Wolf Pack ..The Hunt is on
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12:28 Sat 17 Dec 11 (GMT)
bulldog_oc should be on tonight pintofshandy is on today, either can sub themselves into this game if i am not online
Edited at 10:44 Sat 17/12/11 (GMT)
strikelucky8 said:
chaulkmeup () vs () mfc_ss
is there a chance of a sub for chaulkmeup just to get that set finished
is there a chance of a sub for chaulkmeup just to get that set finished
Edited at 10:44 Sat 17/12/11 (GMT)
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15:08 Sat 17 Dec 11 (GMT)
Al sub in!! be on tonight just after 11!
rustybmf said:
if u have a chance strike, sub me out if my game aint played by tmrw.. we just dont get on at the same time...
Al sub in!! be on tonight just after 11!
21:35 Sat 17 Dec 11 (GMT)
On a mobile atm. Cant get online as broadband has been down all day. Sorry everyone.
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01:53 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
Edited at 00:21 Sun 18/12/11 (GMT)
Team Angry (72) vs (48) Wolf PackComplete
mrmtp (14) vs (1) strikelucky8
therev (8) vs (7) jose_enrique
no1hustl3r (6) vs (9) skunkyfool
woowoo69 (11) vs (4) ironlak
huts24 (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
scott7a (12) vs (3) buzzboxxuk
ipotalot (12) vs (3) justafluke
poolbiird (3) vs (12) chillibeef
Mouseketeers (47) vs (57) Wolf Pack
eggfriedrice (6) vs (9) strikelucky8
mrflibble (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
chaulkmeup () vs () mfc_ss Match will be played
fastboysam (8) vs (7) skunkyfool
marksmith (6) vs (9) justafluke
thanatos (4) vs (11) jose_enrique
wonderman (10) vs (5) buzzboxxuk
ryanbelfast (7) vs (8) try
Add and message your opponent and Don't worry about losses everyone has them but Do your best lads GOOD LUCK
Deadline 18Th December 2011 MIDNIGHT (GMT)
mrmtp (14) vs (1) strikelucky8
therev (8) vs (7) jose_enrique
no1hustl3r (6) vs (9) skunkyfool
woowoo69 (11) vs (4) ironlak
huts24 (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
scott7a (12) vs (3) buzzboxxuk
ipotalot (12) vs (3) justafluke
poolbiird (3) vs (12) chillibeef
Mouseketeers (47) vs (57) Wolf Pack
eggfriedrice (6) vs (9) strikelucky8
mrflibble (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
chaulkmeup () vs () mfc_ss Match will be played
fastboysam (8) vs (7) skunkyfool
marksmith (6) vs (9) justafluke
thanatos (4) vs (11) jose_enrique
wonderman (10) vs (5) buzzboxxuk
ryanbelfast (7) vs (8) try
Add and message your opponent and Don't worry about losses everyone has them but Do your best lads GOOD LUCK
Deadline 18Th December 2011 MIDNIGHT (GMT)
Edited at 00:21 Sun 18/12/11 (GMT)
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01:56 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
Fbl Set 3
Top Dogs (22) v (14) Wolf Pack
melody (3) v (3) mfc_ss
gentle_giant (5) v (1) dunkyfunk
hightops (2) v (4) jose_enrique
horse10000 (1) v (5) buzzboxxuk
_egotistical (6) v (0) strikelucky8
andyw1 (5) v (1) tinie
michaelg () v () rustybmf
_niall_ () v () ironlak
Team Angry (24) v (24) Wolf Pack COMPLETE
badger2 (3) v (3) strikelucky8 I
huts24 (3) v (3) try
9Ball I
red4ever (2) v (4) tinie
therev (1) v (5) dunkyfunk
poolbiird (4) v (2) chillibeef
ipotalot (3) v (3) jose_enrique
scott7a (6) v (0) skunkyfool
no1hustl3r (2) v (4) rustybmf
18Th December 2011 Midnight (GMT)
Add and message your Opponent And GOOD LUCK
Edited at 01:10 Sun 18/12/11 (GMT)
Top Dogs (22) v (14) Wolf Pack
melody (3) v (3) mfc_ss
gentle_giant (5) v (1) dunkyfunk
hightops (2) v (4) jose_enrique
horse10000 (1) v (5) buzzboxxuk
_egotistical (6) v (0) strikelucky8
andyw1 (5) v (1) tinie
michaelg () v () rustybmf
_niall_ () v () ironlak
Team Angry (24) v (24) Wolf Pack COMPLETE
badger2 (3) v (3) strikelucky8 I
huts24 (3) v (3) try
9Ball I
red4ever (2) v (4) tinie
therev (1) v (5) dunkyfunk
poolbiird (4) v (2) chillibeef
ipotalot (3) v (3) jose_enrique
scott7a (6) v (0) skunkyfool
no1hustl3r (2) v (4) rustybmf
18Th December 2011 Midnight (GMT)
Add and message your Opponent And GOOD LUCK
Edited at 01:10 Sun 18/12/11 (GMT)
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02:17 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
bunrzybhoy () v () justafluke
is now
melody vs mfc_ss
is now
melody vs mfc_ss
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02:29 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
hightops () v () skunkyfool
is now
hightops vs jose_enrique
is now
hightops vs jose_enrique
02:30 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
[B][U]FCL Announcement[/B][/U]
Fixture set four has now been released [:)]. You can find your games with the link provided below.
For the clans that are still in the Clan Cup, we are currently waiting on two games to finish then i can release the Semi Final games as soon as i know who is through [:)] Will be releases on Monday 19th at the latest.
[U]Deadline[/U]: 8/1/12 (3 week deadline as this is Christmas so an extra week has been given)
League Runner.
Fixture set four has now been released [:)]. You can find your games with the link provided below.
For the clans that are still in the Clan Cup, we are currently waiting on two games to finish then i can release the Semi Final games as soon as i know who is through [:)] Will be releases on Monday 19th at the latest.
[U]Deadline[/U]: 8/1/12 (3 week deadline as this is Christmas so an extra week has been given)
League Runner.
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02:45 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
[U][B]NEW FCL 18/12/11[/B][/U][8]
[SPOILER][U][B]Wolf Pack () vs () Top Dogs[/B][/U]
dunkyfunk () vs () [MEMBER]rubber_duck[/MEMBER]
skunkyfool () vs () [MEMBER]gentle_giant[/MEMBER]
mfc_ss () vs () [MEMBER]alxima[/MEMBER]
buzzboxxuk () vs () [MEMBER]cushion[/MEMBER]
jose_enrique () vs () [MEMBER]melody[/MEMBER]
w_hoolahan () vs () [MEMBER]hightops[/MEMBER]
chillibeef () vs () [MEMBER]andyw1[/MEMBER]
justafluke () vs () [MEMBER]tokko[/MEMBER]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[U][B]Shooters () v () Wolf Pack[/B][/U]
[MEMBER]doubted2[/MEMBER] () vs () buzzboxxuk
[MEMBER]chalkie35[/MEMBER] () vs () w_hoolahan
[MEMBER]its_me[/MEMBER] () vs () jose_enrique
[MEMBER]mdj[/MEMBER] () vs () try
[MEMBER]yetti[/MEMBER] () vs () ironlak
[MEMBER]lethal_lures[/MEMBER] () vs () mfc_ss
[MEMBER]jame2010s[/MEMBER] () vs () justafluke
[MEMBER]potlimit[/MEMBER] () vs () skunkyfool
[U][B]3 Week Dead Line Because ITS CHRISTMAS 8Th January 2012 [/B][/U]][B][U]Add and Message your opponent These messages Are used on the defaults Panel So these are important[:)][/B][/U][/SPOILER]
[SPOILER][U][B]Wolf Pack () vs () Top Dogs[/B][/U]
dunkyfunk () vs () [MEMBER]rubber_duck[/MEMBER]
skunkyfool () vs () [MEMBER]gentle_giant[/MEMBER]
mfc_ss () vs () [MEMBER]alxima[/MEMBER]
buzzboxxuk () vs () [MEMBER]cushion[/MEMBER]
jose_enrique () vs () [MEMBER]melody[/MEMBER]
w_hoolahan () vs () [MEMBER]hightops[/MEMBER]
chillibeef () vs () [MEMBER]andyw1[/MEMBER]
justafluke () vs () [MEMBER]tokko[/MEMBER]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[U][B]Shooters () v () Wolf Pack[/B][/U]
[MEMBER]doubted2[/MEMBER] () vs () buzzboxxuk
[MEMBER]chalkie35[/MEMBER] () vs () w_hoolahan
[MEMBER]its_me[/MEMBER] () vs () jose_enrique
[MEMBER]mdj[/MEMBER] () vs () try
[MEMBER]yetti[/MEMBER] () vs () ironlak
[MEMBER]lethal_lures[/MEMBER] () vs () mfc_ss
[MEMBER]jame2010s[/MEMBER] () vs () justafluke
[MEMBER]potlimit[/MEMBER] () vs () skunkyfool
[U][B]3 Week Dead Line Because ITS CHRISTMAS 8Th January 2012 [/B][/U]][B][U]Add and Message your opponent These messages Are used on the defaults Panel So these are important[:)][/B][/U][/SPOILER]
03:00 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
Just a quick heads up a slight change to the time limit of default messages.
Cup - No Later than 24 Hours (meaning Monday Midnight) due to 3 cup matches together so can't relax on those
League - No Later than 48 Hours as Normal.
Send info to me or bluenose if you feel your game is or has gone to default and ill check the info to the best of my ability.
FCL Staff.
Cup - No Later than 24 Hours (meaning Monday Midnight) due to 3 cup matches together so can't relax on those
League - No Later than 48 Hours as Normal.
Send info to me or bluenose if you feel your game is or has gone to default and ill check the info to the best of my ability.
FCL Staff.
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03:00 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
aw man I'm against my Kryptonite this fixture everytime I've played rubber ducky in tournys in the past I've always lost I shall do my best though
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03:10 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
fbl mfc_ss 3-3 melody
soz team should have won it missed black on 2 frames
soz team should have won it missed black on 2 frames
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03:23 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
_niall_ v ironlak
is now
antione08 v ironlak
is now
antione08 v ironlak
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03:34 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
fcl game: playing annonemouse around 8 30 pm tonight
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03:39 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
You aint alone on that one!
dunkyfunk said:
aw man I'm against my Kryptonite this fixture everytime I've played rubber ducky in tournys in the past I've always lost I shall do my best though
You aint alone on that one!
21:26 Sun 18 Dec 11 (GMT)
I can sub into one of the remaining FBL games if you have someone online
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Wolf Pack ..The Hunt is on
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