase i have to remove players and their results
Deleted User
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22:11 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
skiller10 has asked to be removed from the 9us individuals, this is effective as of now
Posts: 19,819
22:20 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was just going to ask why he is on my list and not the league table lol.
Deleted User
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23:14 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I signed up- with 8's then join vipers dont you think you could have just changed team name....oh well next season?

If i knew i had to sign back up with vipers i would have asap
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:47 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
how many games do we play (ie players not frames)
and where are the fixtures?

just played barbaycue but how do i know who to play next? as he pm'd me to ask me to play
sorry for being a nooob, but im very busy man
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:01 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont worry have just checked fcl site i now know
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